Is Merriman on way out in San Diego this year or next? Would Wade look at him?

Everlastingxxx;2927562 said:
She is claiming that was his attempt...hence why she is making the charges. Unless choking means - lightly placing your hands around someones neck. So she doesn’t have a case unless there is some type of physcial evidence.

I honestly question whether you have done any of this. If someone wants to get out of your house, there is no way you can keep them there without some type of confrontation occurring.

I have no idea what happened that night, and my opinions about Merriman have nothing to do with this latest incident...

However, if somebody belligerently resists my attempts to take their car keys, man or woman, I'm not gonna fight them for them... I'll figure I've tried to do the right thing, and let them go on and kill themselves, if that's what they're set on in their drunken stupor...

Being a good friend does not translate into getting into a fight with a drunk over their car keys... even if you're quite sure that you can whip the drunk... friends don't assault each other...

So even if Merriman's story is absolute truth (and it smacks of self-serving CYA to me), he still crossed over a line if he physically restrained her from driving home... perhaps not a legal line, I'm no lawyer, but certainly an ethical line...

Basically, I find it more likely that he took her to his place, got her loaded, then when she decided that she didn't want to give it up, that she wanted to leave, he got pissed... that scenario is consistent with what I've read about the guy...

Then again, Tila Tequila IS a no-talent publicity *****, so perhaps there is some truth in Shawne's story...
silverbear;2927577 said:
However, if somebody belligerently resists my attempts to take their car keys, man or woman, I'm not gonna fight them for them... I'll figure I've tried to do the right thing, and let them go on and kill themselves, if that's what they're set on in their drunken stupor...

Being a good friend does not translate into getting into a fight with a drunk over their car keys... even if you're quite sure that you can whip the drunk... friends don't assault each other...

Wow. You can't be serious. Remind me never to party with you. More importantly, remind me never to lose sight of my tolerance level around you. I would take a friend's keys in a heartbeat if I suspected he/she was on the way to killing him/herself. If that friend wants to fight me about it then I am a big boy. I'll take it. That same friend will appreciate my stance in the morning when he/she is still alive and well... Different strokes I guess.

silverbear;2927577 said:
Basically, I find it more likely that he took her to his place, got her loaded, then when she decided that she didn't want to give it up, that she wanted to leave, he got pissed... that scenario is consistent with what I've read about the guy...
For the record, I see this too. He might have scared her with his shrunken roid lizard and when she decided to bolt he blocked the door and the rage ensued.
Wow, this much back and forth over 3% statement???

Looks to me both sides are technically correct. Hos is right that mathematically speaking Dallas has about a 3% chance to win the SB. Sarge and the others that point out that that statistic is only true if each team has an equal chance is correct also. Clearly the Pats have a higher percentage than the 0-16 Lions, so you cant assign an equal weighting to each team.

Enough of that, back to the original question of this thread.

No, Merrimen will not be a Cowboy next year. Too many off the field issues and we could not afford him after signing Ware anyways. The idea that Merriman would come to Dallas for less money than Ware is a pipe dream.
I think that Wade has to at least make it to the NFC Championship Game in order to keep his job. I just dont see how he gets an extension if we have another early exit from the playoffs.

Too many good coaches like Holmgren, Shanny, Cowher, and Dungy available. I would fire Wade in a heartbeat for any of these guys!!!
mperfection;2927403 said:
Thoughtful post. I disagree with letting Wade go - we need him as DC when Shanny arrives as HC/OC. :D

And since this is a Merriman thread, I'll just weigh in and say that he could/would be a phenomenal addition to this team.

1) It appears that his alleged "assault" on his girlfriend was nothing more than him trying to save her from herself. He alleges that she was drunk and was wanting to leave his home, and he was afraid that she would injure herself (I'm assuming that she intended to drive herself away from his home). I fully expect that all charges will be dropped - very soon. I think he will be exonerated in this.

2) I really don't get why people think Merriman is a thug. He may have had childish ways in college (didn't we all to a certain degree?), but I haven't heard of any news of him getting into fights in local bars or threatening other people's lives. His use of banned substances has already been addressed. I think many of us forget that Merriman was raised homeless - at times literally living on the streets. His upbringing was humble, to say the least.

3) I heard on ESPNews this morning that it appears that the Chargers have zero interest in trying to re-sign Merriman and will let him walk at the end of the season. Someone else, however, will sign him - and quickly. My thoughts: why not trade him now and try to get something for him instead of nothing at the end of the season?

4) I would consider giving next year's 2nd rounder (which I think the Chargers would take) and perhaps another late round pick and Bobby Carpenter in exchange for Merriman this year. Since he's already under contract, he would not need to be immediately re-signed and we could put this off into next year, which will be an uncapped year. Also, he is coming off of a serious knee injury which was said to have been possibly career-threatening. This would factor into salary negotiations as well.

