News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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True... I only speak from my perspective and have never admitted a "worldly" view. I just do from where I do with what I have available to myself at any moment in time to influence this and other egos with and/or without whatever is influencing me at the time.

I don't speak for, or to you in posts as such. I'm selfish that way...

You are a wise man.
You are a wise man.
This has been generally recognized on this board. If I wasn't so into Zen Buddhism, I would carry it with me. Alas, I do recognize that the fleeting is, indeed, fleeting.

Carry on, what I believe to be a NY Giants fan.
This has been generally recognized on this board. If I wasn't so into Zen Buddhism, I would carry it with me. Alas, I do recognize that the fleeting is, indeed, fleeting.

Carry on, what I believe to be a NY Giants fan.

Giants fan? Confirmed.

And I too believe in the impermanence of all things.

Except Super Bowl wins. They last forever
Giants fan? Confirmed.

And I too believe in the impermanence of all things.

Except Super Bowl wins. They last forever
Enjoy 'em. Us Cowboy fans still enjoy ours, so yours are even fresher. Good feeling. I won't begrudge you that. Like I wouldn't begrudge a Cowboys fan throwing 'chips in the face of an Eagles fan...
This is why we are fans...
Was the accuser a stripper? I thought I heard that somewhere.

Not trying to get into semantics here because I'm on Zeke's side as I know the evidence, but 1) it doesn't matter what her profession is and 2) I don't have the data to support it, but I'd bet strippers/prostitutes have a higher rate of DV against them than any other profession. So long story short, her profession is immaterial.
Ok, I am not a law expert or a law officer, but reading this from the WP article:
“What the NFL investigators learned was that on at least four nights between July 16 and July 21, Mr. Elliott and Ms. Thompson stayed together in the same apartment in the same bedroom. And so these injuries did not just, at least in my judgment, magically appear on her body,” Harvey said. “So while alternative theories are interesting, in my judgment they have to be supported by evidence and that was lacking in this particular situation.”

Why don't you support your "assumption" with evidence when you decide that if they were together, and she was injured, then it is because of Zeke? What kind of investigation is this????????? How about she did them since you admit that she reported a false incident already??????
I mean I am all for the truth and justice but this Harvey guy seems to be a numbskull or a weasel

Was the accuser a stripper? I thought I heard that somewhere.

No, she did 'bottle service' at a nightclub. Basically a cocktail waitress.

But, she was supposedly abused on the 19th and on the 21st her friend said that she wanted to go to EE's apartment for a party he was holding.

So a woman that was abused three days later wants to meet up with her abuser for a party. And when she got to that apartment, she flipped out when she saw EE with another girl (who was driving EE to his apartment) and said that she would ruin his career. She then filed a police report the next day and lied to police that what happened the previous day and texted her girlfriend to lie to police for her stating that she was beaten on the previous day.

This is the person we are supposed to believe.

i particularly like the peruvian seafood appetizers (not just ceviches) but like the ones with avocado/egg/mashed potato/crab 'napoleons'

what is the weather like in BA and Uraguay?
Please talk more about crime rate and kidnapping?
is the expensive (relatively) part of town safe for americans and asians?

BA is hot summers and cool/cold winters...Uruguay more temperate since mostly coastal (stays in a tighter temp range due to water). Of course their summers are during our winters and vice versa...which makes for a nice opportunity to never see a winter again if that's your thing. ;)

I frankly have not had a huge issue with the crime (never had an incident in nearly 20 years of travel there and surrounding regions/countries). While I look precautions (e.g., hired a driver if I knew I was going to be out on the town for the evening, which again is not expensive), I quickly learned which areas to avoid like you would in any major city. For example, most of the kidnappings you read about in the Philippines (which I mentioned from Prime's post) are situated to the country's south as you get closer to the "militant" factions down there, so as an American, it would be wise to avoid. But cruising around in public streets of BA, out for an evening stroll is no more dangerous than walking down Sunset Blvd. in LA, in my view.

Of course, given that much of those countries revolve around "grey" economies, I found corruption more prevalent. Subtle payoffs and bribes/kick backs are very common expectations there and that took some getting used to. For example, if I needed something repaired in my condo, I would need to "tip" someone in the property management office to ensure it got priority. Given that the average income is pretty modest (back then it was about $800/month for what was considered a "good job")...well, let's just say the tip was pretty manageable by our standards.

And yes, all the well-to-do districts (including the ones I mentioned) are very safe for Americans...and interesting that you mention it, the Asian population is notable in BA. It was kind of a trip for me to walk up to two Asian talking and realize that they were conversing along in perfect Castilian Spanish...not sure why it surprised me at the time, but it did...I suppose my SF Bay Area biases kicking in. On that latter score, having some facility with Spanish helps a lot to blend in and not be seen as such an outsider, even if it's a phrase or two.
No, she did 'bottle service' at a nightclub. Basically a cocktail waitress.

But, she was supposedly abused on the 19th and on the 21st her friend said that she wanted to go to EE's apartment for a party he was holding.

So a woman that was abused three days later wants to meet up with her abuser for a party. And when she got to that apartment, she flipped out when she saw EE with another girl (who was driving EE to his apartment) and said that she would ruin his career. She then filed a police report the next day and lied to police that what happened the previous day and texted her girlfriend to lie to police for her stating that she was beaten on the previous day.

This is the person we are supposed to believe.

And from everything from what I read from last year. Zeke had already broken up with her.
Only Mezcal with a scorpion from an untrusted source. Thankfully, I'm in El Paso. I can find proper Agave-made liquor anywhere.

My friend brought me this Hacienda de Chihuahua. I have some Corralejo. I got a whole bunch of limes.

I'll be back in several hours perhaps. Warmly tilted.
And from everything from what I read from last year. Zeke had already broken up with her.

I don't think they were ever truly boyfriend and girlfriend. Or at least in EE's eyes. I think they had a sexual relationship and she wanted more and expected more and EE wasn't into it and was going out with other women.

She supposedly referred to herself as a 'sex slave' in the like of a guy that has sex with her and then leaves. That is part of what it appears the NFL is claiming is a 'lack of respect' to women.

I hate to tell the league this...but the sex was consensual and I would assume that she wanted just as bad as EE did.

I mean I am all for the truth and justice but this Harvey guy seems to be a numbskull or a weasel

Harvey seems like a guy who "knows where his bread is buttered". I have no idea about Ken Houston but clearly the other three members of the NFL Advisory Committee who OK'ed this are two people with big titles that are known for looking the other way (Harvey and White) and the third is the head of a 6 person non-profit that likely has a significant financial incentive to stay on Goodell's good side.
No, there are literally an infinite number reasons and ways the league can discipline a player under Article 46.

One is under the domestic violence policy issued pursuant to and that is now part of that provision.

And the rest include anything else Goodell in his unilateral judgement under the basically unlimited power granted to him under the CBA feels like.

That's why the CBA needs to be and will be changed next go-round.

You just agreed with me.

You just admitted there were multiple ways he could have faced punishment.
My friend brought me this Hacienda de Chihuahua. I have some Corralejo. I got a whole bunch of limes.

I'll be back in several hours perhaps. Warmly tilted.
By God... Do I look forward to this.
Hacienda de Chihuahua? My friend, if you are within a hundred mile radius of myself... I have nothing, but free time and an understanding woman.
Won't make it... ha ha ha! I mean even go til at least tomorrow, but...
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