News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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I only wish the Courts would come down hard on Goodell for intentionally setting up the courts to do his dirty work and let an alleged abuser off...... as long as he can over-charge and over-suspend he will to win the PR war

All Goodell has to say is "at this time we don't have enough evidence" if something comes out later then they are covered but you can't drag it out for a year hoping something else happens

Can we just have Goodell and Kaepernick in a convertible driving around Dallas...I'll take care of the rest...
The guilty until proven innocent has been happening everywhere

Porn industry
Recently, a writer at Polygon got fired and labeled a predator for flirting with adults in DMs

We have an issue with witch hunts, and there are selective groups out there that are higher on the victim pole that can say whatever they want and they will rally an army. It's a problem, and the people speaking out against it are the ones labeled degrading words.

You are spot-on accurate.
Watch us fight it and then it gets 'resolved' just before playoff time with Zeke suspended then (of course, if we don't do anything, lose a few games up front and miss the playoffs because of this, then that is a mute point)
they said in the pc he didnt do that. They basically said the metadata from the phone's pointed to him being with her the night she got all the bruises and his lawyer's response was that she fell down the stairs.

That is what was said in the pc today with the league and if true and he stooped to she fell down the stairs argument its tough to defend him.

they also said he wasnt charged because the police could not prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and that she had made false statements on things didnt happen but that was independent of the night she was bruised apparently by him.
That's the story I heard too, which is why I didn't think he'd be suspended.

But ... I still don't know all the evidence.
Everyone thinks they are good in and of themselves. Even the worst criminals attempt to justify what they do. Can we find an absolute standard of right and wrong? If each person is the sole judge of their own character, then everyone is justified in what they do, including Hitler.

Back to the matter at hand, Elliott is not helping himself or the team with these actions, even if he escapes the suspension.
Well, many are willing to pass judgement on a man's character on dumb things they've done in the past. We've all done things we aren't proud of, and at 20-25 range, heck I was likely proud of many of them.

He's a kid, with money, and likely a pretty proud opinion of himself right now. That doesn't mean he's a bad person, just immature and entitled. Hopefully this does open his eyes somewhat and quicker than it's taken most of us, but listing out the "issues" you have holds no weight into what he has been accused of now.

Yup Hitler......what a guy

For those who don't get it read this letter it spells it out.
Bottom line Elliott messed with the wrong girl
you can't treat people like crap and get away with it all the time.
Someone said the other day six games was the minimum for personal conduct violation.
6 games will cost Elliot a little over two million dollar's so maybe he will learn the lesson.
I think cowboys should decide now
who will be the #1 back to start game 1
and give them extra time in PS.
I'm sure the suspension will be reduced but I'd also think that the the NFL fully expected an appeal and is prepared, that kind of scares me.
I don't see an overturn. They've staked their claim. They value the word of someone with no credibility. The non-existent evidence isn't going to change. They'll settle in court. If there is an accepted reduction I doubt it's accepted.
For those who don't get it read this letter it spells it out.
Bottom line Elliott messed with the wrong girl
you can't treat people like crap and get away with it all the time.
Someone said the other day six games was the minimum for personal conduct violation.
6 games will cost Elliot a little over two million dollar's so maybe he will learn the lesson.
I think cowboys should decide now
who will be the #1 back to start game 1
and give them extra time in PS.

So the appeal must be filed within THREE days. So much for dragging it out lol.
For those who don't get it read this letter it spells it out.
Bottom line Elliott messed with the wrong girl
you can't treat people like crap and get away with it all the time.
Someone said the other day six games was the minimum for personal conduct violation.
6 games will cost Elliot a little over two million dollar's so maybe he will learn the lesson.
I think cowboys should decide now
who will be the #1 back to start game 1
and give them extra time in PS.
Even if he wins an appeal, I hope this scares some responsibility into him. You can't go about acting the way he's acting without expecting repercussions that affect more than him.
He may not be ready, or want to grow up- but it's now, or when buddy?
Because I believe the league stated somewhere that he wasn't punished for destroying evidence nor did they deem him to be uncooperative.

So let's not add things to the discussion that aren't accurate.

You believe the league stated.

And you're lecturing me about accuracy. :laugh:
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