Jane Slater: Vrabel, Harbaugh, and Belichick were interested in Cowboys job


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Well, too bad, lad.
We have Fat Mac, the best NFL Pac in ... North Texas!
mr Gimme--- we had some of the best coaches who know how to win available and wanted to coach for cowboys and Jerry does not even put out a "feeler"

we know without a doubt ....Jerry made north of 8 billion from 140 million investment...where his true motive is...he dont care a bit as long as he puts out

an entertaining product for most part and rake in the billions....after such a butt-whoopin' and most humiliating loss in cowboy history by lowest seed

and Jerry said lets do it again....does not get worse....we deserve all the cowboy critics to blow the horn


Junior College Transfer
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mr Gimme--- we had some of the best coaches who know how to win available and wanted to coach for cowboys and Jerry does not even put out a "feeler"

we know without a doubt ....Jerry made north of 8 billion from 140 million investment...where his true motive is...he dont care a bit as long as he puts out

an entertaining product for most part and rake in the billions....after such a butt-whoopin' and most humiliating loss in cowboy history by lowest seed

and Jerry said lets do it again....does not get worse....we deserve all the cowboy critics to blow the horn
Jerald, of course, is a genius re marketing. I canna wait for the Jones Family Cruises where we can meet and mingle with the minor Jones family and watch them play shuffleboard.

But, Oh, how time robeth thy beauty of the mind!
I really question Jerald's bare basics of football.
To pass on world class talent of coaches and instead keep the status quo of Fat Mac and overhyped Quinn (let him walk! He's lucky he didn't get fired!) is without reason or rhyme.
My oh my. Staying in neutra with Fat Mac, and Lamb squabbling with Dak and Micah pouty and the secondary coming apaart against a 7th seed...this ... is madness, madness lad, I tell you!


Ahem, good lad, Let us proceed with the best attitude forward. And forever more, bench Dak in playoffs.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Jerald, of course, is a genius re marketing. I canna wait for the Jones Family Cruises where we can meet and mingle with the minor Jones family and watch them play shuffleboard.

But, Oh, how time robeth thy beauty of the mind!
I really question Jerald's bare basics of football.
To pass on world class talent of coaches and instead keep the status quo of Fat Mac and overhyped Quinn (let him walk! He's lucky he didn't get fired!) is without reason or rhyme.
My oh my. Staying in neutra with Fat Mac, and Lamb squabbling with Dak and Micah pouty and the secondary coming apaart against a 7th seed...this ... is madness, madness lad, I tell you!


Ahem, good lad, Let us proceed with the best attitude forward. And forever more, bench Dak in playoffs.
mr Gimme---just shoot me and get it over with if ye have any mercy


Lightning Rod
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Same. Im done. Fan since '73. This is a bridge too far. All these obvious candidates just sitting there, clamoring to come here, and Jerry won't even investigate it. No effort. Smug,; lazy, and unwilling to leave his comfort zone. He is undervaluing the fans. We are being taken for granite guys. I wanna know who is in Jerrys inner circle telling him its a bad idea to kick the tires on BB, Harbaugh and Vrabel. This stinks to high Heaven.


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My thoughts as well. Interesting to see confirmation that our HC gig is able to garner that sort of attention in spite of the Jones family. I hope that McCarthy rights the ship and has a long, successful career in Dallas. I can only hope the next time we are looking for a coach, we're as fortunate to have such strong options as we've had this offseason. The lack of movement stings, but I'm starting to see the logic.
+1...He's perfect for Jerry and Stephen...... low-key, confident, and handles himself very well with the media. Jerry would love to extend him if what OP says is true.


Red, White and Brew...
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Why get a new head coach when we are one simple special teams draft away from winning it all.

nate dizzle

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I'd be curious what proof Jane Slater has that all three of these guys had expressed an interest in the job other than "I heard from a friend of a friend" type stuff

None of these guys publicly expressed interest in the job from what I have seen and I have to think if any of the 3 (Belichick, Harbaugh, or Vrabel) had put direct feelers out to Jerry that would have been news

If any of them had truly been interested in the job my guess is they would have directly called Jerry and expressed interest rather than sitting around and "hoping and preparing for his call" as slater described it

Personally I've always thought Slater was a bit of a fib teller and this clip makes me think that even more
Yeah, I tend to believe her and her sources. Her friend of a friend isn't our friend of a friend. I'm sure she has a ton of connections. Anyway, this all tracks with who Jerry is and how he operates. He doesn't want to share power, he doesn't want coaches picking their staff, he doesn't want someone that has a spine. So I have no doubt that Jerry didn't even inquire about any of them.

Really too bad they don't make a juice cleanse or something to get this team out of your system.

nate dizzle

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Of course not. They would actually want some power that Jerry doesn't want to give any coach.

That's why we get guys like Wade Phillips and Mike McCarthy - fired, unwanted head coaches who will agree to his terms for another chance.
This sums it up perfectly.


Franchise Tagged
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The reality is this team peaked after the Eagles win and it was downhill from there. The Washington win was fools gold. I know everyone wants to blame Dak completely and he deserves some blame, but the entire team including coaches were unprepared to play. That's on the head coach.


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It didn't matter.

Jerry is to old to rip things down and start from scratch. He sees his mortality and doesn't have time for these coaches to win.

Any of those coaches would not want Prescott. Then you have Lance or whoever you find. That's not an option for Jerry for winning now.

Jerry kept it the same because this means Dallas will continue making the playoffs with a chance to win it all.

Get in Jerry's head and his mortality and his decision is what most would do in that situation.
Then maybe he shouldn’t be in charge because he is doing what’s best for him, not the team. Or organization.


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The reality is this team peaked after the Eagles win and it was downhill from there. The Washington win was fools gold. I know everyone wants to blame Dak completely and he deserves some blame, but the entire team including coaches were unprepared to play. That's on the head coach.
It's not on Jerry?


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Vrabel is exactly what this organization needs. So of course the Jones clowns were not interested. Like a kid frowning at eating vegetables.