5) I think Merriman would find a good home here in Dallas, and would be excited at the prospect of being on a SB contender and having the likes of Ware opposite him. I won't even go into the prospects having those two bookends at OLB.

This probably won't happen, but I wouldn't completely dismiss the prospect of Merriman being a Cowboy, even if wouldn't take place until next year.

Great post!!! Talent wins games.

Wade won't hang around as DC if/when Shanny is hired. His feelings will be too hurt. Talent wins games but talent aint jack **** without quality coaching to guide it. The quality currently escapes our coaches.
Bleu Star;2927615 said:
Wade won't hang around as DC if/when Shanny is hired. His feelings will be too hurt. Talent wins games but talent aint jack **** without quality coaching to guide it. The quality currently escapes our coaches.

Agree 100%.

We basically win in spite of poor coaching right now. Shanny would win 12 games easy with our talent level, seriously.
He's looked like a shell of the player he was as a roided up rookie, has off field questions and major knee issues. What are some of you thinking?

Oh and:

Bleu Star;2927597 said:
Wow. You can't be serious. Remind me never to party with you. More importantly, remind me never to lose sight of my tolerance level around you. I would take a friend's keys in a heartbeat if I suspected he/she was on the way to killing him/herself. If that friend wants to fight me about it then I am a big boy. I'll take it. That same friend will appreciate my stance in the morning when he/she is still alive and well... Different strokes I guess.

Yes, I'm completely serious... and don't come to me for help raising your bail if you fight with that drunk friend (especially a female drunk friend), and you wind up in jail for assault...

I'll wheedle and cajole my drunk friend, maybe even yell at him or her, but I'll draw the line at risking going to jail for them...

For the record, I see this too. He might have scared her with his shrunken roid lizard and when she decided to bolt he blocked the door and the rage ensued.

LOL... well played...
Merriman is a guy I would not touch, between his steroid use and his other off the field issues this is a guy with problem child written all over him.
Hostile;2927503 said:
Let me ask you this. Did anyone know this stuff about Haley when we acquired him? I didn't until Pearlman's book. I suspect most are in the same boat.

I'm sorry, but it changes my perspective to know ahead of time about issues guys are having. I don't think Merriman's knee is right. I think he is still on juice and going to be suspended long term, and he has other questionable issues.

Haley's crap is eye opening, but was it ever going to cause him to be unavailable on Sunday? Injury issues and suspensions do.

I don't see the situations as apples to apples. Again, we needed pass rush when we acquired Haley. I don't see that as a need right now. I would rather get a top notch WR opposite Roy than an OLB, and I mean any OLB. I don't see it as a need.

If I had known ahead of time about Haley's dementia, as opposed to in retrospect; I probably would not have wanted him. I am honest enough to admit that. You can disagree. I'll respect your right to do so. I respect the heck out of both guy's efforts on the football field. But I lost respect for Haley after reading those stories. If anything you have further cemented my desire to stay away from Merriman by making them similar.

I remember hearing about what a kook Charles was before he was jettisoned out of SF. And i also remember getting my Dallas Cowboys Weekly when we traded for Haley and there was an article by someone, no idea who now after all these years, but it talked about Haley and some of his problems in SF. I remember showing it to my friend and fellow Cowboys fan and we talked about it at the time. It was pretty clear in my mind at the time he had problems. Back then i didn't care i just wanted to win. !977 was a long time gone. Now, i'd just as soon stay away from these types like Haley and Merriman, but i do think Merriman played pretty darn well his first 3 yeras. Ya, maybe he was on roids, but do we really think a most of these NFL guys are clean? 50% wouldn't surprise me at all, but that's another discussion.
DallasDomination;2927559 said:
Your examples are stupid to say the least. All I'm saying is to take things with a grain of salt before you place judgment on something. Your buddy told you he was a bully and you're running with it. I mean He must be right, He's your friend.

And last time I checked using steriods has nothing to do with being a bully. And getting charged with something is one thing and being convicted of it is another. Plus Nobody knows the true story.
Better the examples be stupid than the supposition.
Judas;2927516 said:
Find me a 53 man team with no thugs on it, and I'll buy you a big fat sammich. Better yet, I'll bet there are several thugs on this board.

Hostile;2927522 said:
Find me a position in the NFL that requires thug like behavior to be successful. That should be much easier since there are only really 22 starting positions. I'll buy you a big fat sammich too.

I don't respect thugs on this board either.
How did I know Judas wouldn't have an answer to this?
Big Dakota;2927713 said:
I remember hearing about what a kook Charles was before he was jettisoned out of SF. And i also remember getting my Dallas Cowboys Weekly when we traded for Haley and there was an article by someone, no idea who now after all these years, but it talked about Haley and some of his problems in SF. I remember showing it to my friend and fellow Cowboys fan and we talked about it at the time. It was pretty clear in my mind at the time he had problems. Back then i didn't care i just wanted to win. !977 was a long time gone. Now, i'd just as soon stay away from these types like Haley and Merriman, but i do think Merriman played pretty darn well his first 3 yeras. Ya, maybe he was on roids, but do we really think a most of these NFL guys are clean? 50% wouldn't surprise me at all, but that's another discussion.

