It's October and the division is already lost

Why do you not get that we both play KC but only Dallas plays GB?

Why do you not get we are talking about schedules played thus far and not schedules to come?

The whole context of this, the whole reason we are even talking about SOS, is your dumb premise that apparently the only reason the Eagles are 5-1 is because they played a cupcake schedule, a much easier schedule than we have. We aren't talking about schedules to come, only games played thus far. We haven't played KC yet.

Further, in the context of how SOS has factored in the starts for each team and where each team is going, the reality is that the Cowboys remaining schedule is much tougher than Philly's, which is a negative for us, not some positive.

You are so bad at this.
I think using the schedule is a pretty weak argument. Sure some teams have it a bit harder than others, but I don't think the difference is as big as some make it out to be....not in today's NFL. The boys got creamed by the Broncos...the same place where a decimated Giants team completely outplayed them. A team can only play who is on their schedule. I think you are trying to rationalize this to make the Eagles look worse for it, and the Cowboys better. Bill Parcells would strongly disagree.

Plus, as noted multiple times, we are really only discussing games played thus far. He seems to be buying into some bizarre thinking that the Eagles really aren't that good because they've played some joke schedule to date whereas the Cowboys are 2-3 because they've played this grueling slate thus far.

It's poppycock but I think your 2nd to last sentence is spot on............ it's simply trying to rationalize away our rough start and the fact we have put ourselves into a hole in terms of the division.
It was clearly implied when you claimed the Eagles played a "cupcake schedule" other than Carolina.

Just admit you screwed up and move on. We all can see you messed up so admitting it won't be surprising or shocking to anyone reading this thread.

Oh and yes, you have given the Cowboys credit for games they lost. You keep arguing how impressive it was to our schedule that we played GB.
You're assumptions of what I am saying does not make what I said implied.

You keep putting words in my mouth. I never said the word "impressive" either. When we play a top notch team that the iggles don't have to play then that makes the iggles schedule easier.
We aren't talking about future schedules. We are talking about schedules TO DATE. Do you know what that means? Can you grasp that concept?
Iggles lost to KC... you seem to be thinking the Cowboys have already lost to KC.
You're assumptions of what I am saying does not make what I said implied.

You keep putting words in my mouth. I never said the word "impressive" either. When we play a top notch team that the iggles don't have to play then that makes the iggles schedule easier.

And when they have played a top notch team that we haven't played yet, it makes the Eagles schedule tougher than you think it is.

It's quite clear what you were trying to imply. And now you are in spin mode trying to explain away a bunch of really silly comments.
I think using the schedule is a pretty weak argument. Sure some teams have it a bit harder than others, but I don't think the difference is as big as some make it out to be....not in today's NFL. The boys got creamed by the Broncos...the same place where a decimated Giants team completely outplayed them. A team can only play who is on their schedule. I think you are trying to rationalize this to make the Eagles look worse for it, and the Cowboys better. Bill Parcells would strongly disagree.
Idiot argument. Of course strength of schedule matters.
People don't look at these things in a vacuum. Those that do, it makes it easier to defend a mediocre coach. You can just point to one season and then pretend the others never really happened.

6 full seasons. Only 2 winning seasons. Only on playoff win. That's not exactly a great resume right there and going 13-3 one season doesn't just magically erase what has largely been a mediocre run.

You obviously did not get my point. Garrett deserves the criticism, hell, I wouldn't be opposed if Garrett was fired, or at least Marinelli should be let go, but I wondered where all of the "puppet coach" comments where last year? Didn't really see those "puppet coach" comments last year.
Iggles lost to KC... you seem to be thinking the Cowboys have already lost to KC.

LOL. I seem to be thinking no such thing. I seem to simply be looking at the teams each team has played THUS FAR and concluding that the Eagles have not played this "cupcake schedule" compared to us.

You have to be trolling now. No one can honestly be this obtuse and pigheaded in real life.
Why do you not get we are talking about schedules played thus far and not schedules to come?

The whole context of this, the whole reason we are even talking about SOS, is your dumb premise that apparently the only reason the Eagles are 5-1 is because they played a cupcake schedule, a much easier schedule than we have. We aren't talking about schedules to come, only games played thus far. We haven't played KC yet.

