It Appears Like There Will Be No Trade Partner

Hypnotoad;2787226 said:
I wondered what they would do. I wouldn't put it passed Ellis to feign an injury to collect 1.5 million.

That's not been Ellis's style and that's a bit of a cheap shot. He's been a bit of a worry wart, but he's always played hard. The knock on Ellis is that he's not lived up to his #8 overall pick. He's the answer to the future trivia question "Why didn't we draft Randy Moss?".

The fact are that he was selected at a time when this team lost direction and failed to live up to it's past. He's been through multiple head coaches and he's arguably been the most consistent defensive performer on the Cowboys during his time here. Is he done? Could be, but he's never been a slacker on the field. He's a reminder of a time for this team when it underachieved.
DCBoysfan;2787196 said:
I say wait a little while longer, the Dolphins did this last year with J. Taylor and after an injury in Washington, was able to get a 2nd rd. draft pick for Taylor. Now Dallas wont get that for Ellis but I say wait untill some other teams conduct thier OTA's and see if anything happens.

I agree, I would wait to cut him until the week prior to the first regular season game. That will lessen another team's chances of signing him to upgrade their roster. Or if another team has an injury at DE or OLB, then Dallas has a REAL trade partner. And if Dallas just ends up cutting him with not takers, it's very likely he will not be on anyone's roster duing the first regular season game. That's because any free agent who makes it on a team's roster prior or for that first game does so with his contract guarnateed for the whole year. But if a free agent is added AFTER that first game then the contract is NOT gauranteeed. So Dallas, or any other team, could always sign Ellis back onto the roster after that first game and only do so if absolutely necessary - like when anotherp layer at that position suffers an injury, or it turns out that spot needs upgrading.
Phrozen Phil;2787282 said:
That's not been Ellis's style and that's a bit of a cheap shot.

I wouldn't say he wouldn't play dirty pool if could. The fact is he just couldn't, not in this case.

Wasn't he "injured" the last time we had camp in San Antonio? I seem to recall something like that and suddenly he was "healthy" again once Jones had a new contract in his hands.

I don't think he could get away with "faking" an injury as these things can be verified in order to pay him, nor would he try. He's not that dumb. But I don't think that's something that he wouldn't try if he could. He's not the choir boy everyone thinks he is. He's just as business-savvy as the ownership he constantly whines about.
Cutting him now would be stupid. Keep him on the sidelines well into training camp if you have to. Someone will want a veteran pass rusher and you can keep him away from Wash or Philly. There is also the possibility that Spencer, Williams, or Butler gets hurt and Ellis will be needed. I say string him along as long as possible hoping for a trade partner and as insurance against injury. With his whining the past few years and Jerry redoing his contract when he didn't have to, he has used up all his goodwill in my book. Now its time to use him for the benefit of the team and keep him out of the division.
Phrozen Phil;2787282 said:
That's not been Ellis's style and that's a bit of a cheap shot...

I agree. It's unwarranted speculation about a guy who's been a pretty good player for us and is generally well-liked in the locker room. Ellis may have regretted signing his last contract, and chafed and whined about it for four years, but there's no reason to assume he'd commit fraud to collect some extra money when he's a healthy player who'd be in some demand on the open market.

As far as cutting him goes, I'm on record thinking that's a mistake. Hos makes a good point that the position numbers might not let you keep him, but I'd at least like to see his replacements with some pads on before I'd even consider dropping the guy outright.

Hos, you have some inside info on our position re: Ellis that you're not sharing? That he's a bigger headcase than advertised or something? Or is your position just based on his attitude, past performance, and the numbers at the position?
This is stupid, stupid, stupid.

We are going to regret this move. :bang2:
DCBoysfan;2787196 said:
I say wait a little while longer, the Dolphins did this last year with J. Taylor and after an injury in Washington, was able to get a 2nd rd. draft pick for Taylor. .

