News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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******. That bar fight is gonna get him a year suspension :banghead::banghead::banghead:

1.They have whiffed on so many DV cases that had all of the evidence they needed so they are using this to appease all of the groups that have been angered in the past.

2. Goodell doesn't want this much power anymore because he has consistently screwed up on his rulings so a harsh punishment here guarantees leverage in the CBA negotiations. (The owners can use this as a negotiating chip and protect some of their other powers)

3. It gets talk shows to stop talking about Colin Kaepernick as much. Ezekiel Elliot will be the discussion and Kaepernick will get talked about far less now.
This all stems from the DA saying there was a pattern of violence. Not sure what they basis was but he was saying that a year ago. Then they brought in a bunch of people who are used to dealing with real criminals and their confirmation bias found the evidence satisfactory.
There are many instances where people get away with things they did because the evidence isn't air tight to secure a conviction. Doesn't mean they didn't do it. Sounds like that's the case here.

Yeah, but if it's true that she lied and tried to get others to lie, I know all that I need to know. A victim doesn't need lies.
I don't know that the accuser is a stripper..In fact I believe she is a college student...If anything this will teach him to avoid educated women and stick with the strippers.
She is NOT a college student. I'm positive about that.

She listed her profession on the police documents as "professional sex slave". That's per Mike Fisher.
Pretty sure the DA didn't press charges bro. Why didn't they? Because they had no case. Her story had inconsistencies, eye witnesses contradicted what she said happened, she asked people to lie to support her story but yeah, she's totally credible.

DA presses charges, not or I have no idea what the evidence is against Zeke.....but we do know from the league statement, four independent individuals looked at the evidence and concluded she was abused...just because the DA doesn't go forward, he has a higher burden of proof than the league and based on whether he thinks he could get a conviction doesn't mean it didn't happen
I did some pretty stupid stuff at 21 that people that know me today would not BELIEVE...and guess has everybody else. I want him to mature. If you do the crime you should do the time. But what is the crime?

The NFL has their own rules and standards.

The kid violated them (supposedly).
They absolutely would hear it and they have in the past

the supreme court deals with constitutional issues, they weren't wasting their time on a NFL suspension since they only take on 1/10th of the case appealing to them every year
the court can't help him, it falls under the code of conduct that the NFLPA agreed too, Brady tried and LOST!!
But the courts can help him. He can and probably will sue for defamation of character, loss of endorsements, etc. His attorneys could sue in Federal Court on the basis that the CBA contract is taking away his civil rights i.e. innocent until proven guilty and the attorneys could ask for a number of things until it is resolved such as suspension of the CBA, a stay against enforcing any punishment, etc.

It may not come to any of those things and Elliott may just appeal and get a lighter sentence but if so any stripper in her right mind will try to date a player and claim DV. Goodell and Mara may have poked the wrong bear this time. It doesn't look good at all to basically tell the police you are lousy at your job and the DA are incompetent. Basically Goodell and Mara are saying they are above the law and everyone else be damn.
Two things have to happen:

Alfred Morris and Darren McFadden need to step up.

Ezekiel Elliott needs to grow up.

I lied, a third things need to happen. Jerry Jones needs to change the lackadaisical. laissez-faire, zero accountability culture of this franchise. It's reckless at this point. You are either coaching it or you are allowing it to happen. At the very least, Jerry allows this to keep happening to the Dallas Cowboys.
You know those futurist movies where its a utopia full of law and order. But in reality its like a police state, where petty crimes are punished with death. That's what this is like. Zeke is guilty of petty crimes basically and being punished like he's a convicted felon. No one is condoning his actions, and they are wrong, but at some point the punishment has to justify the crime. You don't chop off someone's hand off for petty theft (unless your'e in the middle-east). Isn't that what makes this country different than others?

And I get it, its right to play NFL, yadda yadda yadda. But lets be reasonable on the punishments.
This is the thing.

If there are some ugly, sordid details to this, does Zeke really want those to become public?

If I'm wrongfully accused of beating a woman I am going to fight tooth and nail and exact every bit of my vengeance on my accuser and those that have blindly supported my accuser.

I will fight back with my own experts, find my own witnesses and will resort to whatever measures are necessary to show beyond a shadow of a doubt that not only I did not beat the woman, but that the woman is a reprehensible liar that should be prosecuted by the law and I will seek to sue her to the fullest extent of civil law. And that anybody that helped her in the lie will see the same exact treatment.

I will then seek to campaign against the accuser and her blind supporters that helped cover up the lie thru whatever mediums I feel can do the most damage to their lives. And I would continue to seek out any future transgressions they have made in any manner and use whatever mediums I can to make the public aware of those transgressions.

That is unless I reach a settlement in civil court where the payment is suited to my liking that under the conditions of the agreement neither of us can speak about the matter again.

If it's a lie, I really don't care one iota about whatever sordid details have been presented because those details are a lie if I'm wrongfully accused.

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