Is it actually dangerous to wear Cowboy's gear to the Linc?

I had my Romo Jersey in Seattle and a guy threw a green cupcake at me , lol. At Philly probably would've been a battery or rock.

Really? I didn't get any grief in Seattle. I was also tailgating with all seahawks fan, and a cardinal fan. He got more crap than myself.
What a sad, pathetic city and fan base.

I had a blast in Dallas last weekend hanging out with some Giants fans. Lots of good natured ribbing and some trash talk after the game, but all in good fun. THAT is what sports should be about.

Never in my life have I even considered fighting someone over a sporting event or what team they like.
Has anybody done this? What are your experiences? I am going to the game on Sunday and was thinking of wearing my Dez jersey.

I wouldn't. Some of the most ignorant fans you will ever encounter. I'll never forget being 6 years old and watching a drunk Philly fan try to pick a fight with my Dad because he politely asked this idiot to stop dropping F bombs in front of me and my 2 brothers. They deserve they crappy city they live in.
Really? I didn't get any grief in Seattle. I was also tailgating with all seahawks fan, and a cardinal fan. He got more crap than myself.

For the most part, everyone was great. In fact 99.8 % of them were cool fans. Maybe it was because my little boy was with me also in his jersey, so nobody really gave us a hard time. But there's always one out of hand drunk guy no matter where you are. :)
Has anybody done this? What are your experiences? I am going to the game on Sunday and was thinking of wearing my Dez jersey.

I live a few blocks from the LINC...i will privately email you my address so you can attempt to make it to my house when they are chasing you or you need a place to dress your wounds.
In 1995, I worked for Capital Blue Cross Insurance in their Computer Division in one of their PA offices.

One night my co-workers were sneaking around the office with a signup sheet. They were trying to keep me from knowing what they were doing. I got curious and confronted my supervisor about it. He told me they were looking for persons interested in going on a bus trip to the E-Girls-Cowboys game in Veteran Stadium.

Right after, I went to my co-workers and stated I was very interested in going and they let me sign their list. Less than an hour later, my one co-worker pulled me aside and told me they took a 'poll' about letting me go along with them. They were concerned I would be wearing my Cowboys coat, jersey and hat to the game. He told me I was not welcome to go on the trip.

I asked him 'Why not?'. He told me they were afraid I would get them all 'beat up'.

At that time in my life, I was at the peak of body building and Im not trying to brag, I was pretty pumped up. I looked at him an said "Do you REALLY think I am afraid of getting beat up at the game by E-Girls fans?"

He replied, "No, that's the problem. We are 'concerned' you might get us beat up. The others put me in charge of asking you politely to not to go to the game with us or most everyone will not go at all."

I was livid & seething with anger inside. However, I kept my mouth shut about it, even though I wanted to tell what POS I thought they were.

Two days later, I quit. Luckily right after that, I got a job with PSINet Internet Serivce doing Tech Support in their Call Center and it turned out to be the best job I every held.

Has anybody done this? What are your experiences? I am going to the game on Sunday and was thinking of wearing my Dez jersey.

to be honest...its not worth it. Philly fans wear it as badge of honor by doing things to opposing fans. Its demented fan base. Wear blue if you must but blend in...and don't try to get their attention. Next time try to go to Dallas and see a game...its worth extra money.
I once went to a Skins v Eagles game in the old veteran stadium. Went with a friend from Philly. Was in a section that was roughly 50:50 skins and eagles. A lot of trash talk - mostly good natured. Skins and Eagles were more focused on each other than the lone Cowboys fan. Maybe would be different if the Cowboys were playing.
I would wear it. I've been to worse places. Philly fans wouldn't be on my list of thingsto fear. Unless they had spiders on them. :eek:

Actually, spiders would prolly HELP in a situation like that if you had them on you!
I'm in NYC. We have everybody here, and that includes fans for all the teams. There are bars all around the city that promote specific teams. NY'ers have other things to do than worry about who isn't a fan of their team. I've never had a problem in NY, ever.

Very true, usually just some good humored ribbing! Went to a Giant Packer game in 2007, the Pack put a hurting on the Giants, no one gave any of the idiot cheeseheads in the section a hard time! Just one guy was wearing a OJ Simpson jersey, someone walked up to him and asked him to cover his shirt, which he did!
Seeing these posts about other people's experiences just absolutely makes me ashamed to be an American and a football fan. The way people act over this stuff is absolutely idiotic, to put it kindly.

When you have to actually ask if it's safe to wear your teams jersey to another stadium it just shows you how out of touch people are in regards to just how important sports really are.

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