Is Jerry Jones Influencing Zeke Investigation?

I think perhaps Jerry is 100% "right on" about Zeke -- he may be a bit smitten by his rise to fame but he's done nothing at all to warrant punishment from the commissioner's office. Goodell can sit on his hat, as far as I'm concerned, if he'd somehow like to think otherwise.

Much the same can be said for Wellington Mara, who, I'm pretty sure would like to see nothing better. One of these days, Goodell will overreach his bounds, if he hasn't already. I know there's no shortage of those who think he already has. Nobody is "bulletproof."
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I think Mara has a view of his own but is only 1 of 32 owners


There are a lot more people involved than just Mara. Let's drop the conspiracies. 9/11 was a hoax, the moon landing was staged, and Kraft Mac and Cheese doesn't actually contain real cheese.

Maybe someone can explain why the NFL would conspire against the highest earning team in the league. If Dallas suffers financially, everyone suffers financially. It's in the league's best interest for Dallas to be successful.

There are a lot more people involved than just Mara. Let's drop the conspiracies. 9/11 was a hoax, the moon landing was staged, and Kraft Mac and Cheese doesn't actually contain real cheese.

Maybe someone can explain why the NFL would conspire against the highest earning team in the league. If Dallas suffers financially, everyone suffers financially. It's in the league's best interest for Dallas to be successful.

Oh, cut it out. Relax, Francis, it's merely a league-wide meme that we embrace on the Zone.

Welcome to Cowboys Zone, would you like a tour?
I tend to find humor in these situations. We have many Cowboy fans who feel the League is out to get the Cowboys and yet on the other side those who think the Cowboys are somehow privileged and not being held to the same standards.

Myself I don't think Cowboys are treated special and not one to think the league is out to get them.
i agree with you for the most part but the Josh Brown thing still sticks in my craw.
So the NFL is the morality police now? Have you seen the players in the NFL? Most of them have a hard time following the actual laws. Why create imaginary ones too?

The NFL is a business and as such they have an image to portray and protect. But just like everything else in our society, there are contradictory impulses. The NFL needs to look like a responsible corporate citizen on issues like domestic violence and drinking and driving and not look like they are tolerating too much anti-social behavior. On the other hand, there are die hard fans who don't want the on field product diminished too much by off field morality policing. Everyone hates Goodell and not without some reason, but his job isn't an easy one here.

Jerry Jones has influence over the commissioner's office? Guffaw!
I still haven't seen anything he's done that's suspendable. Teams just have it out for the Cowboys. Tired of it too. If they have proof that he's guilty than release it. Otherwise shut up.
Well that's the problem we don't get any info on what they have found!
Even if they do or don't suspend him
We still won't get much information.

I think they have something on Elliott
But not much or they would have suspended him by now.
If they had nothing they would have cleared him by now.
There should be a time limit on the investigation
I think you've been contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, lately, 101.

Mara, no doubt, is one of the most powerful owners in sports, let alone the NFL. Where Jerry uses his energy for marketing, Mara uses his for political gain within the league. He was behind our and the Commanders CAP penalty. Collusion much? He was behind the Zeke witch hunt (while harboring a repeated woman beater on his squad, and waxing poetic about it at the same time).

Mara is a pillar within the league. He calls some shots he shouldn't be calling. It is what it is, 101.
Can we get this thing over with... influence, power, Mara ..etc.. there's been a full legal investigation by two states and the NFL has spent over a year "looking" at this from every angle. Please can we move on Godelle?
No Jerry is not....Mara is influencing it as well as that biased Gints fan Friel....they are keeping it going in a negative way....
Always nice to hear from an insider with facts to support his statement. Thanks!
I think you've been contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, lately, 101.

Mara, no doubt, is one of the most powerful owners in sports, let alone the NFL. Where Jerry uses his energy for marketing, Mara uses his for political gain within the league. He was behind our and the Commanders CAP penalty. Collusion much? He was behind the Zeke witch hunt (while harboring a repeated woman beater on his squad, and waxing poetic about it at the same time).

Mara is a pillar within the league. He calls some shots he shouldn't be calling. It is what it is, 101.
C'mon Trouty, you have ZERO proof he is behind the Zeke "witch hunt" and he was already head of the NFL management council when Jerry and his slimy buddy Snyder broke an unspoken agreement. No other owners went to bat for either of them. Outside of his duties as head of the NFL management council, what shots is he calling?
C'mon Trouty, you have ZERO proof he is behind the Zeke "witch hunt" and he was already head of the NFL management council when Jerry and his slimy buddy Snyder broke an unspoken agreement. No other owners went to bat for either of them. Outside of his duties as head of the NFL management council, what shots is he calling?

