It's not my team anymore

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And yet you're claiming to know what he meant and said even though you don't even know what he fully said. That's lunacy. Clearly you're incapable of rational discussion and make up things to fit your narrative. You're literally trolling.
Yep. I probably mischaracterized as a Homer but actually trolling.


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Before you go saying adios, seeya wouldn't want to beya or something else along those lines, hear me out.

I have been wondering if my loss of passion for the Cowboys is just the aging process or is there something else causing that and I think I am on to it. I do not have that proprietary attachment to the Cowboys I once had.

When I became a fan, they were my team. Really MY team, I felt more than just a fan, they were mine. I had a special relationship with them and almost felt I knew them.

No owner sends the message louder or clearer that this is his team than this one. He even went so far to tell the fans if you don't like it, plop down 140M of your own money. And since then, it's only gotten worse.

Not only do he and his son spend their time telling us that this is their team but they insult my fantelligence by trying to sell their way is the way. No other owner in sports history has spent more time trying to sell lemonade and eventually it becomes an insult. Do they really think I am that stupid? Just because I am a fan?

The bragging and boastfulness of the Joneses negates any "this is my team" thinking. It's all about them.

Tex Schramm was a master marketer and he had this knack for making the Cowboy accomplishments inclusive for the fans. I can still recall the pc when he established the largest radio network in NFL history and was responsible for establishing the Dallas Cowboys as Mexico's team, as well as New Mexico and Arizona. He made it about us, the fans. He said we were the reason that happened. It was look what we did.

This detached feeling I have when I watch this team play has become the norm so it doesn't bother me as much but when I watch them play, I know I am watching someone else's team play, not mine.

I realize there is no logic or rationale attached to being a fan but that's what has happened to me, I am now a fan because I've been a fan for so long. If not for the history, I would not choose this team today.

The problem is that I do not think I will ever get that feeling back again. That this is MY team feeling. And that makes me sad because one should never outgrow their passion.

This is not a complaint thread or a bash the owner one as I do not think he did this intentionally, it just happened because he let his ego take over. And a lot of what he's been doing is trying to chase the Jimmy Johnson ghost away but along the way he took my pride of ownership of my team away from me.

it is still my favorite NFL team but it is not MY team.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I’ve been saying he is a fan. Lol However, he’s giving the impression he’s no longer a fan. He claims this is no longer his team. He wouldn’t be here posting if he wasn’t passionate about the team.
Sorry, you're right, I stand corrected. I got mixed up somehow.

What you've been saying is it's not possible to be a fan without being passionate about the team. I disagree. I think you can be dispassionate, yet still have hope, and still be here more for the friendships than for the team.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I understand because he’s here posting every day. He wouldn’t be a prolific poster if he still didn’t have passion for the team and wasn’t a fan. No one spends day after day talking Cowboys football if they’re not passionate about the team. Even airing your frustrations shows you’re passionate.
@Aerolithe_Lion isn't passionate about the Cowboys, and there are others who aren't Cowboys fans.


Captain Catfish
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Not much to read with mine it wasn’t that long.
I read all your posts short or long, thats because I respect those that I have learned in this house that bring solid content.
All that most here expect, that put in the time posting in this house, is to have the same respect when posting.


Well-Known Member
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Yep. I probably mischaracterized as a Homer but actually trolling.

I don't see how it could be anything else. Whether he is a homer or not is irrelevant. But he is certainly trolling. That being said, I just put him on ignore and will be happier for it. Anyone who refuses to read then act like an expert on what they didn't read is not someone worthy of the effort.

Did you know I read a sentence about astronauts once? That makes me the world's foremost expert on everything involving space and NASA because I knew what that one sentence really meant.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Sorry, you're right, I stand corrected. I got mixed up somehow.

What you've been saying is it's not possible to be a fan without being passionate about the team. I disagree. I think you can be dispassionate, yet still have hope, and still be here more for the friendships than for the team.

For me it’s not possible to be a fan or to post on this board without being passionate about the team. No matter how frustrated I am with the organization I’m still passionate about it.


Well-Known Member
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Jerry and his idiotic, out of touch kids, have been killing my fandom on a daily basis for a quarter century.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Sorry, you're right, I stand corrected. I got mixed up somehow.

What you've been saying is it's not possible to be a fan without being passionate about the team. I disagree. I think you can be dispassionate, yet still have hope, and still be here more for the friendships than for the team.
I'm dispassionate about the team and I have no problem saying it.
I'm more passionate about the buds I've made here (you included) than the team and it is what it is until it becomes different and the team gives me a reason to be passionate about them.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
For me it’s not possible to be a fan or to post on this board without being passionate about the team. No matter how frustrated I am with the organization I’m still passionate about it.
And I'm in the same boat, but I can see where others could feel and act differently from me, and if they say that's how they feel, who the Hell am I to say they're wrong?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Your a homer hater just like most of us.

Not a homer because I’m far to objective and critical and most homers aren’t. I hope the Cowboys win every game but I don’t always pick them to win. I’ve been referred to as a hater and a negative Nancy many times.
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