Is Jerry Jones Influencing Zeke Investigation?

Since 2000 the Cowboys rank 26th in players arrested. As for any suspension most have been drug related be it performance enhancing or illegal. That is not the fault of the NFL that is the fault of the player.

Everybody knows that. I was responding somewhat sarcasticly to the idea that fans of other teams think Dallas gets special treatment which makes no sense because they are leading in suspensions in recent years.
Everybody knows that. I was responding somewhat sarcasticly to the idea that fans of other teams think Dallas gets special treatment which makes no sense because they are leading in suspensions in recent years.

I agree. I don't think Cowboys get special treatment nor do I feel the NFL is out to get them. I think Cowboys have had some guys who have made mistakes and some repeat offenders in large part because Dallas has signed guys with checkered past and giving guys the so called 2nd chance and at times this has come back to bite Dallas. They knew the risk when they took the chance on these guys
I agree. I don't think Cowboys get special treatment nor do I feel the NFL is out to get them. I think Cowboys have had some guys who have made mistakes and some repeat offenders in large part because Dallas has signed guys with checkered past and giving guys the so called 2nd chance and at times this has come back to bite Dallas. They knew the risk when they took the chance on these guys

I agree with that, but......

I have a problem that the woman presiding over this investigation is an admitted Giants who says she has a "Giants shrine" in her house.
I agree with that, but......

I have a problem that the woman presiding over this investigation is an admitted Giants who says she has a "Giants shrine" in her house.

Would you feel better if she was an eagles fan? lol
I think finding people who are not a fan of anyone would be hard to do but I expect her to be professional in her job. I do think any punishment at least based on what I have read of the account will have a strong push back by the NFLPA, Zeke and his agent and Jerry. That is unless there is something out there we are unaware of. If NFL does issue a suspension I expect them to give full reason why and I think all the parties I have mentioned will want to know why as well.
Would you feel better if she was an eagles fan? lol
I think finding people who are not a fan of anyone would be hard to do but I expect her to be professional in her job. I do think any punishment at least based on what I have read of the account will have a strong push back by the NFLPA, Zeke and his agent and Jerry. That is unless there is something out there we are unaware of. If NFL does issue a suspension I expect them to give full reason why and I think all the parties I have mentioned will want to know why as well.
I rather she was a Jaguar fan. lol

There are a lot more people involved than just Mara. Let's drop the conspiracies. 9/11 was a hoax, the moon landing was staged, and Kraft Mac and Cheese doesn't actually contain real cheese.

Maybe someone can explain why the NFL would conspire against the highest earning team in the league. If Dallas suffers financially, everyone suffers financially. It's in the league's best interest for Dallas to be successful.
Dallas does not suffer financially unless they lose for a significant amount of time. Suspensions keep the relevancy, and that is just fine for Jones.

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