It is the end! LOST Final Season

Joe Rod;3281148 said:
One of my questions from a while ago was, what the heck ever happened to Claire??? I at least know that she has been going around the island like some crazy girl. It seems to be coming together in pieces, I was pretty cool with the last episode.

Yeah, well having Claire just randomly disappear in the first place was pretty ridiculous.
TheCount;3281194 said:
Yeah, well having Claire just randomly disappear in the first place was pretty ridiculous.

If you are so down on the show, then you are probably wasting your time watching it. I have been enjoying the heck out of it, otherwise I wouldn't tune in.
Joe Rod;3281221 said:
If you are so down on the show, then you are probably wasting your time watching it. I have been enjoying the heck out of it, otherwise I wouldn't tune in.

I didn't say I was down on the show, just frustrated by aspects of it.
TheCount;3281299 said:
I didn't say I was down on the show, just frustrated by aspects of it.

Even then, you seem like the type that will probably dislike how it all plays out and ends.

And that's cool.

So many people have given up on LOST for these same reasons.

I, myself, choose to delve into the story and decipher the weave that was made. I have no idea how it all ends, as I avoid spoilers like the plague (including this topic) but it will be a fun ride my friend of the Star.

The Ominous;3282027 said:
Even then, you seem like the type that will probably dislike how it all plays out and ends.

And that's cool.

So many people have given up on LOST for these same reasons.

I, myself, choose to delve into the story and decipher the weave that was made. I have no idea how it all ends, as I avoid spoilers like the plague (including this topic) but it will be a fun ride my friend of the Star.


How can I possibly dislike something I haven't yet seen? I have faith in Abram's to give us a satisfying ending. The only way I will flip out is if it's one of those ambiguous fade to black endings.
TheCount;3281093 said:
But this whole "No more questions!" thing they keep pimping this season with is pure BS. They create 10 new questions for every 1 answer, and then that 1 answer is only a partial explanation. This season is going to have to finish like a hurricane to even justify how slowly they are starting it off.

Yeah, part of me is afraid that they are going to rush it just so they can end it this season but then the other part of me says that these writers have done a dang good job up to this point so why should I doubt them.
Joe Rod;3281148 said:
One of my questions from a while ago was, what the heck ever happened to Claire??? I at least know that she has been going around the island like some crazy girl. It seems to be coming together in pieces, I was pretty cool with the last episode.

Dogen told Jack two weeks ago that Claire was "infected", presumably with the "sickness", just like Sayid and that it had consumed her. She's been claimed. By the MIB I think.
tko112204;3283020 said:
Dogen told Jack two weeks ago that Claire was "infected", presumably with the "sickness", just like Sayid and that it had consumed her. She's been claimed. By the MIB I think.

No, the French.
I had a thought tonight that might be crazy. Was rewatching this weeks episode with my cousin and got to the part where they were putting Locke in the grave and thought that it just wasn't right that that character was dead. I've been predicting forever that he was coming back and this scene made it look like my prediction was dead.

But then a thought came to my mind. Pseudo-Locke, as I've begun calling him, seems to have all of real Locke's memories. He even knows what Locke was thinking in his final moments when Ben strangled him. So the thought occured to me that if they were to destroy Psuedo-Locke without destroying his Locke like body then all that would be left would be John Locke. Same guy, different body. They would just have to destroy the essence of the smoke monster that inhabits that body. Locke would essentially be back. He could then take up his place as Jacob's replacement because none of the other candidates make sense to me.

Maybe I'm just searching for a way to bring my favorite character back.
Yeagermeister;3294019 said:
Smokie kicked some arse last night :bow:

Yes indeed!

Now the question is - who is good/who is evil

I liked the season so far, but kinda bummed at how it looks like it will end. Hopefully there is a swerve somewhere, but it looks like the writers are going to take the easy way out.
The Man In Black compels you!

Incredible episode. This season is amazingly epic in my opinion. I don't care how it ends, I know I will love it. I pity those who expected every single thing to be answered. Where's the fun in that?
One of my roommate's old college roommate is one of the junior writers on Lost. A couple of weeks ago, he told my roommate the "secret" of the show. I don't know it, I don't want to know it, but my roommate keeps asking if I want to know. I think I'm going to ask him to write it down, seal it in an envelope and then I'll check after the show ends.

Great final season so far though, it's definitely sucked me back in.
So, the island is a cork to contain evil. At least, according to Jacob. I don't know who to trust. The show wants you to trust Jacob, but I'm not so sure.
Ozzu;3318162 said:
So, the island is a cork to contain evil. At least, according to Jacob. I don't know who to trust. The show wants you to trust Jacob, but I'm not so sure.

So, what happened to the evil in the parallel universe where the island was obliterated?
ScipioCowboy;3318230 said:
So, what happened to the evil in the parallel universe where the island was obliterated?

That's a good question and I started thinking about it once the Man in Black smashed the bottle Jacob had used to illustrate the point. If you can't remove the cork, destroy the bottle, and all that wine, or "evil" as Jacob called it, still escapes.

It makes me wonder if there's going to be a big reveal of some sort on the alternate timeline where we realize that things are bad there. Really bad. Right now, it seems like everything is better on that timeline.
Ozzu;3318245 said:
That's a good question and I started thinking about it once the Man in Black smashed the bottle Jacob had used to illustrate the point. If you can't remove the cork, destroy the bottle, and all that wine, or "evil" as Jacob called it, still escapes.

It makes me wonder if there's going to be a big reveal of some sort on the alternate timeline where we realize that things are bad there. Really bad. Right now, it seems like everything is better on that timeline.

Something tells me that the alternate timeline is definitely not all peaches and cream, for the very fact that it really isn't supposed to exist in the first place. I think there are still major reveals coming that will turn the show on its head and we will see things from some perspectives that we never thought existed. Either way last night's episode was brilliant. We waited for 6 years for the story of The Black Rock and it exceeded all of my expectations.

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