News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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More to it than he got into a relationship with a woman who turned into a nut job and tried to frame him for dv and asked her friends to lie for her about it?

I thought that summed it up pretty nicely..

Then big mistake in his judgement.

Then another when he pulled the woman's shirt down.

And what if some of this is true Roy? Maybe there was some physical violence?
I don't think that particular incident is what has gotten Zeke in trouble.

It's the accusation of DV during various parts of that week where police weren't involved.

But you're right. Still doesn't pass the sniff test.

The one incident where the Police were involved, his accuser was overwhelmingly deemed a liar.

Yeah, and the investigators conclusion seems dumb, at best

"Well, we can't say with 100% certainty that you left those marks on her, but you were around her - so we believe her"

This is very similar to the bar fight story. "Well, there is no connection that Zeke did anything, but he was there in the club. So...."
LOL he treated her like crap? So dumping someone is "treating them like crap"

Stop excusing women when they do wrong.

If I was Zeke, I would sue the snot out of this girl. I would want to own her home, car, her future homes, her dog and cat, the lint in her pocket. Everything.

She would be living in a cardboard box on the street needing to work the corners after I was finished with scorching the land around her.
Well we don't know what all went on between these two but he evidently wasn't nice to her or she wouldn't be doing this to him right now?
For those who don't get it read this letter it spells it out.
Bottom line Elliott messed with the wrong girl
you can't treat people like crap and get away with it all the time.
Someone said the other day six games was the minimum for personal conduct violation.
6 games will cost Elliot a little over two million dollar's so maybe he will learn the lesson.
I think cowboys should decide now
who will be the #1 back to start game 1
and give them extra time in PS.
It doesn't spell out anything. Everything in that letter was known except for the suspension.
Goodell has got the Comey disease.......getting too political and that will be his downfall!
Outside of the father and husband part that fits me too guess we are savages lol.

I have checked all those boxes as well :laugh:

I don't smoke but wanted to see that kind of store looked like inside. I have never been in trouble with the law either :thumbup:
Then big mistake in his judgement.

Then another when he pulled the woman's shirt down.

And what if some of this is true Roy? Maybe there was some physical violence?

Yeah, and all those women who are abused by their psycho boyfriends/husbands - just poor judgement on their part. They should have seen it coming.
Then big mistake in his judgement.

Then another when he pulled the woman's shirt down.

And what if some of this is true Roy? Maybe there was some physical violence?

Mistake in his judgement? You act like he knew everything about her when he decided to start a relationship with her. That's pretty silly.

If he did hit her then suspend him as long as you want. No sympathy from me. That doesn't sound like what happened though from the evidence we've all seen. If the NFL has other evidence they should release it.
Well we don't know what all went on between these two but he evidently wasn't nice to her or she wouldn't be doing this to him right now?

You don't know what went down, but you know he treated her like crap.

Again, stop excusing poor behavior WE KNOW she committed - you know, like lying to a lawyer and police.

I guess when someone is a meanie poo poo head, it's okay to make false accusations.
I don't see an overturn. They've staked their claim. They value the word of someone with no credibility. The non-existent evidence isn't going to change. They'll settle in court. If there is an accepted reduction I doubt it's accepted.
I respectfully disagree and I hope you're wrong.
Where is that covered in the NFL report?

Won't be in their report. But it does have information it requested from DA's office which would include statements given by her friend indicating that was going to ruin Zeke.

It's likely there are a lot of facts we don't know - when you have PIs on the job the digging they do is thorough and over the top. How many pieces to the puzzle are we missing, what's the real story here? They told him he needs counselling and threatened him with a lifetime ban if it happens again. As much as I wanted this all to go away, the signs point to there being something solid here that the league acted on. It's not Ray Rice solid, but they were able to connect enough dots. I just hope Zeke connects the dots that he needs to change his conduct.
Mistake in his judgement? You act like he knew everything about her when he decided to start a relationship with her. That's pretty silly.

If he did hit her then suspend him as long as you want. No sympathy from me. That doesn't sound like what happened though from the evidence we've all seen. If the NFL has other evidence they should release it.

Given the downside to the situation...

Yeah he should have been more careful.

And then there was the shirt-pulling incident on top of that.

No, you aren't going to convince me this kid hasn't created some of his own mess.
You don't know what went down, but you know he treated her like crap.

Again, stop excusing poor behavior WE KNOW she committed - you know, like lying to a lawyer and police.

I guess when someone is a meanie poo poo head, it's okay to make false accusations.
Well why do you think she is doing this what is she supposed to get out of it and and why is she doing it?
I don't think she is doing this just because he stopped dating her.
Him being at a club the time a fight happened =/= he is the problem. There are countless people there, you can't control those people. If I remember correctly, Dak was at that club earlier as well...

Again, stop the bullcrap. You want to talk about him pulling down the woman's top? Cool, that is AT MOST public indecency. Gronk does this crap on a nearly daily basis - releasing photos of girls in their underwear in his hotel room, humping a bus, motorboating women...
I was talking about this with a Patriot fan (I'm in NH). Why are Gronk's outings flirting with strippers and porn stars just considered fun, but Zeke's are a character flaw the league has to address? Even my friend doesn't understand why there's such a difference of perception.
It's likely there are a lot of facts we don't know - when you have PIs on the job the digging they do is thorough and over the top. How many pieces to the puzzle are we missing, what's the real story here? They told him he needs counselling and threatened him with a lifetime ban if it happens again. As much as I wanted this all to go away, the signs point to there being something solid here that the league acted on. It's not Ray Rice solid, but they were able to connect enough dots. I just hope Zeke connects the dots that he needs to change his conduct.

They spoke of everything they had, just not visually - they have nothing that is 100% putting anything on Zeke. If they had something, Zeke would have likely been charged months ago by police, unless you think they found MORE - which is doubtful.

That's the issue here - if you can prove Zeke did abuse this woman, he should be facing charges. What this tells me is this, they are speculating and side with her slightly - but still not enough sufficient evidence.
Classless tweet from the FC Dallas MLS
I can see tasteless tweets from other cities, but from another sports team in the same city........ that's some BS
<a href="">
Well why do you think she is doing this what is she supposed to get out of it and and why is she doing it?
I don't think she is doing this just because he stopped dating her.

I don't care WHAT happened in their relationship, a boyfriend and girlfriend having problems and her viewing him as a jerk is not a reason to freakin' give false accusations of assault. Do you get how extreme that is, like at all?

You know what you can do? Send him a nasty text, call him some names, go out with your girlfriends and get drunk and talk bad about him. Then eat some ice cream and weep in bed for a few days before you pull up your big girl panties and move on.

What justification do you think there is to give out false accusations? I would love to hear this.
Don't mind me, I just stopped by to :lmao2: at the fact this thread hit 72 pages before I was even able to stop by the zone

I don't have the energy to slog through the pile, anyone want to repost the best doozies?
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