News: Jabril Cox shares first impression of Micah Parsons


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Hopefully, he takes the advice with the intention it was meant.

In randomness, I offered the some grammar advice to a young lady who was selling baked goods in a FB group and she kept putting the dollar sign behind the amount. 400$ vs $400. It drives me nuts.

She thanked me, but she probably rolled her eyes, in real life. lol

That error is surprisingly common. I suppose it's a matter of people writing it how they say it.


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He was quite good in 2018 when he and LVE were both healthy and playing next to each other. He fell off in 2019, and was completely lost last year. However, some act as if he was never good, which is false. Can he get back there? I have no clue, but I think there were reasons the last couple of years for his decline in play.
No, he wasn't. He was the same player in 2018 he just had some splash plays that hid a lot of it.

Tell me what his strengths are


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I’m very excited to see how the linebacker core goes into the season. I really hope cox and parsons both end up on the field together more than we think. I know cox could be the odd man out and on special teams his first year but hopefully he can make an impact during camp and preseason to show he belongs on the field.

time will tell.
Me too. Can't wait to see how they use 6 linebackers for 2 spots. and 8 corners for 3 spots. and watch our defensive line struggle with mid round pics and castoffs again. Should be fun for teams like baltimore again.


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I watch a lot of college ball, that's my favorite, and the SEC in particular being cursed a Razorback.

Cox has a little hold back in his game, he's not the complete LB but he's got that one thing that made them put him in the games, he is that rare commodity that we've not seen around these parts, a real playmaker. There are some players that just have that knack for making plays, they're more in the right place at the right time than others and that was him at LSU.

Whether that will translate to the NFL remains to be seen but he's not the only D player they drafted that has that going for them.

There are ways to improve a D without making it shutdown, which doesn't even exist anymore. The Cowboys did that in 2014 with an opportunistic play making D and ranked 2nd in picks. The Colts and Saints used that kind of D to get rings.

They needed more than defenders, they needed playmakers and the attitude they bring and I do believe Cox is one of those guys.


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Slow down some. Every year it's hype coming out of OTAs and TC. Then they play their first game and get punched in the mouth.
Very true, but unless they move us to another division, we can get punched in the mouth plenty this year and still have a go at it...


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The year he made the Pro Bowl, he had a team-high 142 total tackles, which was tied for seventh-most in the league. He had more solo tackles than all but three of the players ahead of him. He also had nine pass breakups and 2.5 sacks. Only two of the players who had more tackles than him had more sacks. Yet, he's obviously sucked every year.

In 2018, which I feel was his best year from an eyeball standpoint, he had 121 total tackles, which tied him for 13th in the league, but added four sacks, which was better than all but two of the players ahead of him in tackles. That was the year Vander Esch had 140 tackles to finish third in the league. Smith also forced two fumbles that year, recovered two and scored a TD, so maybe that colored my perception that 2018 was a better year. (He forced two and recovered one in 2019.)

Now, to be fair, he finished with 154 tackles last year playing virtually every snap and was third in the league, but we know that he struggled getting to his lane as the defenders in front of him failed to hold up blockers and he was making plays downfield instead of in the backfield or around the line of scrimmage ... although he only had one fewer tackle for loss (5) than he did in each of the previous two seasons. (For comparison, Darius Leonard had 7 tackles for loss each of the last two seasons after 12 as a rookie.)

That is a lot of tackles. Wonder why he gets so many opportunities? The defense must be on the field a lot......Duck!
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I know I'm being the grammar police, but it seems like a lot of people think that core is the correct word when it's not.

Corps means "a body of people engaged in a particular activity." Core is the "central or most important part of something."

So Parsons probably would be considered the core of the linebacker corps.

Don't mean to be picking on you. Just thought I'd put that out there for those who might not know the difference.

Apologies to those who are offended by anyone who wants to correct mistakes.

My pet peeve. Thank you


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He was quite good in 2018 when he and LVE were both healthy and playing next to each other. He fell off in 2019, and was completely lost last year. However, some act as if he was never good, which is false. Can he get back there? I have no clue, but I think there were reasons the last couple of years for his decline in play.
Geeee I dunno what could it possible have been that changed. Maybe his BIG FAT CONTRACT? Jaylon is a POS who does not prepare for his games and his one and only priority always has been and always will be himself.


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I know I'm being the grammar police, but it seems like a lot of people think that core is the correct word when it's not.

Corps means "a body of people engaged in a particular activity." Core is the "central or most important part of something."

So Parsons probably would be considered the core of the linebacker corps.

Don't mean to be picking on you. Just thought I'd put that out there for those who might not know the difference.

Apologies to those who are offended by anyone who wants to correct mistakes.
if they have a strong CORE it will help with their tackle game :))


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

I know I'm being the grammar police, but it seems like a lot of people think that core is the correct word when it's not.

Corps means "a body of people engaged in a particular activity." Core is the "central or most important part of something."

So Parsons probably would be considered the core of the linebacker corps.

