News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Everyone has to remember that Big Ben got 6 games and charges were never filed and the league loves the Steelers!
If we were in the court of law, I wouldn’t find him guilty. We aren’t in the court of law here, but I try to abide by similar guidelines.

Here’s the list of questions I want answered.

1. What is Thompson’s background and criminal background?

2. What is Thompson’s response to the accusation that she was involved in a fight with another female at a club?

3. Who are the witnesses that claimed Thompson said she would ruin EE’s career and what is their story about the incident?

4. Did Thompson go to the hospital for her bruising? If so, what was the doctor’s diagnosis?

5. Does the bruising evidence show signs consistent with an attack? If so, can the medical experts distinguish the difference of a male attacker versus a female attacker?

6. The accusation is that Thompson got into a fight with another female and later met up with EE at his apartment and the ‘ruin your career’ moment occurred on July 21st. Why was Thompson trying to meet up with EE after days of abuse (the week of July 16th)?

BTW, one quick glance at your post history is laughable when you call me out for "much value". Thanks for all ten of your thoughtful posts over the past 10 days. Truly inspiring.
Bro...95% of your posting is in dramazone in Zeke threads. That low-rent stuff! :laugh:
Charles Robinson tweet suggested zeke wants to go the whole way with this and doesn't care how long it takes. He wants to go to court if need be. Well hell this is non sense and this is all he said she said.
People are explaining that they made a mistake with Brown and are "righting" the ship with Zeke. That's what local radio is saying. NFL dropped the ball w brown but they are getting it right, it just happens that the first time they get it right is w Zeke
Didn't these idiots already get it wrong with Ray Lewis? So they 'corrected it' for Greg Hardy? Did they forget everything again when it came to Brown? Morons.
Then why 6 games???? Brown got one for far worse just last season.

And also, it's been proven she was trying to get a friend to lie about it @Zordon

The problem is the NFL got absolutely killed for how it handled Brown. They weren't going to make the mistake again.
Whoa, whoa, whoa...eaaaaaaasy there fella. Before you know it the pitch forks will come out and you'll be burned at the stake for being an alleged Giants fan. First commandment of being a Cowboys fan "Though shall blame everything on John Mara". Second commandment "Zeke, nor any Cowboy, can do wrong".

Just a fair warning from someone who may know from experience.

You should know.
I agree all strippers are criminals. No way a stripper could ever just dance to earn money without being a drug addict, convicted felon, immoral etc..

also maybe she just had a punchable face and was asking for it. I mean right?

Yeh and all football players are raging women beaters. God forbid, they couldn't possible be targets for conniving gold diggers.
but Chris Carter said he wasn't going to be suspended for DV but rather not being cooperative or something of that nature.
How do we know the evidence doesn't include Zeke destroying text messages?
And I do believe Carter said the suspension was related to the domestic violence charge.
Nice rant. The Feds weren't involved in this case. Local PD was. NFL was more thorough than them - more resources, more interest, etc. Why would you compare that to a federal investigation?
Simple. Because your statement borders on moronic. Whether it's a federal or local investigation, the same legal powers apply. The NFL can't force anyone to do anything in their "so-called" investigation. They have zero power and they can interpret things in a way to align with their own agenda. They don't answer to anyone or anything and can pretty much do what they want to do and ignore facts OR tell a player they have to prove themselves innocent. That's total BS.
Charles Robinson tweet suggested zeke wants to go the whole way with this and doesn't care how long it takes. He wants to go to court if need be. Well hell this is non sense and this is all he said she said.
He has to. Not only his reputation. She'll sue him in civil court and probably used the NFL as her proof that she's telling the truth. You fight it till the end.
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