It is the end! LOST Final Season

masomenos85;3264896 said:
Maybe I have the timeline mixed up, I just know there was a point in the show where I thought "Alright, they're just milking out more episodes right now".

That said, tonight rocked!

I think that happened during season three. Seasons two and three had a lot of filler episodes because they didn't know how long the show would run so they had to string things along. They knew this was a problem so by the end of season three they worked a deal with ABC for a set end date..48 more episodes split into three more seasons. From that point on starting with season four it was pedal to the metal kickbuttedness because they could just tell and finish the story knowing exactly how many episodes they would have to do it in. The show would have died without a set end date..would have really been strung out and sucked, ratings would have dropped and it would have been canceled without enough notice to end it properly. Whew.
Well, I guess they'll start answering questions next episode, because this one sure didn't help any! Good stuff though.
So the Bomb did work and it didn't work? just got to love Lost.

masomenos85;3264897 said:
I only saw it once, but didn't J.J. Abrams' Star Trek use the same device?

Yes, he did. It's an interesting approach here because MWI somewhat undermines the predestination angle they've been taking. I'm very curious as to how they'll connect all the loose strands together.
ConcordCowboy;3264977 said:
So the Bomb did work and it didn't work? just got to love Lost.


Consider it in terms of a wave function.
CliffnMesquite;3261646 said:
I have never watched a single episode. How did they get "lost"?


They left port on a three hour tour
ConcordCowboy;3265244 said:
Yes and then the tiny ship was tossed.

And if wasn't for the courage of the mighty crew the minnow would be "LOST":D
Ozzu;3264812 said:
Sayid waking up is Jacob reincarnated. At least, that's the theory I'm leaning towards.

Agree with this. They seemed to make it a point to use the visual shot of Sayid looking like Jesus on the cross as they put him in the water and pulled him from the water.
So what do you guys think of Smokey wanting to "go home"?

Heaven? Hell?

Another planet?:eek:
I keep trying to give this show second (and third) chances and it keeps letting me down. I can't believe they cancelled Sarah Connor Chronicles and this thing keeps going.
Danny White;3265590 said:
I keep trying to give this show second (and third) chances and it keeps letting me down. I can't believe they cancelled Sarah Connor Chronicles and this thing keeps going.

I can't believe they cancelled SCC either, but Lost is still so far beyond that show it's ridiculous.
SCC was boring.

John Connor was a turd.

The mom and robot were hot though.

Smokey is the most interesting to me right now
justbob;3265299 said:
And if wasn't for the courage of the mighty crew the minnow would be "LOST":D

Since I have been here, seems like every single time, and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME, a thread like this has been started, regardless of which "zone" it happens to be in, quite a lot of the replies are either flaming in a nice way, if that is possible, trolling, criticizing, judgmental sometimes, or just basic off-topic replies to the subject of the thread. Witness this thread.

Where, oh where, is there a message board that people behave at.

I would like to say to all those who have posted content that has nothing whatsoever to do with the thread in question to please, please, reconsider before typing. Hold your tongue, as it were. Take a much needed pause. Allow the thread you intend to derail to remain on subject. Please. All of these side comments in threads that are in no way related to the thread make me skip reading most threads, for that very reason. It's ridiculous.

People, if you have an aversion to a thread topic that is perfectly allowable by forum rules, like this one, DON'T READ IT. DON'T POST. SKIP IT. Please allow the readers here who LIKE Lost to comment on it! We don't need your asinine snide comments! Like in every other thread seems like!


Someday, someone will invent a new forum that forces people to keep threads on topic. I hope.

I myself have been off-topic in this post, but only as a rebuttal to the other off-topic posts, and as a protest against their continuing (like that will ever happen).
justbob;3265299 said:
And if wasn't for the courage of the mighty crew the minnow would be "LOST":D

The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle,
Phoenix;3265875 said:
Since I have been here, seems like every single time, and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME, a thread like this has been started, regardless of which "zone" it happens to be in, quite a lot of the replies are either flaming in a nice way, if that is possible, trolling, criticizing, judgmental sometimes, or just basic off-topic replies to the subject of the thread. Witness this thread.

Where, oh where, is there a message board that people behave at.

I would like to say to all those who have posted content that has nothing whatsoever to do with the thread in question to please, please, reconsider before typing. Hold your tongue, as it were. Take a much needed pause. Allow the thread you intend to derail to remain on subject. Please. All of these side comments in threads that are in no way related to the thread make me skip reading most threads, for that very reason. It's ridiculous.

People, if you have an aversion to a thread topic that is perfectly allowable by forum rules, like this one, DON'T READ IT. DON'T POST. SKIP IT. Please allow the readers here who LIKE Lost to comment on it! We don't need your asinine snide comments! Like in every other thread seems like!


Someday, someone will invent a new forum that forces people to keep threads on topic. I hope.

I myself have been off-topic in this post, but only as a rebuttal to the other off-topic posts, and as a protest against their continuing (like that will ever happen).

You need an enema to loosen that sphincter of that one topic enough for you.;) :p:
Jack would be the Professor
Sawyer the Skipper?
Hurley would be Gilligan lol
Kate has to be Mary Anne


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