Is it actually dangerous to wear Cowboy's gear to the Linc?

You'll be worse off in the parking lot than in the actual stadium. These fans will have been tailgating all day and be waaaaaasted by game time. they lost last week, so another loss will send them into a frenzy.

i went to the game in Philly in 2013 (I now live in South Philly, about 10 minutes from the stadium). I wore blue but no visible Cowboy stuff. In the actual game, a lot depends on where you sit. I had really good seats, so you get more professional people and families, so you can clap and cheer and be good, even spoke to a lot of people around me. When we won though, the two guys sitting next to me and my then-GF were pissed and one threw an empty water bottle at me...I told him to go use the tears in his eyes on his buddy. To be fair, I was chirping a lot during the game...had the drink in me since 8 AM.

I'd mostly watch out in the parking lot, though even there it can be totally fine as there are, inevitably, a lot of other Cowboy fans around. And especially watch out after the game, when we've won :)

It's really disappointing though. I grew up in South Jersey and now live in South Philly, and the area and people are so nice. It's really a shame they can't be civil to rival fans in their stadium. A huge majority are totally fine and jovial, but it just takes that one group of *******s to ruin your day.

You should be banned for being a liar.

Everyone knows that there is absolutely ZERO good, kind, or quality Eagles fans. Stop trying to make people think there are.

And Philly loves all sports, but the Eagles and football are their #1, by far. Phillies' fans are fine, stuff like this never happens at Flyers' games. But football is a different animal for them. They become totally rabid. Must be the terrible lack of success.

Lack of success is no excuse.

You don't see Browns fans acting anywhere near this bad.

Philly is full of some of the dumbest, most useless, sports fans in the world.

Their fan base, by and large, is so terrible that I'd never go to a game in Philly, for any reason. I wouldn't even go to Philly for any reason. There is absolutely zero reason I'd ever have a thing to do with anything in Philly.

Which is likely a shame cause I'm sure, as you pointed out before, there are a lot of great people and places to go in that city, away from the sports stuff, but their stupid and useless fans absolutely ruin anything Philly for me.
It happened about 3 years ago..

Sounds right and makes sense.
The Bengals where in Philly in 2012 for a Thursday night game ...and they flat out destroyed the eagles , 34-13.
Night game. lots of drinking, a blowout loss...yeah...I could see trouble happening for Bengals fans that night.
The Linc is nowhere near what the Vet used to be. It's actually fairly tame. And of course it depends where you sit. If you're in the lower level you should be fine as long as you can take some yelling and name calling and keep walking. In the upper levels you could potentially get in a bad section, but that would just be luck of the draw.

In reality People just love to perpetuate the philly stereotype though. There will always be drunk idiots at any football stadium that will give the opposing fans a hard time. Just a fact of life, philly is no better or worse than any other major market team.

This is complete and utter BS. Sorry but total BS.

I've been to many games (College and professional) and never one time have I seen people pour beers on opposing fans, in particular kids. I've never seen people threaten the lives of the opposing fans sitting in their sections.

This is the normal for Philly fans because they're absolutely useless beings.

I'm sure you can find a few good sections full of decent people in the Linc but by and large the experiences there will go far worse than they'd go at practically every other football stadium in the world.
Late to comment in this thread, my apologies. I was at a game in Arizona, many years ago, with my oldest Son. We were both wearing Cowboy gear, he could not have been much older then 10 or so. While leaving the stadium, a drunken fan reached out and grabbed my Son's Jersey and started talking crap to him. I came unglued. In the moment, I was angry beyond sensibilities. We were surrounded by Cardinal Fans and I never really took a moment to use good judgement. If they had decided to just attack me when I attacked that guy, who knows what could have happened to me, or more importantly, my Son? The lasting memory I have of that game is that incident. I didn't really enjoy the experience because of that.

I guess what I am trying to say is that you spend good money to enjoy the sport. If you think that wearing Cowboy Gear will detract from that, then I would say don't do it. If you feel like wearing the gear will make it more enjoyable for you, then do that. It's about you enjoying the experience.
I'm just going off my experience there. SF was super tame when I went.

The last few years 49ers fans have seemed to be on a mission to become the new Philly. They're starting to try and become absolutely useless wastes of perfectly good air.
I'd say don't so it. My brother used to work for the Boys when JerryWorld was first opening. He was one of a handful of senior people working with them in selling the corporate suites. After a couple of successful months Jerry flew the team to the Philly Sunday night game. He told me that if they even looked at people sideways they got cursed at and at some points security told the group to just keep to themselves and not provoke. So I'm sure if you are cool with being quiet its fine but I think it would provoke a large amount of the chuckleheads there.

That's a major problem right there too. Why is the security telling the people who aren't causing the trouble to not provoke? Start taking these knuckleheads out of the stadium who want to throw stuff and go over board.

I don't care how bad it pisses Joe Philly Fanatic off. If you're throwing stuff, bullying children, etc then you deserve to be kicked from the game, and the property.

Instead of worrying so much about concussion stuff the NFL should take a serious look into cleaning up BS like this. Start making these teams, especially in Philly, more responsible for the actions and BS of their fans.
When? I heard nothing of that and people are quick to poo poo on Philly fans. Last time they played here was in 2004

You don't hear about it as much anymore cause this is the norm for people when it comes to Philly fans. It's like "Oh Philly fans did that again? Shocking."
Lack of success is no excuse.