Ellis has never been anywhere near the player that Jason Taylor was.
DCBoysfan;2787196 said:
I say wait a little while longer, the Dolphins did this last year with J. Taylor and after an injury in Washington, was able to get a 2nd rd. draft pick for Taylor. Now Dallas wont get that for Ellis but I say wait untill some other teams conduct thier OTA's and see if anything happens.

yep, stand your ground, dont give up the ship, wait
just like in the draft this year and last year wait, let things come to you
The moment we release him his agent will come out and name 6 teams that are trying to sign him...
Hostile;2787203 said:
Exactly, and we don't need the distraction of his disfavor with the role he plays.

Ellis, or his agent, or both, played a very bad hand right from the start. Had he been willing to shut up, accept a role similar to what Jim Jeffcoat did towards the end of his career, during the Jimmah Jenius years, he could have made millions and retired a Dallas Cowboys.

But because he thought he was better than he was, or had smoke blown up his butt by his agent, and couldn't control his mouth, he's going to end up playing for another team, which means uprooting his family, and at much less amount of money compared to what he would have made in Dallas.

He wouldn't have stayed at his current figure, but I have no doubt that if he would have kept quiet, helped out Spencer on the transition and development, Jerrah would have done right by him.
Hypnotoad;2787226 said:
I wondered what they would do. I wouldn't put it passed Ellis to feign an injury to collect 1.5 million.

He doesn't have to. That 1.5 mills is guaranteed and he will get it. It's already factored in against the salary cap.
Randy White;2787362 said:
Ellis, or his agent, or both, played a very bad hand right from the start. Had he been willing to shut up, accept a role similar to what Jim Jeffcoat did towards the end of his career, during the Jimmah Jenius years, he could have made millions and retired a Dallas Cowboys.

But because he thought he was better than he was, or had smoke blown up his butt by his agent, and couldn't control his mouth, he's going to end up playing for another team, which means uprooting his family, and at much less amount of money compared to what he would have made in Dallas.

He wouldn't have stayed at his current figure, but I have no doubt that if he would have kept quiet, helped out Spencer on the transition and development, Jerrah would have done right by him.

Like Mac Engel said a few weeks ago, Greg's problem is that he thinks he's still 26 and in his prime. For some reason, he can't accept or even see that he's getting older and declining. It's a shame he won't accept a lesser role like so many other vets do, but that's the way he is.

And also like Engel said, don't anyone feel sorry for Ellis when he does get cut, because this is what he wants.
Randy White;2787364 said:
He doesn't have to. That 1.5 mills is guaranteed and he will get it.

My information says that it's guaranteed only for injury (ie., if he got hurt last year). If we cut him, he doesn't get it.
I can see him being cut by the end of the week. I don't think anyone is going to trade for him, and his salary, knowing that Dallas will likely cut him anyway.
Coming to the realization that we won't get anything for a guy who's had 20 sacks in the last 2 years sucks...
I know I'm in the extreme minority, but I wish there was a way to keep Ellis for 1 more season as a role player.

That said, if Ellis definitely won't accept being a role player, then I agree we have to move on.

I realize it's expensive keeping Ellis as a role player at his salary, but while I hope the best for Spencer and Butler and B Williams, I'm not sure what to expect at this point. I guess I'd prefer to keep Ellis as insurance - again, assuming Ellis was willing to be a role player. It's expensive insurance, but we're about $11mm under the cap, and I do think we have enough money to extend Ware regardless.

If I didn't think we had a playoff roster, I'd part ways with Ellis asap. But, I do think we're on the cusp of winning playoff games. And I think Ellis buys a bit of insurance to reach that goal.

Again, I'm sure I'm in the minority with this opinion.

And I'm sure Ellis is getting cut/traded. It's pretty obvious at this point. Anyway, let's all hope that Spencer and at least one of the rookies really complements Ware this season.
If you've ever worked with somebody (or constantly see their posts here for that matter) that constantly *****es about everything and complains to anyone who will listen y ou know they aren't worth keeping around.
There are younger, more motivated people who would do most anything to play for the Dallas Cowboys.

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