News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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but listing out the "issues" you have holds no weight into what he has been accused of AND CLEARED BY THE LEGAL SYSTEM now

I selectively edited it for you. Furthermore, I'm concerned he'll just perpetuate a sense of invincibility if he has his suspension removed. By the way, it should be removed!! He fails to see the string of mistakes he's making as harmful.

Ultimately, those strings of "small" mistakes will lead to concrete evidence of criminal behavior in course of a few years. No need to debate what is weighty today. It is the continued pattern that is concerning and alarming.
Driven over 100mph - check
Been in bar fight - check
Been to Mardi Gras parade with girls pulling their tops and getting assistance from others - check
Went to weed shop in Seattle - check

These all have been checked off for myself. Yet have not been in trouble with the law and feel I'm a responsible citizen, a good father, and good husband. Guess not......
Outside of the father and husband part that fits me too guess we are savages lol.
For those who don't get it read this letter it spells it out.
Bottom line Elliott messed with the wrong girl
you can't treat people like crap and get away with it all the time.
Someone said the other day six games was the minimum for personal conduct violation.
6 games will cost Elliot a little over two million dollar's so maybe he will learn the lesson.
I think cowboys should decide now
who will be the #1 back to start game 1
and give them extra time in PS.

LOL he treated her like crap? So dumping someone is "treating them like crap"

Stop excusing women when they do wrong.

If I was Zeke, I would sue the snot out of this girl. I would want to own her home, car, her future homes, her dog and cat, the lint in her pocket. Everything.

She would be living in a cardboard box on the street needing to work the corners after I was finished with scorching the land around her.
So, let me get this straight.

Any beetch can now demand $100,000 or so from an NFL player and tell them that they will be accused of DV which will cost them $2,000,000+ if they don't pay up (that leaves plenty to pay someone to bruise up your arm)

Her friends testified that she got those injuries in a fight with another female. Are you thinking you are bringing new info to light here?
Outside of the father and husband part that fits me too guess we are savages lol.
And your not a member of a professional football team either. Zeke is a ******** child, grow up and act like a man. If this team misses the playoffs by one game its on his stupid butt
I selectively edited it for you. Furthermore, I'm concerned he'll just perpetuate a sense of invincibility if he has his suspension removed. By the way, it should be removed!! He fails to see the string of mistakes he's making as harmful.

Ultimately, those strings of "small" mistakes will lead to concrete evidence of criminal behavior in course of a few years. No need to debate what is weighty today. It is the continued pattern that is concerning and alarming.

so he should just take a load of crap thrown at him so he doesn't think he in invicible? Seriously?
Just wait... Next week Gooddell is going to open investigations on the bar incident, speeding, and grabbing video.

I am sure the investigations will go on until right before the first game of the year next year - Giants.
I hope the NFL enjoys this CBA, because after the way they've abused their power, something tells me the players won't be quite as easy to negotiate with next time.
Then that witness should have stepped forward when the police were involved.

None of this is passing the sniff test.

I don't think that particular incident is what has gotten Zeke in trouble.

It's the accusation of DV during various parts of that week where police weren't involved.

But you're right. Still doesn't pass the sniff test.

The one incident where the Police were involved, his accuser was overwhelmingly deemed a liar.
For those who don't get it read this letter it spells it out.
Bottom line Elliott messed with the wrong girl
you can't treat people like crap and get away with it all the time.
Someone said the other day six games was the minimum for personal conduct violation.
6 games will cost Elliot a little over two million dollar's so maybe he will learn the lesson.
I think cowboys should decide now
who will be the #1 back to start game 1
and give them extra time in PS.

... Unless you are a New York Giant.
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