Don't mean to be picking on you. Just thought I'd put that out there for those who might not know the difference.

Apologies to those who are offended by anyone who wants to correct mistakes.

I'm not offended. But...we know what he meant. Spelling and grammar errors in all KINDS of professional and academic literature....ones that were professionally edited. Couldn't let this one go by? How much time do you spend correcting the internet?
Not to mention auto-correct can take a minor spelling error and make it a grammar mistake. Care needs taken there.

Don't get me wrong...I'm a a grammar here at work. We create detailed professional reports and I am always amazed at our errors that get out. But...time and place for everything.

If we know what he means....not a big deal. If it causes some confusion...we can ask for clarification. I'll leave this here for you:

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.


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He doesnt even run fast in a straight line anymore. But I do love when he tries to look like he is really hustling after the ball carrier when we all know he is loafing. Great actor. Its like he is flopping out on the field, but he is moving forward.

I don;t think it's flopping/ much as hiding. You can see him gimp the foot plant when he thinks it might cause harm. Not sure how he passes the medical.

I'm hoping the new kids make it more obvious than it already is. (Sorry to grammar cops for ending the sentence in a preposition. I would figure out another way to say it if this were a professional statement. However, the time I spend writing this apology I could have figured out that way already! :mad::D )


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Get the feeling that Parsons and Cox are going in to this with the mindset they are booting LVE and Smith out of starting jobs which is a much needed thing.


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If I was a rookie LB looking to make a name for myself the Cowboys would be the absolute perfect place to be. Tons of exposure, an Owner who loves to make his "stars" the highest paid in the league and garbage over priced starters from last year.


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Geeee I dunno what could it possible have been that changed. Maybe his BIG FAT CONTRACT? Jaylon is a POS who does not prepare for his games and his one and only priority always has been and always will be himself.
100% pure speculation. Unless you are at the practice facility with him or if you spend time with him, then you have no clue on how he prepares for games or what he is about. Such a BS take.


Well-Known Member
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Hopefully, he takes the advice with the intention it was meant.

In randomness, I offered the some grammar advice to a young lady who was selling baked goods in a FB group and she kept putting the dollar sign behind the amount. 400$ vs $400. It drives me nuts.

She thanked me, but she probably rolled her eyes, in real life. lol

The $ after the number is fairly common in a number of European countries.. Was she from across the pond? As for the core/corps thing. People screw it up so often I have come to the conclusion that they must be doing it on purpose to annoy those of us who have a little Grammar **** in us! LOL


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100% pure speculation. Unless you are at the practice facility with him or if you spend time with him, then you have no clue on how he prepares for games or what he is about. Such a BS take.

Not only that but people claiming Jaylon blows assignments left and right leave out one tiny little detail. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT HIS ASSIGNMENT WAS!!! The blown assignment thing is one of THE most annoying tropes fans and media fire out there all the time. The only ones who know if a guy blew an assignment are the coaches and his teammates. And in a lot of cases even teammates don't know which is why you see guys arguing on the field sometimes. But Joe Twelvepack sitting on his couch watching the game knows.. Yeah sure.. When Jaylon says "watch the tape" he could very well be pointing out that most of the time he is right where the coaches wanted him to be. Maybe that's why the coaches seldom threw him under the bus.. and also maybe that's why those coaches are gone.. Maybe they repeatedly sent Jaylon (and others) to the wrong place because they were not good at their jobs which made it nigh impossible for the players to be good at their jobs. We will see this year if the new coaches do a better job of putting guys in position to succeed.
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Jaylon has poor football instincts. So you can't ask him to read and react because he can't do it. So you need to find the 1 or 2 things he does well and have him do those things. He is ok rushing the passer, for example. He can cover RB's short distances. Wheel routes are a problem, however.

He can't shed a block or fill a hole to save his life. So don't ask him to do it. Parson's is the guy to fill that role. Even LVE, when healthy is better at it.


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I know I'm being the grammar police, but it seems like a lot of people think that core is the correct word when it's not.

Corps means "a body of people engaged in a particular activity." Core is the "central or most important part of something."

So Parsons probably would be considered the core of the linebacker corps.

Don't mean to be picking on you. Just thought I'd put that out there for those who might not know the difference.

Apologies to those who are offended by anyone who wants to correct mistakes.
Our you talking about are team? You an me know how frustrating bad grammar can be. Drives me crazy too. Lol.


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Jaylon has poor football instincts. So you can't ask him to read and react because he can't do it. So you need to find the 1 or 2 things he does well and have him do those things. He is ok rushing the passer, for example. He can cover RB's short distances. Wheel routes are a problem, however.

He can't shed a block or fill a hole to save his life. So don't ask him to do it. Parson's is the guy to fill that role. Even LVE, when healthy is better at it.

Everyone thinks Jaylon can rush the passer, he can't. He can blitz and surprise the Oline, but if he went one on one vs a guard or tackle, he's be toast as soon as they get their hands on him since he can't shed tackles or push off. His uses are limited.