News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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She is NOT a college student. I'm positive about that.

She listed her profession on the police documents as "professional sex slave". That's per Mike Fisher.
Wait What?
Are you telling me the NFL is suspending one of its biggest stars over the testimony of a woman who police determined lied and actually listed her job as Pro Sex Slave?
I'm boycotting the NFL until they stop showing blatant bias toward and against certain teams. I love the Cowboys, but I can't take this any longer. If you keep supporting them, they'll keep doing what they're doing.
This means we'll see more of Alfred Morris' baseball swing in the end zone, with a fresh Zeke in Week 7 (or lower pending appeal). The only seat in Jerry World reserved for Roger should be in the nose bleed section with an obstructed view. Time to hire a high profile lawyer and monitor the "I need to be paid for damages now." that will be coming soon.
I don't think it will be six games. I think the NFL is like Alberstons, they mark up the price on purpose to give discounts and make you feel like you got a "deal". They gave him 6 with the assumption he'll appeal and get it reduced to 3-4 max.

Reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Marge finds a dress "marked down" to $200 and was regular $9,000. Amazon does this all the time when they list prices. All an illusion. NFL probably wants 3-4.

It's like listing your car for sale. You want $5,000? List it at $7,000 and work your way down and you get what you want and the buyer feels he got a deal.
There are many instances where people get away with things they did because the evidence isn't air tight to secure a conviction. Doesn't mean they didn't do it. Sounds like that's the case here.
evidently there's more than just tears.....medical reports of the evidence concluded she was abused..

if they did, would have been a charge laid in the first place by you know the people who are paid to investigate crimes,,,
You weren't making millions as one of the faces of a multi-billion dollar franchise.

Apples and oranges.
how much you make does not change what pumps through your, poor, black, white....we are ALL human....and because we are human...mistakes will be made....every day. There are laws that lead to consequences when violated....regardless of who you are. What laws were violated?
But the courts can help him. He can and probably will sue for defamation of character, loss of endorsements, etc. His attorneys could sue in Federal Court on the basis that the CBA contract is taking away his civil rights i.e. innocent until proven guilty and the attorneys could ask for a number of things until it is resolved such as suspension of the CBA, a stay against enforcing any punishment, etc.

It may not come to any of those things and Elliott may just appeal and get a lighter sentence but if so any stripper in her right mind will try to date a player and claim DV. Goodell and Mara may have poked the wrong bear this time. It doesn't look good at all to basically tell the police you are lousy at your job and the DA are incompetent. Basically Goodell and Mara are saying they are above the law and everyone else be damn.

Stop whining about Mara, he has nothing to do with it.....Code of conduct policy that the NFLPA and the league agreed too giving the power to Goodell to suspend a player, no court is helping him, and Jerry isn't going to do anything either, Zeke will appeal and may or may not have his suspension reduced but that's about it,
She is NOT a college student. I'm positive about that.

She listed her profession on the police documents as "professional sex slave". That's per Mike Fisher.
that was sarcasm...... Elliott treated her like a booty call and not a gf....... he paid for her apartment but didn't live there...... she was not a "sex slave"
So the league has decided that the word of jilted ex's is paramount and is to be taken over the word of it's players and any exculpatory evidence that may arise. Players should be very worried about this. I hope they fight it to the end and Jerry makes it his personal mission to get everyone involved in this decision fired.
look at one of the people on the panel at the bottom of the release. Her organization reeks of feminazis
For those asking about Lewis and Mixon...those happened before they hit the NFL. These incidents happened the week of July 16 2016, months after Zeke was drafted and while they had done OTAs and mandatory minicamp. That is the difference. Zeke was already in the league. It's still a garbage *** suspension though!
There are many instances where people get away with things they did because the evidence isn't air tight to secure a conviction. Doesn't mean they didn't do it. Sounds like that's the case here.
so the league office is going to turn that info over to the police right? I mean obviously there was a crime that took place right?
If I'm wrongfully accused of beating a woman I am going to fight tooth and nail and exact every bit of my vengeance on my accuser and those that have blindly supported my accuser.

I will fight back with my own experts, find my own witnesses and will resort to whatever measures are necessary to show beyond a shadow of a doubt that not only I did not beat the woman, but that the woman is a reprehensible liar that should be prosecuted by the law and I will seek to sue her to the fullest extent of civil law. And that anybody that helped her in the lie will see the same exact treatment.

I will then seek to campaign against the accuser and her blind supporters that helped cover up the lie thru whatever mediums I feel can do the most damage to their lives. And I would continue to seek out any future transgressions they have made in any manner and use whatever mediums I can to make the public aware of those transgressions.

That is unless I reach a settlement in civil court where the payment is suited to my liking that under the conditions of the agreement neither of us can speak about the matter again.

If it's a lie, I really don't care one iota about whatever sordid details have been presented because those details are a lie if I'm wrongfully accused.


Exactly, so if he doesn't fight back with that intensity, what does that tell you about the truth in all this?
That's it, time for Jerry to start up a new league. The Dallas Cowboys are outta here NFL! What a headline that would be: Dallas Cowboys and New England Patriots to Leave NFL, Start New Football League.
Stop whining about Mara, he has nothing to do with it.....Code of conduct policy that the NFLPA and the league agreed too giving the power to Goodell to suspend a player, no court is helping him, and Jerry isn't going to do anything either, Zeke will appeal and may or may not have his suspension reduced but that's about it,
this is not about the Conduct policy .... it is only about DV..... they believed the gf
This all stems from the DA saying there was a pattern of violence. Not sure what they basis was but he was saying that a year ago. Then they brought in a bunch of people who are used to dealing with real criminals and their confirmation bias found the evidence satisfactory.
Amazing... If you ask a surgeon what he thinks you should do about the pain in your lower back he will certainly recommend getting surgery... That's his job...If you employ people who make a living out of bringing domestic violence changes against men what do you think they are going to do?
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