Is Merriman on way out in San Diego this year or next? Would Wade look at him?

Hostile;2927503 said:
Let me ask you this. Did anyone know this stuff about Haley when we acquired him? I didn't until Pearlman's book. I suspect most are in the same boat.

I'm sorry, but it changes my perspective to know ahead of time about issues guys are having. I don't think Merriman's knee is right. I think he is still on juice and going to be suspended long term, and he has other questionable issues.

Haley's crap is eye opening, but was it ever going to cause him to be unavailable on Sunday? Injury issues and suspensions do.

I don't see the situations as apples to apples. Again, we needed pass rush when we acquired Haley. I don't see that as a need right now. I would rather get a top notch WR opposite Roy than an OLB, and I mean any OLB. I don't see it as a need.

If I had known ahead of time about Haley's dementia, as opposed to in retrospect; I probably would not have wanted him. I am honest enough to admit that. You can disagree. I'll respect your right to do so. I respect the heck out of both guy's efforts on the football field. But I lost respect for Haley after reading those stories. If anything you have further cemented my desire to stay away from Merriman by making them similar.

The urinating incidents were well-documented in San Fran BEFORE Haley arrived in Dallas. And I don't think his chronic back problems began AFTER he arrived here either. Jerry is no fool - he knew exactly what he was getting with Haley but in his gambler's mind the potential reward far outweighed the risks.

You are right - this comparison isn't apples-to-apples because I think, in retrospect, Haley's issues were far worse than Merriman's. Perhaps the saving grace with Haley is that everybody knew he was passionate about the game and about winning and left everything on the field - every game.

I'm not saying that Merriman doesn't come with some risks, but I don't think the possibility of him joining this team should be summarily dismissed either.
Hostile;2926592 said:
So the fact that I know someone who used to work out at the same gym as him in college and says he is a thug plays no part?
Find me a 53 man team with no thugs on it, and I'll buy you a big fat sammich. Better yet, I'll bet there are several thugs on this board.
mperfection;2927510 said:
The urinating incidents were well-documented in San Fran BEFORE Haley arrived in Dallas. And I don't think his chronic back problems began AFTER he arrived here either. Jerry is no fool - he knew exactly what he was getting with Haley but in his gambler's mind the potential reward far outweighed the risks.

You are right - this comparison isn't apples-to-apples because I think, in retrospect, Haley's issues were far worse than Merriman's. Perhaps the saving grace with Haley is that everybody knew he was passionate about the game and about winning and left everything on the field - every game.

I'm not saying that Merriman doesn't come with some risks, but I don't think the possibility of him joining this team should be summarily dismissed either.
It's so long ago I don't remember if Haley had prior back issues, but I think they started in 1995. In looking at his playing career stats it certainly doesn't look like he had injury issues until then.

I think Merriman here should be dismissed and would think so even if he was an Eagle Scout. Unless Anthony Spencer is a total dud or gets injured there is no need.

It's a high salary idea for a backup player. Not interested. The character issues just make it more set in stone.
Judas;2927516 said:
Find me a 53 man team with no thugs on it, and I'll buy you a big fat sammich. Better yet, I'll bet there are several thugs on this board.
Find me a position in the NFL that requires thug like behavior to be successful. That should be much easier since there are only really 22 starting positions. I'll buy you a big fat sammich too.

I don't respect thugs on this board either.
Hostile;2927520 said:
It's so long ago I don't remember if Haley had prior back issues, but I think they started in 1995. In looking at his playing career stats it certainly doesn't look like he had injury issues until then..

If memory serves me correctly, it was actually 1994, and I think it was the Oilers game where he injured it, chasing Bucky Richardson.
Hostile;2926772 said:
Would first hand experince also be remembering steroids suspensions and arrest for domestic violence? Or since I was neither a Balco employee or an arresting officer I should have no opinion on it. I wonder how we ever survive in life. Why did you bu that car if you don't work for GM? You know nothing about that car.

Why did you read the new Harry Potterbook if you aren't going to be in the movie.

Man, makes life sound awful dul to go through everything with your eyes shut. Think I'll stick with what I've observed and learned.

Your examples are stupid to say the least. All I'm saying is to take things with a grain of salt before you place judgment on something. Your buddy told you he was a bully and you're running with it. I mean He must be right, He's your friend.

And last time I checked using steriods has nothing to do with being a bully. And getting charged with something is one thing and being convicted of it is another. Plus Nobody knows the true story.
M'Kevon;2927456 said:
Actually, no. Unless Merriman was attempting serious harm, it may or may not leave bruises. Would leave redness, that depending on the person, may blend with the skin tone, especially if they were already drunk or excited.

Regarding keys, again, my experience is with friends, not strangers, and at homes. Difficult, yes. But I've never had to resort to physical violence, unless not letting them out the front door is considered violence.

She is claiming that was his attempt...hence why she is making the charges. Unless choking means - lightly placing your hands around someones neck. So she doesn’t have a case unless there is some type of physcial evidence.

I honestly question whether you have done any of this. If someone wants to get out of your house, there is no way you can keep them there without some type of confrontation occurring.
Tovya;2926490 said:
i agree, but at the same time, we really don't know what happened, so i reserve judgment for a clearer indication of what happened. as it stands, it's he-said-she-said. i'm interested in hearing what the other people who were present have to say about about what happened.

none-the-less, can you imagine him and d-ware together? it would be just sick!