You don't see Browns fans acting anywhere near this bad.

Philly is full of some of the dumbest, most useless, sports fans in the world.

Their fan base, by and large, is so terrible that I'd never go to a game in Philly, for any reason. I wouldn't even go to Philly for any reason. There is absolutely zero reason I'd ever have a thing to do with anything in Philly.

Which is likely a shame cause I'm sure, as you pointed out before, there are a lot of great people and places to go in that city, away from the sports stuff, but their stupid and useless fans absolutely ruin anything Philly for me.

Oh ok, so you've never been there, but apparently know a lot about it.
I used to work at the Linc giving tours. An overwhelmingly majority of the fans are great. I've been to games at every single stadium. They are mostly fine. I have experience, you do not.
This is complete and utter BS. Sorry but total BS.

I've been to many games (College and professional) and never one time have I seen people pour beers on opposing fans, in particular kids. I've never seen people threaten the lives of the opposing fans sitting in their sections.

This is the normal for Philly fans because they're absolutely useless beings.

I'm sure you can find a few good sections full of decent people in the Linc but by and large the experiences there will go far worse than they'd go at practically every other football stadium in the world.

Again: You've never been, but apparently know it all. Am I allowed to call people idiots on here?
You sound like an ignorant child going on rants about something you know very little about.
And if you don't think fan abuse happens elsewhere, you're once again being ignorant, which is apparently your shtick.
Oh ok, so you've never been there, but apparently know a lot about it.
I used to work at the Linc giving tours. An overwhelmingly majority of the fans are great. I've been to games at every single stadium. They are mostly fine. I have experience, you do not.

Cool story.

I've seen more then enough of other people's experiences to know what I need to.

I don't see any stories like this for any of the teams places I've been to.

I'm glad you love the Linc and the people in your town. Good for you.
Again: You've never been, but apparently know it all. Am I allowed to call people idiots on here?
You sound like an ignorant child going on rants about something you know very little about.
And if you don't think fan abuse happens elsewhere, you're once again being ignorant, which is apparently your shtick.


Okay bro.

I've never been to Iraq either but I can gain a pretty good understanding, knowledge, and opinion of rather it's a great place or not from other people's experiences.

You can call people whatever you want. The only idiots in this world are the ones that can see all these posts of people's experiences in Philly and try and sell people on the idea that it's not that bad there.

You're either a complete idiot or just blissfully blind to what goes on around you.

Again I've been to multiple teams places and I've never once seen fans pouring beer on anyone, especially children, or throwing bottles at people or threatening to hurt anyone cause who they're rooting for.

But keeping telling yourself that Philly isn't all that bad. There are tons and tons of experiences posted about here, over the years, that speak to it being otherwise.

And another one bites the dust!! YEAH!.
I take it you have never been to a Reno/Boise St. game.......Fans literally come on the field and crap on you. Stay classy Reno......Reno/Philly = same breed

In another picture a fan is flipping off Billy his face.

Personally...I find it really disturbing that fans can get that close to players. Who knows if a fan might have bad intentions?

A lot of these replies seem like individuals that are older than 30 because I've been to every division rival stadium with cowboys gear and never felt threatened. Giants stadium was the most civil. People poke fun and make jokes but it's all good humor. If you run off at the mouth and act like an idiot then you're def asking for trouble. There's a lot of cowboys fans in Philly and especially DC. Philly I guess is the "most dangerous" but there's quite a few fans wearing their gear.

Seating also is a factor as if you sit in the nosebleeds you'll probably be near someone or a group of someone's without an actual career and would be more likely to engage in fisticuffs but even still as long as you are respectful and laugh everything off you're fine. If you sit there and spout Americas team, we have more rings, yada yada yada then you may be asking for it. But what some people are posting can't be the norm as of today. Maybe 20 years ago at the Vet...
A lot of these replies seem like individuals that are older than 30 because I've been to every division rival stadium with cowboys gear and never felt threatened. Giants stadium was the most civil. People poke fun and make jokes but it's all good humor. If you run off at the mouth and act like an idiot then you're def asking for trouble. There's a lot of cowboys fans in Philly and especially DC. Philly I guess is the "most dangerous" but there's quite a few fans wearing their gear.

Seating also is a factor as if you sit in the nosebleeds you'll probably be near someone or a group of someone's without an actual career and would be more likely to engage in fisticuffs but even still as long as you are respectful and laugh everything off you're fine. If you sit there and spout Americas team, we have more rings, yada yada yada then you may be asking for it. But what some people are posting can't be the norm as of today. Maybe 20 years ago at the Vet...

So if that's your opinion - then you're saying several people are making up these personal stories. Why is it so hard to believe that threats and intimidation are part of some fan's experience in Philly?

I know an NBA player who played for the 76ers a few years ago and was beloved by Sixer fans. He was a huge Cowboy fan and he told us he went to one game in Cowboy gear was scared to death in the parking lot because he was wearing a Cowboy hat and jacket. Said he would never do it again.

I'm glad though you've never had a problem. That's the way it should be and I hope you keep going to division games and never encounter one.
Went to Cincy a couple of years ago and couldn't have been happier about how I was treated. I parked at Great American Ballpark and walked thru Bar Row with a Dez jersey on and had not one word said to me and same at the stadium.
I have worn my cowboys gear to philly the last 8 years.. Just don't act like a idiot and you will be fine.. Have fun with there fans.. If they boo you just take it and smile.. They are harmless

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