And what would the other owners do or say. Maybe it was in fear of retaliation ..... LOL.....
C'mon Trouty, you have ZERO proof he is behind the Zeke "witch hunt" and he was already head of the NFL management council when Jerry and his slimy buddy Snyder broke an unspoken agreement. No other owners went to bat for either of them. Outside of his duties as head of the NFL management council, what shots is he calling?

unspoken agreement. Wow you are really reaching. That whole CAP thing was total HC and not surprised you are unable to see that.

The deal that supposedly broke this unspoken agreement was APPROVED by the League Office. SO frankly you have no legs to stand on at all.
unspoken agreement. Wow you are really reaching. That whole CAP thing was total HC and not surprised you are unable to see that.

The deal that supposedly broke this unspoken agreement was APPROVED by the League Office. SO frankly you have no legs to stand on at all.
Legally they didn't break any rules but I think it was a slimy move and I'm not surprised Jerry and Snyder were the only ones to take advantage of it to the extreme they did.

How exactly is it a reach when 29 of 32 owners went along with the "agreement" but 3 didn't and 2 of the three tried to take advantage to the fullest?

You want to talk about reaching, keep supporting your "Mara is behind everything negative that happens to the Cowboys that we don't have an answer for" without any proof whatsoever other than the salary cap agreement already discussed.

Once again, the whole point of this thread was that others think the Cowboys are favored in some areas for different reasons but you and a few others refuse to even acknowledge that could be the case. Instead you just revert back to blaming Mara for all the Cowboys problems. It would actually be comical if you didn't believe it but you do so it ends up being sad and pathetic.
Legally they didn't break any rules but I think it was a slimy move and I'm not surprised Jerry and Snyder were the only ones to take advantage of it to the extreme they did.

How exactly is it a reach when 29 of 32 owners went along with the "agreement" but 3 didn't and 2 of the three tried to take advantage to the fullest?

You want to talk about reaching, keep supporting your "Mara is behind everything negative that happens to the Cowboys that we don't have an answer for" without any proof whatsoever other than the salary cap agreement already discussed.

Once again, the whole point of this thread was that others think the Cowboys are favored in some areas for different reasons but you and a few others refuse to even acknowledge that could be the case. Instead you just revert back to blaming Mara for all the Cowboys problems. It would actually be comical if you didn't believe it but you do so it ends up being sad and pathetic.

you rant all the time you actually begin to believe it.

Any so called agreement between the owners would have been COLLUSION and against the law even with the NFL special exemption. Once again the deal was APPROVED By the league office and WHO IS THE LEAGUE? THE OWNERS. As regards Mara I do not think he has any extra influence at all. BUT since he probably spends more time round the league office then any other owner he might get more done. That is neither here nor there.
I think you've been contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, lately, 101.

Mara, no doubt, is one of the most powerful owners in sports, let alone the NFL. Where Jerry uses his energy for marketing, Mara uses his for political gain within the league. He was behind our and the Commanders CAP penalty. Collusion much? He was behind the Zeke witch hunt (while harboring a repeated woman beater on his squad, and waxing poetic about it at the same time).

Mara is a pillar within the league. He calls some shots he shouldn't be calling. It is what it is, 101.

Jerry Jones is also one of the most powerful owners in the NFL. His is the premier organization in the NFL and in all of sports. You act as if Mara runs the NFL he does not. He has 1 vote out of 32 and his counts no more than any other owner. NFL can't make a move without the owners voting on it and Mara can't have players suspended on his whim.
Yet, the Cowboys have had the most games missed by suspended players in the entire league in recent years.

Since 2000 the Cowboys rank 26th in players arrested. As for any suspension most have been drug related be it performance enhancing or illegal. That is not the fault of the NFL that is the fault of the player.
The NFL is a business and as such they have an image to portray and protect. But just like everything else in our society, there are contradictory impulses. The NFL needs to look like a responsible corporate citizen on issues like domestic violence and drinking and driving and not look like they are tolerating too much anti-social behavior. On the other hand, there are die hard fans who don't want the on field product diminished too much by off field morality policing. Everyone hates Goodell and not without some reason, but his job isn't an easy one here.

People did not like Paul Tagliabue either. Not many commissioner in sports that fans like.

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