News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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How do we know the evidence doesn't include Zeke destroying text messages?
And I do believe Carter said the suspension was related to the domestic violence charge.

Because I believe the league stated somewhere that he wasn't punished for destroying evidence nor did they deem him to be uncooperative.

So let's not add things to the discussion that aren't accurate.
Yeah, exactly, NTE -- did they (NFL) check the dates of the photographs?

And if it wasn't police photographs/evidence, anyone who is hellbent at destroying a man out of psycho jealousy, who admitted she wanted to do so, could easily bruise herself.


And don't get me wrong; there could have been corroborating witness statements that helped her case as well as text history.

But the transparency here is not good enough for this Cowboys fan.

1.They have whiffed on so many DV cases that had all of the evidence they needed so they are using this to appease all of the groups that have been angered in the past.

2. Goodell doesn't want this much power anymore because he has consistently screwed up on his rulings so a harsh punishment here guarantees leverage in the CBA negotiations. (The owners can use this as a negotiating chip and protect some of their other powers)

3. It gets talk shows to stop talking about Colin Kaepernick as much. Ezekiel Elliot will be the discussion and Kaepernick will get talked about far less now.

Number three is legit. There seems to be a panic growing in regards to the Kapernick situation.
There were reports of numerous calls to police about domestic violence and four independent individuals the league asked to have a look at the evidence all concluded she was abused....take your head out of the sand!

Right, who were the 4 independents and who paid them to take a look at the evidence. Nobody does nothing in this world for nothing. In a court of law many things can change as they are put under oath and questioned by competent lawyers. Just sayin'
This whole situation has really got me down on the NFL.

I bought tickets to fly to Texas to see the Rams game but now I wish I wasn't even going since Zeke may not be there.

If I didn't book the plane tickets last weekend, I would surely cancel the trip.

Zeke will play. Even if suspended, you can participate in preseason and training camp.
I didnt say he made his parents look like fools I said I feel for them because this is really difficult.

I dont know if there are job titles as sex slave or not, there are dominatrixes and things of this nature and it doesnt bother me or make me think they are bad people right off the bat.
Come know Sex Slave isn't a profession. Even if people pay you to take a sexual beating you surely don't tell the police that's your job come up with escort or something else..

How do you feel about someone asking their friend to lie to the police? Or about getting in a street fight outside of a bar at 1am?

Please don't imply that anyone else is looking down on someone for their job...the reason for questioning her honestly is clear to anyone..
now its ok to be carte blanc with punishment as long as the crime sounds bad and to heck with truth? I mean you even did it to make this reply sound legit by changing "domestic violence" to woman beating because subconsciously we all can relate to wanting someone to be punished hard for a "woman beater", puts us up on some moral pedestal to do so, but it takes guts to stand up on what this nation was built on and that is a persons innocence until one can prove as valid any claim of wrong doing be it all equal, whether it be domestic violence or stealing a quarter. in a whole year of investigation have we heard even a wimper of anything that says Elliot is a woman beater? no, exact opposite with even her friends calling her out and her own words condemn her as a liar.
the only thing he has actually done that can be called under review for personal conduct policy is the lifting of that womans shirt, but i have yet to hear anyone say that this is what the 6 games is for and if so, quite excessive considering the woman in question was an active participant.
With bold you see that a lot to get that gut level emotional response. If I hadn't read so many books on how people try to get you with switching words and the like I might be more susceptible to it myself. IMO one hit isn't a beating no matter if its man v man or man v woman. I don't even agree with violence unless its last resort but I need people to stop exaggerating things like little kids. Yes the dragon came and ate me lol.
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