Jane Slater: Vrabel, Harbaugh, and Belichick were interested in Cowboys job


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Of course. The notion that the top guys don't want to coach here has never been true. They do. It's up to the Owner to want them.

We have one of the most successful coaches of this era. The problem isn't him. I promise you it isn't. He's just not the solution. He can't make Jerry change.
Fans may be getting this wrong. Maybe Jerry did reach out and each told him they were interested, but with conditions that Jerry wouldn’t agree to.


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Harbaugh ?!!

My God

You know why because Jerry is saving the spot either for Quinn next year or that stiff Lincoln Riley.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Listening to McCarthy post presser, it sounded to me like there are is lots of talk and consideration about the players feelings. They like McCarthy because he is a players coach. It's sounded like a touchy, feely locker room. He talked about the players love for each other.... I don't dislike McCarthy but right or wrong I can't imagine Parcels, Bilicheck or Johnson having this discussion. What he described sounded like camp cupcake as Jane put it.
We are soft as Charmin!!!!
Now we know why.
Calling it: one and done in the playoffs next year.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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because we are friends with like minds on here. Many of us have been on this mb since it began, came over from the defunct d.c message board. I will watch from afar but won't invest my time and energy into the team daily anymore. Its bad for my health. Im getting too old for this.
Appreciate the sentiment.
A lot of us old timers are so sick of this crap.
No hope , it wears you down.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I did that after the 2016 loss at home as the 1 seed (again) debacle. I haven't bought in since then.

I just follow because the Cowboys have been part of my life since I was 6 years old, but I no longer buy what Jerry's selling.

If he gets lucky and strikes gold, cool, I will have followed it. When they crap the bed like they did on Sunday I am no longer surprised. I shrug and move on.
For some reason it still bothers me.
I am frustrated, angry and upset.
Even though logically I know we have no chance with this culture I still hoped this time it would be different.
Guess I feel suckered....


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
By May we will be Superbowl bound again in these lovely forums of ours.
We deserve Jerry and Sons..............as there is 1 born every day!!!


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Jane was on Rich Eisen's show and had this to say. The clip starts where she mentions these coaches.

Jake---this shows and proves once and for all....our full on losing culture is Jerry Jones...period ....end of sentence....Slater is a most reliable "insider" and

she dont lie....Jerry has always been the problem as "meddler"...but now some of the best coaches there will ever be "available"....Jerry slams door shut

There should be a total "fan revolt"....Jerry only cares about Marketing cowboys to pad his wallet....long ago "winning" left his mind....you all know i was one

of biggest HOMERS here...Sunday was like total "Electric Shock" therapy with AMPS turned to "full blown"....and now Jake provides unadulterated truth from

one insider you can trust and that is Slater....if this does not prove to everyone cowboy management is a Total Clown Car then nothing will


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
By May we will be Superbowl bound again in these lovely forums of ours.
We deserve Jerry and Sons..............as there is 1 born every day!!!
PAPPY---i admit i was one....a total HOMER....i am cured....i wont be a Troll....but....did you all hear Slater's report Jake put up??...Slater is great "insider"

she dont ever lie....Belichek, and other top coaches wanted to coach Cowboys and Jerry never even put "feeler" out....he loves the cushy and easy things now

old and way too rich to care about winning and what it takes.....i guarantee yes my last PLAT Jerry is always half drunk on Johnnie Walker blue label....dont

confuse loyalty with players and coaches and laziness and ease of the familiar....Jerry dont care....all these people i have heard....Jerry all he wants is to win

is total LIE......


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Has there ever been a year with multiple coaches of this level available? I get not wanting to fire him just because. I wouldn’t want to take a random unproven coach either. But this feels like such a blown opportunity. I mean, Warriors players liked Mark Jackson as their coach too.


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Why would Vrabel, Harbaugh or Bellicheat want to coach here? I was told nobody would want to coach a Dak led team.

Whiskey Cowboy

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Interesting many posters on record saying no legit coach would wanna work for Jerry..........guess what
My thoughts as well. Interesting to see confirmation that our HC gig is able to garner that sort of attention in spite of the Jones family. I hope that McCarthy rights the ship and has a long, successful career in Dallas. I can only hope the next time we are looking for a coach, we're as fortunate to have such strong options as we've had this offseason. The lack of movement stings, but I'm starting to see the logic.