News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Zeke - please have fun outside the US
Get away from the US women's groups

WowWowWow Argentina loves sports!!!

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Elliott needs to grow up fast. What happens after his rookie contract?
Yeah. Was thinking that, too. I think he likely gets the Dez treatment. Franchise tagged symbolically while the FO hems and haws and takes a "let's wait and see" posture, etc. I mean no matter how this pans out (even if the suspension is totally expunged through the court system and he misses no time), he can probably kiss any big time sponsorship goodbye. Which is a real shame since he has a pretty likable way about him (e.g., the boost his TD celebration gave to the Salvation Army) and I think he resonates pretty strongly with the younger generation. He was poised to be a potential face of the franchise/even league for many years - with Nike, Pepsi, and fitted sheet companies doubling as headwear suppliers lining up with a dump truck full o' dough.

Alas, it's gonna be a while, if ever, for him to become "clean" enough for Madison Ave. to come calling.
Would that change your mind?

Either way a sworn affidavit outweighs any statement to an NFL investigator


Change my mind about what. I just stated it was odd none of his witnesses wanted to talk to the NFL investigators. Hey I'm pro Zeke here!

And apparently an sworn statement only works in a court of law. SMDH.
It's pretty bad when you have to protect players from themselves but I guess that's common nowadays.
Unfortunately, the Lord has had to protect me from myself many many times, PA. Too many to recount.

I often comment to my high school buddies what growing up in this era would be like - with social media and all. Let alone having rock star status when you're doing it. I would be screwed!?!
The skank references aren't helping.
She was a hostess or "doll" at an upscale Columbus night club(if that is a real thing) but I see nothing that says she was a stripper or 'sex slave' like she sarcastically wrote on the Police report

She was Zeke's girl for awhile and he paid for her apartment after she stopped working in Jan 2016..... she was also with him in FL training for the combine and the police were called......Zeke said she wouldn't leave...... things went south sometime after that and between the his birthday week in July 2016...... it sounds like a baaaaaddddd break-up

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