Jane Slater: Vrabel, Harbaugh, and Belichick were interested in Cowboys job


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Listening to McCarthy post presser, it sounded to me like there are is lots of talk and consideration about the players feelings. They like McCarthy because he is a players coach. It's sounded like a touchy, feely locker room. He talked about the players love for each other.... I don't dislike McCarthy but right or wrong I can't imagine Parcels, Bilicheck or Johnson having this discussion. What he described sounded like camp cupcake as Jane put it.
Obviously never played professionally in any sport but trained with a few prospects for the Marlins back in the day. My coach knew the facility owner so they let a couple of us go in and pick up some lessons from them.

The instructor was some hard *** no nonsense person. Brought out the best in everyone and we had made respect for him. Now my coach was a big goofy guy everyone took advantage of and we never took things too seriously. May not be the same situation but sounds familiar

Speaking of training with the older kids at the time that mlb teams were looking at. Holy **** was a rude awakening. Thought I was above average then you get in there and you felt like some scrub that had no skills and not one of them even came close to the professional level. Just the gap in talent was astronomical


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Jane Slater has been in the industry for 20 years, both in Dallas and now nationally.

You're some dude on a message board with no contacts in the industry. Guess which one of you I think has more credibility.

That you think any of them are going to make a public announcement of interest in a head coaching job tells me a lot. :muttley:
Skip Bayless has been in the industry a lot longer than 20 years. Do you take his word on Cowboy related topics as gospel? :laugh:

So somehow Slater is aware that Belichick, Harbaugh, AND Vrabel all wanted the cowboys job but somehow nobody else caught wind of this or reported it.

Belichick was prepping and breathlessly hoping for Jerry's call and we're just now finding out about it, a day after Jerry announces McCarthy is coming back.

Okey dokey. :thumbup:


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Jane Slater: Harbaugh and Belichick were interested in Cowboys job

My computer monitor was old anyway. Ugh It's tough being a die-hard, rabid fan. But I'll be supporting my team next season.


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It didn't matter.

Jerry is to old to rip things down and start from scratch. He sees his mortality and doesn't have time for these coaches to win.

Any of those coaches would not want Prescott. Then you have Lance or whoever you find. That's not an option for Jerry for winning now.

Jerry kept it the same because this means Dallas will continue making the playoffs with a chance to win it all.

Get in Jerry's head and his mortality and his decision is what most would do in that situation.
If JJ wants a chance to win it all then he wouldn’t continue doing the same thing expecting a different result.

The man will go to his grave never sniffing another Super Bowl.


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50+ years as a fan. I'll never say I'm done with my favorite sports team. Only band wagon/fair weathered fans will quit or switch to another team like some are saying here.
I don't blame anyone for leaving. It's sports not a marriage or children.

This team is basically being rewarded for playing like absolute trash


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This is literally sickening. No sane person would forgo even an attempt to speak to this better coaches and examine options.

I’ve known for a long time this team will never win but this just makes it crystal clear.

As a UT grad, next season I’ll have a good team to spend a bit of hobby time on, Cowboys are a laughing stock.

Risen Star

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Of course. The notion that the top guys don't want to coach here has never been true. They do. It's up to the Owner to want them.

We have one of the most successful coaches of this era. The problem isn't him. I promise you it isn't. He's just not the solution. He can't make Jerry change.


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Of course. The notion that the top guys don't want to coach here has never been true. They do. It's up to the Owner to want them.

We have one of the most successful coaches of this era. The problem isn't him. I promise you it isn't. He's just not the solution. He can't make Jerry change.
If he's not the solution he's part of the problem.


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I have no doubt we'll be looking for a new HC in 2025. I hope some great ones are available.


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To know Belichick and Harbaugh were interested and we just kept the same gang is sickening. i didn't think it was possible but i'm already checked out of the upcoming season.
Same. Im done. Fan since '73. This is a bridge too far. All these obvious candidates just sitting there, clamoring to come here, and Jerry won't even investigate it. No effort. Smug,; lazy, and unwilling to leave his comfort zone. He is undervaluing the fans. We are being taken for granite guys. I wanna know who is in Jerrys inner circle telling him its a bad idea to kick the tires on BB, Harbaugh and Vrabel. This stinks to high Heaven.