You are certainly entitled to your opinion, although, I don't share it. And for the record, it's not just Zeke, it's all these guys who use extreme measures to force contracts. Teams must have a plan in order to manage the cap. I hear these fools on TV saying that teams have money, they can find money, they can restructure deals etc. Well, what they are really saying is that teams can screw somebody else or screw the future cap to go out of their way and work outside of the plan to accommodate "me". As Cowboy fans, we should all know that there really is a ramification to miss managing the cap.
I do think it's interesting thou, that you say Zeke deserves a new contract. Does he deserve one more then Dak? Is he more deserving then Cooper? What has he done that suggest he deserves to be paid more then these other players? Dak plays, unquestionably, the most important position in Football. Is Zeke more deserving then he? For all the stats etc., this team was losing football games until Cooper came to town. Is Zeke more deserving then Cooper? I mean, I can't really say that he is. I can say this thou. When his contract is up, he deserves another contract but not at the cost of the cap health. He's picking this time to start this up because he knows that it's the worst time for the team. He is trying to use leverage to force the team to cut him a deal and he is not really concerned with the team. That's fine but that doesn't suggest to me that he is deserving of jack. He's in it for himself and again, that's fine, but it doesn't make me have sympathy for him. He doesn't care about the team and this clearly says that winning isn't the most important thing to him. This is about him. I look at what Jaylon recently said and I am watching what Zeke is doing now and it's clear to me that they view things very differently. Zeke is using this situation to force something that is not in the best interests of the team IMO and Smith is saying that when the time comes, he trusts Jerry to take care of him. That is telling to me.
As far as how much the Cowboys are using Zeke, well, that's as much on Zeke as it is on the team. Every Sunday, multiple times a game, what do you see? You see Zeke doing that feed me thing. He wants the ball, he wants the carries, he wants to be primary and that's on him. He doesn't want the Cowboys to manage his workload. He doesn't want to split carries and so I would have to say that it is as much a part of Zeke's idea as it is the teams.
That's just how I see it.