News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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DA presses charges, and the standard for a criminal charge and conviction is a lot higher than in public ...does you job need a conviction to fire you???

That is a slippery slope when the NFL starts deciding people are criminals and substituting their own judgement over that of our court system.

Social Justice as it's finest.
Just don't think it would be 6 games.
I don't think it will be six games. I think the NFL is like Alberstons, they mark up the price on purpose to give discounts and make you feel like you got a "deal". They gave him 6 with the assumption he'll appeal and get it reduced to 3-4 max.
I don't wear glasses my man. I'm consistent period so don't make it otherwise because I disagree with you. Who said there was no smoke? I didn't. You should address that person. I said you can't go around on this minority report vibe and punishing folks with no proof. If they have proof we haven't been privy to cool but otherwise nah. The only silliness is you seeming happy he got suspended so you can grandstand even though from what we currently know he didn't do nothing.

Im not happy, im pissed off that our season is in jeopardy of being blown to hell because our idiot running back can't stay away from trouble. Keep defending the idiocy, by all means.

We know the personal conduct policy is stupid. We know that despite that, you have to play by their rules no matter how ridiculous they are in order to keep playing in the NFL. Zeke knows all this too and continues to act like an idiot.

I'm sorry, but Zeke isn't worth defending.
So the league has decided that the word of jilted ex's is paramount and is to be taken over the word of it's players and any exculpatory evidence that may arise. Players should be very worried about this. I hope they fight it to the end and Jerry makes it his personal mission to get everyone involved in this decision fired.
I did some pretty stupid stuff at 21 that people that know me today would not BELIEVE...and guess has everybody else. I want him to mature. If you do the crime you should do the time. But what is the crime?
You weren't making millions as one of the faces of a multi-billion dollar franchise.

Apples and oranges.
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