For every Haley there is a Pacman Jones. Dallas just does not need to be the halfway house for problem players.
Doomsday101;2927722 said:
For every Haley there is a Pacman Jones. Dallas just does not need to be the halfway house for problem players.

Great point, but for every Haley there are 4 or 5 Pacman Jones...
theogt;2926617 said:
Landry would never have made it to the 70s with today's fans.

Ain't that the truth.

RS12;2926685 said:
Odds are really one in twenty nine. Raiders, Chiefs, Broncos have no prayer. None-zero.

You can add the Lions, 49ers, Bucs, and Bengals to that list at the very least.

Everlastingxxx;2927441 said:
If Merriman choked a 93 lb girl, not only would she have bruises she would probably be dead.

Also, taking keys away from a drunk person is not without a great confrontation. At least in my experience...maybe in your neck of the woods you have well behaved drunks.

I haven't had any great confrontations either in those situations. A little argument but nothing serious. Then again the vast majority of the time we always partied at my house and we took the keys from everyone before they began drinking. If they didn't want to give up the keys prior to drinking, then they didn't stay. That was the rule and I wasn't ashamed, at all, to enforce it. Although we never had any trouble with that either.

ScipioCowboy;2927480 said:
The difference between Haley and Merriman is thus:

Haley's brand of antisocial behavior -- namely, his tendency to urinate on inappropriate objects and "wag his private parts" -- never earned him a suspension from the league.

On the other hand, Merriman's brand of antisocial behavior -- namely, steroid use -- will and has earned him a suspension.

Haley could always be relied upon to be on the field on Sunday. Merriman cannot be relied upon.

Actually if Goodell was the commish then Haley's stuff likely would have gotten him suspended as well. Totally different commish now and what he will and will not tolerate from people off the field.

Judas;2927516 said:
Find me a 53 man team with no thugs on it, and I'll buy you a big fat sammich. Better yet, I'll bet there are several thugs on this board.

This is true. Though what Hostile countered with is also true. So it's a good point, IMO, from both sides.

DallasDomination;2927559 said:
Your examples are stupid to say the least. All I'm saying is to take things with a grain of salt before you place judgment on something. Your buddy told you he was a bully and you're running with it. I mean He must be right, He's your friend.

And last time I checked using steriods has nothing to do with being a bully. And getting charged with something is one thing and being convicted of it is another. Plus Nobody knows the true story.

Actually it can, and does, have plenty of examples of steriods leading to bullying or violence. It's called roid rage. That isn't a joke, it does happen. I'm not saying it happens to Merriman by any means but it's a possibility that can't simply be discounted.

Bleu Star;2927597 said:
Wow. You can't be serious. Remind me never to party with you. More importantly, remind me never to lose sight of my tolerance level around you. I would take a friend's keys in a heartbeat if I suspected he/she was on the way to killing him/herself. If that friend wants to fight me about it then I am a big boy. I'll take it. That same friend will appreciate my stance in the morning when he/she is still alive and well... Different strokes I guess.

For the record, I see this too. He might have scared her with his shrunken roid lizard and when she decided to bolt he blocked the door and the rage ensued.

I agree with you completely on this. There is no way they're driving away at that point. We'll throw down if need to. The friend might be mad at me for a while, afterwards, but they'll either get over it or not but either way I'll rest easy knowing they're still alive. I wouldn't even hesitate in a situation like that if it had to come down to that.

dbair1967;2927625 said:
He's looked like a shell of the player he was as a roided up rookie, has off field questions and major knee issues. What are some of you thinking?

Oh and:


2005 (rookie year) - 10 sacks
2006 (Steroid year) - 17 sacks
2007 (after roid year) - 12.5 sacks
2008 (injury to knee) - 0 sacks

Yeah he really looked like a shell of his self after the roid use. Only had 12.5 sacks. God that's awful.

Come on. I can understand why people don't want him, I don't have a problem with that opinion, but a shell? The only question I have on him right now, as far as being able to play on the field, is if his knee is healed. The dude can obviously play if that knee is healthy.

As for my opinion on him coming here, though it's highly unlikely, I'll admit it right now I'd love it. I know, I know, he's a thug and this and that but I'm a fan of him despite his troubles off the field. It's a different stance than I normally take and I'll admit in this case it's simply due to bias cause I like Merriman as a player. I'd take him here, on the other side of Ware, for sure. That would be one heck of a duo and we'd still have Spencer to bring in for each guy and to put in on other packages and give us even more pass rush.

Now while I like him and all I don't get angry if he loses games for getting in trouble. Just like with every other player who does something stupid and gets in trouble then they get what they brought on themselves. I don't feel sorry for them in that sense. But in this particular case I'd be willing to take on the 'thug' in order to have his on the field talent here.

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