Until he gets caught doing 'roids again... absent that, are you quite sure that he'd be the same force without the 'roids?? Or could he turn into the defensive equivalent of Tony Mandarich??
Hostile;2926626 said:
That's because Vegas is looking to induce betting. I am not.

Do I think all 32 teams have an equal shot? No, and I'm not saying they do. Better teams obviously have a better shot. Right now, with all teams at 0-0 mathematically they are dead equal and have just over a 3% chance. You cannot fortell injuries and stupid bounces of the ball or fate at this point.

Betting odds are fine, but I am talking strictly factual mathematics.

Have you ever noticed how many anal-retentive folk we have on this board?? :D
MichaelWinicki;2926657 said:
Wasn't it Charles who knew what you thought?

Gosh, you mean there are two of them now? :D

It would scare the crap out of me to even think I knew what was going on in Hos' mind...

MichaelWinicki;2926666 said:
Gosh, why can't we just have someone here who says that they hate all of us.

I miss that. :)

I hate all of you...

There, do you feel better now??
RS12;2926685 said:
Odds are really one in twenty nine. Raiders, Chiefs, Broncos have no prayer. None-zero.

That's not true, the other 29 teams could all perish in separate plane crashes...

I wonder what the odds are of that happening, since we're all apparently master statisticians in this thread??
Hostile;2926731 said:

I hate him, too...

Hell, I even hate me... then again, so does my dog, and she's got more sense than about 99.999 per cent of this board...

I eagerly await the posts disputing the 99.999 per cent statistic... I am prepared to defend it with my life...

Man, we REALLY need for the real season to get here in a hurry, folks are pickin' fights over the stupidest crapola...
DallasDomination;2926758 said:
But wait you are always right and I'm wrong. Got it.

I find him to be right a hell of a lot more often than you are...

And I have direct, photographic evidence that Merriman molests collies...

Male collies...
McCordsville Cowboy;2926780 said:
If he isn't a choir boy, dont bring him in. We need more Bobby Carpenters on this team.

'Cause the Tank, TO, PacMan experiment worked SO well...
Hostile;2926839 said:
Yeah, apparently English was not a prerequisite to this thread. I should know better, I was not a Math Major.

Your only mistake was letting the anal retentives bait you into defending what was a rather innocuous statement... much as I like to argue, I would have issued one response, that 1 of 32 teams equals a 3.125 per cent chance, which you rounded to 3 per cent, and left it at that...

Why that statement got so many panties in a bunch in the first place, I'll never know...
cowboyjoe;2927272 said:
again i did not say next year, i said this year only;

To which I respond "this ain't Madden"... have you forgotten that we need to get Ware signed to a new deal?? Or do you think Merriman would come to Dallas for veteran's minimum??

It's a silly idea, joe... and look at the crap storm you started by posting it... :D
mperfection;2927495 said:
C'mon Hostile, we are both veteran fans when it comes to the Cowboys, and I genuinely respect your knowledge of the game in general and history of the Cowboys in particular. But if you don't think that Haley's problems were as bad if not worse than Merriman's, then I just don't think you're being objective. Haley was/is a mental case and came here with a rather LARGE "file" as you mentioned about Merriman's, larger, I believe, than Shawn's.

I guess we just agree to disagree. Fair enough my man.

1) The Cowboys had lots of troublemakers back then, it's true... but they're trying to get away from that lawless mindset... are you suggesting that in order to win, you NEED "thugs" on your team??

2) Refresh my memory, when did Haley get suspended for 'roids?? THAT'S my big problem with even thinking about bringing in Merriman-- can he be the same player without them?? We have no evidence at this point that he can, and I vividly remember how quickly Tony Mandarich's career came to a screeching end when he had to give up the juice... so, are you willing to risk major dollars on a player who may well not be the same talent without the chemical enhancement??

I'm not... and as others have noted in this thread, Shawne does have a history of questionable behavior, and the Chargers are not interested at all in bringing him back after this season... that should send up a red flag, I think...

IOW, the Boys don't need Merriman, they can win without him, and there's a very real possibility that he'll never be the same player he was early in his career anyway... so I'll pass...
Hostile;2927522 said:
I don't respect thugs on this board either.

And here I thought you liked me... guess I'm gonna have to go gangsta on you, yo...
DallasDomination;2927559 said:
Your examples are stupid to say the least. All I'm saying is to take things with a grain of salt before you place judgment on something. Your buddy told you he was a bully and you're running with it. I mean He must be right, He's your friend.

Well, let me tell you a story, one that long-time posters in here may remember me talking about...

I was at a party some years back, and met a guy who was in law enforcement down in Virginia Beach (don't remember which department he was associated with, it's been a long time ago)... somehow or another, the conversation turned to Plaxico Burress... a sneer came over his face, and he started telling us stories about the guy he referred to as Plax the Punk... about all the run-ins the guy had with the law down at the beach... about things like what he called "agressive panhandling" of tourists with his crew, basically intimidation type shakedowns... which I would call pure thug behavior, wouldn't you??

As I said, I've told that story many times in here over the years, because I believed the guy... he was quite convincing... it's the biggest reason I've never had any use for Burress...

And lo and behold, Plax the Punk is headed for a jail cell... so I guess sometimes people who have actually met the player, and interacted with him, CAN give you a solid insight into their character, or lack of same...

What reason would Hos' friend have to lie about the guy being a thug?? Most people who know a celebrity are eager to tell you what nice, down to earth people they are...

And last time I checked using steriods has nothing to do with being a bully.

Never heard of 'roids rage, eh??

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