Further, in the context of how SOS has factored in the starts for each team and where each team is going, the reality is that the Cowboys remaining schedule is much tougher than Philly's, which is a negative for us, not some positive.

You are so bad at this.
Dodging my question by asking your own means you are losing the argument. The Iggles lost to KC.. Come talk to me when the Cowboys lose to KC too. :rolleyes:
Idiot argument. Of course strength of schedule matters.
Reading is a skill. I never said strength of schedule was irrelevant, did I? I said I felt people make a bigger deal out if it than they should. There is a lot of parity in the NFL. More than any other professional sport. Would you not agree?
I was expecting this and predicted it. No crying over here. Just laughing at homers like you.
These "homer" comments are adorable. Thanks for being a realist of a Cowboy fan and keeping me informed of all the obvious shortcomings of this particular Cowboy team. I had no idea.

Dodging my question by asking your own means you are losing the argument. The Iggles lost to KC.. Come talk to me when the Cowboys lose to KC too. :rolleyes:

In the discussion about strength of schedules played thus far, who you beat or lost to is meaningless. SOS is simply a look at the teams you have played thus far, win or lose. That's common knowledge that even the most basic football fan would understand.

The fact you can't grasp that shows just how idiotic the position you've taken is. The fact you keep trying to bring up the fact they lost to KC as some refutation of the strength of schedule debate is a clear sign you are getting your brains beat in and can't dig out of the hole you've dug for yourself.
And when they have played a top notch team that we haven't played yet, it makes the Eagles schedule tougher than you think it is.

It's quite clear what you were trying to imply. And now you are in spin mode trying to explain away a bunch of really silly comments.
Who is the mysterious top notch team that is on the iggles schedule but not on the Cowboys schedule?

You assume... makes you an assnotme.
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Lets everybody simmer down here. There is no need to get personal or cross lines on this subject. Stop with the name calling please. I don't want to have to ding anybody here. Lets just remember, the Eagles are the enemy, not each other.
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Reading is a skill. I never said strength of schedule was irrelevant, did I? I said I felt people make a bigger deal out if it than they should. There is a lot of parity in the NFL. More than any other professional sport. Would you not agree?
I absolutely agree.
Who is the mysterious top notch team that is on the iggles schedule but not on the Cowboys scedule?

You assume... makes you an assnotme.

Let's try again.

In debating strength of schedule of each team IN TERMS OF GAMES PLAYED NOT GAMES TO COME the Eagles have not played a "cupcake schedule" compared to us, as you clearly said in an earlier post.

We aren't talking about GAMES YET TO BE PLAYED THIS SEASON. We are simply talking about games already played and who has played a tougher slate of teams SO FAR THIS SEASON (5 games for the Cowboys, 6 games for the Eagles). Forget future teams on the schedule. Discuss simply the teams the Eagles and Cowboys have played thus far and how that factors into each team's record THUS FAR.

You very clearly are suggesting a big reason the Eagles are 5-1 and we are 2-3 is because we've PLAYED A MUCH TOUGHER SLATE OF TEAMS THUS FAR compared to Philly. That's false. As has been explained to you multiple times.

Please refrain from a silly response where you bring up a team that we will PLAY IN THE FUTURE. That is not applicable to a discussion on strength of schedules TO DATE.
Parcells told us a long time ago. You are what your record says you are. SOS is a real thing but end of day, it doesn't matter. You gotta play your schedule and you gotta win the games on your schedule. That's really the only true fact in this entire discussion IMO.
In the discussion about strength of schedules played thus far, who you beat or lost to is meaningless. SOS is simply a look at the teams you have played thus far, win or lose. That's common knowledge that even the most basic football fan would understand.

The fact you can't grasp that shows just how idiotic the position you've taken is. The fact you keep trying to bring up the fact they lost to KC as some refutation of the strength of schedule debate is a clear sign you are getting your brains beat in and can't dig out of the hole you've dug for yourself.
The imaginary hole you see me in is adorable. :p You make nonsensical arguments and cheer for yourself in the mirror. o_O
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