Jason Garrett... the answer?


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Hostile;2394161 said:
With Cowboys fans who are over reacting to a disappointing season. I doubt it is the same around the NFL. I highly doubt it in fact.

Maybe so. Maybe not. Neither of us can prove it one way or another.

Hostile said:
Blame is spread along the whole team. I just don't see where Garrett is the problem. So I don't agree.

I would say Garrett is the problem is that his offense hasn't changed depiste the offensive line struggles or Romo's absence. No adjustements were made to speed up what had been a down-the-field offense despite the fact that Johnson couldn't make those throws and the line couldn't block for them. I put that blame on Garrett.

Hostile said:
In the middle of a season it is always over reacting. It happens both ways. In 2 weeks we will come back healthy and administer a whipping and people will over react the other way.

I see that point. And I'll gladly welcome that flood if it is the 'whipping' you describe.

But I also remember people getting called "Chicken Littles" a month ago when the flaws of this team were getting mentioned.

It seems sometimes that it's wrong to criticize until it's too late for anything to change.


The Duke
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The poor oppressed Chicken Littles. We should all :bow: them and their hurt feelings.

You can have the last word. I need to look up how to worship the Chicken Littles on this site who know football better than the whole world.


No Quarter
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Hostile;2394192 said:
Oh chinch I just don't care to go round and round with you on this subject. I am so sick of the Tuna worship. Jerry tried to keep him. He offered him more money. The man turned his back on us. Good riddance. It is long past time to change the record.

i know you don't. noone does.

i just find it ironic that #1 the O hasn't improved, if anything it's regressed and #2 jason is yet another overpaid jerry enabled person on staff for the boys. he's done nothing but mediocre work yet people believe he's "the one". :laugh2:

tuna had alot of problems in his entire career but jerry helped push him out the door with TO.

plus tuna has nothing to do with jason. two wrongs don't make a right.


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Hostile;2394228 said:
The poor oppressed Chicken Littles. We should all :bow: them and their hurt feelings.

You can have the last word. I need to look up how to worship the Chicken Littles on this site who know football better than the whole world.


Take it that way.


The Duke
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stasheroo;2394244 said:

Take it that way.
I'm sorry Stash, but I have never seen this desire to silence the Chicken Littles that is constantly brought up. I see people disagreeing with them. That's their right.

People disagree all the time. It isn't oppression. When it reaches the poor poor pitiful me I am so oppressed stage I am no longer interested. If people cannot stand disagreement they should not share opinions because no one is that spectacular that their every word is gold.

I should have kept my word and let you have the last word. My bad. I forgot. It's yours.


Vet Min Plus
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Garrett is nothing without Romo and even then by the end of the year they get figured out. Other teams adjust, we don't. We never should have gone into this thing with BJ. I still can't believe we picked him over Bartel.
why Bollinger didn't start this game is beyond ********. We may not have won but we would have put up more points.

You have TO, RW11, Austin, Crayton
Witten, Benett
Barber, Choice

that's a Ferrari of an offense.

Vroom Vroom, stuck in neutral:bang2:

What a waste.:mad:


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Hostile;2394282 said:
I'm sorry Stash, but I have never seen this desire to silence the Chicken Littles that is constantly brought up. I see people disagreeing with them. That's their right.

And I feel that the label "chicken little" is an attempt to do that very thing. Not to mention a form of "name-calling" which is supposed to be frowned upon.

Hostile said:
People disagree all the time. It isn't oppression. When it reaches the poor poor pitiful me I am so oppressed stage I am no longer interested. If people cannot stand disagreement they should not share opinions because no one is that spectacular that their every word is gold.

I have no problem with disagreement, it's a dismissive attitude that bothers me.

Hostile said:
I should have kept my word and let you have the last word. My bad. I forgot. It's yours.

I'm not looking for a 'last word' but a thought-provoking conversation/debate.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Garrett is the answer...

If the question is who's the most overrated, prematurely annointed pet head coach in waiting since Paul Hackett.
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Everyone is saying that they can't wait Romo to come back.. However Rome didn't win us games before he was injured.

The problem is Garret's offense. Other teams have figured them out and he cannot adjust. That is why when he was in Miami as a QB coach.. Miami finished 1-15. They guy has no talent in creating offenses.. Just because he graduated from an Ivy school does not make him football smart..

Also what the heck is going on with Barber.... Is he still suffering from those bruised ribs he got during the Washington.. If he is not up to par...why didn't we see Tachard Choise any more?,,

Anyways we need to get reid of these people:

Garett, and Jerry Jones... He needs to hire a true GM and let him run the team personnel... and Jerry you just stay and be the owner..


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Chocolate Lab;2394324 said:
Garrett is the answer...

If the question is who's the most overrated, prematurely annointed pet head coach in waiting since Paul Hackett.

lol +1

As an aside, to comment on your sig, Spencer did look very good today.


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He wasn't with miami last year when they went 1-15. He was here when we went 13-3.


