News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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No, she did 'bottle service' at a nightclub. Basically a cocktail waitress.

But, she was supposedly abused on the 19th and on the 21st her friend said that she wanted to go to EE's apartment for a party he was holding.

So a woman that was abused three days later wants to meet up with her abuser for a party. And when she got to that apartment, she flipped out when she saw EE with another girl (who was driving EE to his apartment) and said that she would ruin his career. She then filed a police report the next day and lied to police that what happened the previous day and texted her girlfriend to lie to police for her stating that she was beaten on the previous day.

This is the person we are supposed to believe.


I'm simply trying to confirm if she was a stripper or not, because strippers get bruises from stripping.
I'm simply trying to confirm if she was a stripper or not, because strippers get bruises from stripping.

Sure, I agree.

And we still don't know her criminal background or if she has any past of falsely accusing people of things, particularly being assaulted.

Not only did she lie about the incident on the 21st...she supposedly denied that she was ever in a fight with another girl. And the fact that she got into a fight with a girl at a bar....drove to EE's house and the sworn affidavits say she went right up to the driver's side window and started yelling at the female driver makes me think this is a very volatile individual. She basically got into one physical altercation and then almost got into another one with another woman in the matter of an hour.

The mechanism by which trust are exempted from antitrust is in the National Labor Relations Act. It does not exempt firms from labor law as a whole. At the end of the day you have shown nothing.

I went ahead and read that letter too. It doesn't even say "conduct detrimental" much less exempt them from federal law. What it does do is quote this document which was where we got the quotes about arrests, charges, and court proceedings in the first place.

None of those applies.

You just get off to lying and arguing disingenuously? You get off to worrying people?

Anywho, I am done with you. You can scream into the void if it makes you feel better. If you can troll someone else into buying what your selling I will deal with that but I am done giving you a discourse as platform.

Standard of Conduct:

While criminal activity is clearly outside the scope of permissible conduct, and persons who engage in criminal activity will be subject to discipline, the standard of conduct for persons employed in the NFL is considerably higher. It is not enough simply to avoid being found guilty of a crime. Instead, as an employee of the NFL or a member club, you are held to a higher standard and expected to conduct yourself in a way that is responsible, promotes the values upon which the League is based, and is lawful. Persons who fail to live up to this standard of conduct are guilty of conduct detrimental and subject to discipline, even where the conduct itself does not result in conviction of a crime. Discipline may be imposed in any of the following circumstances:

• Criminal offenses including, but not limited to, those involving: the use or threat of violence; domestic violence and other forms of partner abuse; theft and other property crimes; sex offenses; obstruction or resisting arrest; disorderly conduct; fraud; racketeering; and money laundering;
• Criminal offenses relating to steroids and prohibited substances, or substances of abuse;
• Violent or threatening behavior among employees, whether in or outside the workplace;
• Possession of a gun or other weapon in any workplace setting, including but not limited to stadiums, team facilities, training camp, locker rooms, team planes, buses, parking lots, etc., or unlawful possession of a weapon outside of the workplace;
• Conduct that imposes inherent danger to the safety and well being of another person; and
• Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity and reputation of the NFL, NFL clubs, or NFL players.​
So I could literally say Kirk Cousins punched me, and with no proof, the accusation alone should warrant a mandatory 6 game suspension, right...?
Harvey seems like a guy who "knows where his bread is buttered". I have no idea about Ken Houston but clearly the other three members of the NFL Advisory Committee who OK'ed this are two people with big titles that are known for looking the other way (Harvey and White) and the third is the head of a 6 person non-profit that likely has a significant financial incentive to stay on Goodell's good side.
When you pay 4 people big bucks to go on a witch hunt you can bet they are going to find witches
When you pay 4 people big bucks to go on a witch hunt you can bet they are going to find witches

I doubt the four people put that much work into it. They probably got a one page summary of the charges from the NFL in an email that said "Call us if you have any concerns". I bet if you put all four into a deposition at this moment half of them wouldn't have even read it.
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