Jane Slater: Vrabel, Harbaugh, and Belichick were interested in Cowboys job


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Why do fans think this is an airport where you have to announce you are leaving, just stop watching and don't tell us.
because we are friends with like minds on here. Many of us have been on this mb since it began, came over from the defunct d.c message board. I will watch from afar but won't invest my time and energy into the team daily anymore. Its bad for my health. Im getting too old for this.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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its best for us at this point to disengage ourselves from the team emotionally. Live our lives doing other things because this team could put us in the hospital.
I did that after the 2016 loss at home as the 1 seed (again) debacle. I haven't bought in since then.

I just follow because the Cowboys have been part of my life since I was 6 years old, but I no longer buy what Jerry's selling.

If he gets lucky and strikes gold, cool, I will have followed it. When they crap the bed like they did on Sunday I am no longer surprised. I shrug and move on.


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It didn't matter.

Jerry is to old to rip things down and start from scratch. He sees his mortality and doesn't have time for these coaches to win.

Any of those coaches would not want Prescott. Then you have Lance or whoever you find. That's not an option for Jerry for winning now.

Jerry kept it the same because this means Dallas will continue making the playoffs with a chance to win it all.

Get in Jerry's head and his mortality and his decision is what most would do in that situation.
You were on a roll until bold above


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Clowns in the FO and a retread coach who has repeatedly shown he is incapable of out-scheming a playoff-caliber team, or even a 7th seeded playoff team for that matter.

The future looks bright!


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Either way, are we gonna win a Super Bowl with the same staff? No. Might as well start over even if Dak and the defense struggle with a new offense and scheme. It’s not about being better, but about handing over the reigns to someone more competent that can get things going after this final year with Dak.
Right, it feels like a bandaid over as gunshot wound. All we are doing is wasting a few more years. I know MM only has the year, but Dak will be extended and still have a new coach the following season. Then we won't likely have nearly the talent pool we do now. There are some really impressive candidates we didn't even consider interviewing.

I was fine with extending Dak under the approval of our new coach. Frankly I don't trust MMs judgment.


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You were on a roll until bold above
That's what Jerry thinks. That's why he won't change.

Making the playoffs and having a chance is better than not making the playoffs and not having a chance. His mortality is making him think this way.


Maple Leaf
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It didn't matter.

Jerry is to old to rip things down and start from scratch. He sees his mortality and doesn't have time for these coaches to win.

Any of those coaches would not want Prescott. Then you have Lance or whoever you find. That's not an option for Jerry for winning now.

Jerry kept it the same because this means Dallas will continue making the playoffs with a chance to win it all.

Get in Jerry's head and his mortality and his decision is what most would do in that situation.

The decision perfectly fits with an aging person who has very little runway to go through a rebuild.

If there was a tear down of the team from coach to QB the owner would be conerned about being around to see the fruits of his decision.

He can't tear things down at this stage in life. It literally has to burn down around him, and he will be resigned to a four year makeover then.


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And Jerry wants the gang back, tells us all we need to know.
jane explained that best, it is because jerry thinks he is very close !! lol, so he just needs to stick with what he has and they will get there next time.
No big ext for mike, but he is coming back.

What is bad is BB and some others want the job, but jerry doesnt even talk to them!!!!!!!!!

He should interview all 3 and THEN decide, because one of them might say something where you go hmm and go with them.
BB hasnt had any talent in years, and I think he could change the culture enough so that they would show up and play better in playoffs.

Mike is just coaching for the $, Bill coaches to win.
This is just unbelievable that jerry is passing up a guy like BB, who has won what 6-7 SB's ?? thats crazy.
And if anyone could help Dak be better it would be bill, or might be.


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Well if DQ leaves, and Vrabel doesn't find a gig let him come be DC here for a year then fire MM


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The decision perfectly fits with an aging person who has very little runway to go through a rebuild.

If there was a tear down of the team from coach to QB the owner would be conerned about being around to see the fruits of his decision.

He can't tear things down at this stage in life. It literally has to burn down around him, and he will be resigned to a four year makeover then.
it would not require a rebuild, just a tune up, some discipline, and better preparation and motivation.


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I'd be curious what proof Jane Slater has that all three of these guys had expressed an interest in the job other than "I heard from a friend of a friend" type stuff

None of these guys publicly expressed interest in the job from what I have seen and I have to think if any of the 3 (Belichick, Harbaugh, or Vrabel) had put direct feelers out to Jerry that would have been news

If any of them had truly been interested in the job my guess is they would have directly called Jerry and expressed interest rather than sitting around and "hoping and preparing for his call" as slater described it

Personally I've always thought Slater was a bit of a fib teller and this clip makes me think that even more
I don’t know much about her but you bring up good journalistic questions.
Of course “being interested” is very non specific.


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I have no doubt we'll be looking for a new HC in 2025. I hope some great ones are available.
There will be some good ones available, but Jerry has his own list. We'll get much of the same.