Vet Min Plus
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We need more threads like this. Finally some fans who can see the root of the problem...:bravo:


The Duke
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stasheroo;2394318 said:
And I feel that the label "chicken little" is an attempt to do that very thing. Not to mention a form of "name-calling" which is supposed to be frowned upon.

I have no problem with disagreement, it's a dismissive attitude that bothers me.

I'm not looking for a 'last word' but a thought-provoking conversation/debate
Then I am going to respond again.

I have heard the term Chicken Littles all my life, not just on this forum. It is a children's story like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." It is used as a metaphor because people understand the association.

Anyone who considers that an insult needs to toughen up.

Dismissive attitudes have been around forever too. I guarantee you if I banned all the Koolaid drinking homers (I don't consider those insults either for the same reason) this forum would be labeled as a haven for haters and no one other than a hater is allowed.

That would be as stupid as the idea that negative opinions are stifled. Any time someone wants to put up money on that I will gladly make a bet on how many negative thoughts I can find posted on this forum on any given day. I bet it is in the hundreds and after a loss it is in the thousands.

People disagree with those negative posts just like some disagree with the positive ones.

My goodness we allow both. That must mean we are a forum. Ya think?


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MontrealCowboyFan4ever;2394338 said:

Everyone is saying that they can't wait Romo to come back.. However Rome didn't win us games before he was injured.

The problem is Garret's offense. Other teams have figured them out and he cannot adjust. That is why when he was in Miami as a QB coach.. Miami finished 1-15. They guy has no talent in creating offenses.. Just because he graduated from an Ivy school does not make him football smart..

Also what the heck is going on with Barber.... Is he still suffering from those bruised ribs he got during the Washington.. If he is not up to par...why didn't we see Tachard Choise any more?,,

Anyways we need to get reid of these people:

Garett, and Jerry Jones... He needs to hire a true GM and let him run the team personnel... and Jerry you just stay and be the owner..

If Barber would just stop side-stepping he'd be fine. But yes, it is absolutely ******** that we have barely seen Choice with Felix out. Garrett is starting to look a lot like Chan Gailey. Had success early, but then could not figure out how to adjust when teams started taking away what he wanted to do.


Intramural Legend
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CowboyFan74;2394369 said:
We need more threads like this. Finally some fans who can see the root of the problem...:bravo:

Agree that its a good post, but this is hardly the first one blaming the struggles offensively on Garrett.


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MontrealCowboyFan4ever;2394338 said:

Everyone is saying that they can't wait Romo to come back.. However Rome didn't win us games before he was injured.

The problem is Garret's offense. Other teams have figured them out and he cannot adjust. That is why when he was in Miami as a QB coach.. Miami finished 1-15. They guy has no talent in creating offenses.. Just because he graduated from an Ivy school does not make him football smart..

Also what the heck is going on with Barber.... Is he still suffering from those bruised ribs he got during the Washington.. If he is not up to par...why didn't we see Tachard Choise any more?,,

Anyways we need to get reid of these people:

Garett, and Jerry Jones... He needs to hire a true GM and let him run the team personnel... and Jerry you just stay and be the owner..

Agree with everything but Barber. The Giants D lived in Dallas's backfield, cant do much when the Oline is not run blocking.


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Hypnotoad;2394368 said:
He wasn't with miami last year when they went 1-15. He was here when we went 13-3.

You mean he was here with Tony Sparano when we went 13-3? The same Tony Sparano who very well may make the playoffs?


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Before Romo got hurt we were 4-1. I don't care how pitiful we were. I just want everyone healthy. Its better than being nonhealthy and frankly i'll take winning 4 out of the next 5 games. And there's nothing wrong with Garrett's offense. I don't know what you guys want from the Cowboys. We put up atleast 28 points consistently with Romo. He puts up 300 yards a game more often then not. Do you realize how hard that is?


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utrunner07;2394382 said:
Agree with everything but Barber. The Giants D lived in Dallas's backfield, cant do much when the Oline is not run blocking.

Real tough to run block when the D has absolutely no fear of your QB or the pass. The box stays crowded and the heat keeps coming cause there's no fear of the downfield pass.


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Hostile;2394374 said:
Then I am going to respond again.

I have heard the term Chicken Littles all my life, not just on this forum. It is a children's story like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." It is used as a metaphor because people understand the association.

Anyone who considers that an insult needs to toughen up.

Dismissive attitudes have been around forever too. I guarantee you if I banned all the Koolaid drinking homers (I don't consider those insults either for the same reason) this forum would be labeled as a haven for haters and no one other than a hater is allowed.

That would be as stupid as the idea that negative opinions are stifled. Any time someone wants to put up money on that I will gladly make a bet on how many negative thoughts I can find posted on this forum on any given day. I bet it is in the hundreds and after a loss it is in the thousands.

People disagree with those negative posts just like some disagree with the positive ones.

My goodness we allow both. That must mean we are a forum. Ya think?

Giving credit where it's due, this is the most fair and balanced forum I have ever visited.