Jason Hatcher Rips Romo and Garrett


Taco Engineer
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Ya he's saying that someone that far enough away from the organization can tell the truth and again why is it just a couple of players who say this if Romo was what cry baby hatcher says it was? If hatcher was right there would be a lot more than just him and TO saying it. BTW TO was on camera once crying his eyes out saying what a great QB Romo was and that he was his guy. Then years later he started his ripping of Romo.
You have every right to ignore the point. It's not so much how many have said anything, which is the point you're really driving home. It's that regardless - it's hypocritical to side with Hatcher on bashing JG and turn around and calling him a liar for anything about Romo. I see that as odd.


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Anytime I saw them on the sideline during games it was Sanchez. Do you have any sources?
that was my observation as well. sanchez seemed to be talking to dak far more than romo. and given the events of the season as it unfolded, perfectly understandable. romo wasn't happy about not getting his job back.
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That being said, I think it would be wiser for the team to see how he plays under Moore before signing a long term deal. I think Dak will do great, but the way QB contracts are, I'd want to be sure.
the problem is he will be an unrestricted free agent after this season. if he goes out and has a great year, there will be a huge bidding war for his services. while your point is well taken, there is a huge risk of losing him to free agency if he's not signed soon. conundrum to be sure.


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You have every right to ignore the point. It's not so much how many have said anything, which is the point you're really driving home. It's that regardless - it's hypocritical to side with Hatcher on bashing JG and turn around and calling him a liar for anything about Romo. I see that as odd.

OK, I'll say the same thing about Garrett. There have been only a couple of his former players that have said anything about him so yes I still say I don't put anything into cry baby hatcher. You can find players who say bad about other players or coaches every day, but when those that are saying it are just a couple, those players come off as cry babies looking for attention and not to be believed.


Taco Engineer
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I respect that opinion. I just don't agree Hatcher was looking for attention. He didn't bring it up, he specifically said he was asked the question.
In the end, it's just conversation IMO.


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that was my observation as well. sanchez seemed to be talking to dak far more than room. and given the events of the season as it unfolded, perfectly understandable. romo wasn't happy about not getting his job back.
As Dak has said, Romo spoke to him a lot earlier in the season during games but only selectively later. This was specifically so it wouldn't be too pushy. He spent most of his time with Dak in the film room and after practices with mechanics. If Dak had any real issue (mainly with reading defenses, then he would go to Romo directly....it was sort of an agreement to keep thigs smooth.
Sanchez was often the relay guy...as often the backup is...during games..


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I respect that opinion. I just don't agree Hatcher was looking for attention. He didn't bring it up, he specifically said he was asked the question.
In the end, it's just conversation IMO.

I see, it isn't really ripping if you're asked a question. It's only ripping if you volunteer the ripping. It's still ripping and he's still a VERY tiny minority of former players to do so.


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As Dak has said, Romo spoke to him a lot earlier in the season during games but only selectively later. This was specifically so it wouldn't be too pushy. He spent most of his time with Dak in the film room and after practices with mechanics. If Dak had any real issue (mainly with reading defenses, then he would go to Romo directly....it was sort of an agreement to keep thigs smooth.
Sanchez was often the relay guy...as often the backup is...during games..
I speak only to that which I observed during games.


Taco Engineer
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I see, it isn't really ripping if you're asked a question. It's only ripping if you volunteer the ripping. It's still ripping and he's still a VERY tiny minority of former players to do so.
He has nothing to gain or lose. I never said it wasn't ripping, you said he was looking for attention. Which is false.


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“Romo didn't have the it factor to make people around him better. I think when I was there he thought he was bigger than the team. It was like Romo and then the team. Like nobody in the locker room is really going to respect you like that. I really don't respect him as a player based on what he did to the team where a lot of people didn't see.”

"He was a great player and got all the numbers and stuff but I'll take Dak over Romo any day because Dak has the ability to make people around him better. You'll run through a wall for Dak but Romo, hell no."

When asked to clarify his remark about making people better, Hatcher went on to criticize Romo even more.

"Romo was feeling like he was a Brett Favre and I'm like 'dude, you ain't do nothing. What have you done? You got your own space that you leave ... don't come in the locker room an interact with your teammates, but you call yourself a leader? Nah, partner. It don't work like that.'

Hatcher was asked about what happened around the time the Cowboys fired Phillips and if the team quit on him?

"Let me tell you something. I'm going to tell you the truth. I saw Jason Garrett sabotage this man."

When asked if Hatcher believed that he said, "absolutely."

"We ran three plays three freakin plays (before Wade was fired). I don't care what the media say. We was flying around. We was out of pads in week 7 (in 2009). We was beating people's heads in. Now we go into camp cupcake (in 2010) and do what Wade don't want to do. We get in pads, we beat each other down. We tired, we not fresh. And then you go and call three or four plays (Garrett on offense) till this man gets fired."
a never was DE/DT, with average skills who was at best a rotational guy and went to Commanders to underwhelm having gievences against Coach and the star QB, a guy who got run out of town because he sucked and looking for his next 15 minutes of fame since he was related to America's team that always gets a headline.

Hatcher... just shut up and be happy you made some money and go do your thing.


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Weird that wasn't visible during games.
How often does anyone in attendance scruntize exactly where one person (much less two or more people) are positioned on the sidelines? Likewise, how often do network camera people focus their equipment on the sideline to capture a specific circumstance involving multiple individuals on the sidelines during the course of any game?

That said, it is common for cameras to repeatedly and purposefully search-and-aim at 'controversial' folks during a game. Greg Hardy, Terrell Owens and Dez Bryant are a few examples.

For the latter at the end of the first paragraph, it is true cameras caught Prescott and Sanchez together. How often did that scene get repeated on television screens during any game or the course of the season? Finally, the majority of viewers' and cameras' focus is on the field during any game. How can anything not caught on camera or not witnessed in person be automatically discounted as having NOT happened?


Taco Engineer
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How often does anyone in attendance scruntize exactly where one person (much less two or more people) are positioned on the sidelines? Likewise, how often do network camera people focus their equipment on the sideline to capture a specific circumstance involving multiple individuals on the sidelines during the course of any game?

That said, it is common for cameras to repeatedly and purposefully search-and-aim at 'controversial' folks during a game. Greg Hardy, Terrell Owens and Dez Bryant are a few examples.

For the latter at the end of the first paragraph, it is true cameras caught Prescott and Sanchez together. How often did that scene get repeated on television screens during any game or the course of the season? Finally, the majority of viewers' and cameras' focus is on the field during any game. How can anything not caught on camera or not witnessed in person be automatically discounted as having NOT happened?
I'm wasn't referring to camera work. I fully understand that it's limited and edited. Though regardless, they still show some truths. Example? The Seattle game where Bryant came undone. I was in attendance and I also watched the NFLN replay on TV later. They were very similar, so to suggest the TV doesn't show the whole picture isn't 100% accurate.
I've been behind the team's sideline on a number of occasions. So with eyes and not TV cameras.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I always said two things about Tony on the old site. 1. He was not a leader. 2. He suffered the "glitch". I have never changed my opinion. What I do not like about the Woodson/Hatcher comments is neither had the cajones to say so while they played with him.
I always thought Tony Romo was a little self-centered conceited. He proved it when he went to Cabo with Jessica Simpson during the playoffs . I think there's way more camaraderie in the locker room with Prescott


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I remember so many plays. We're receiving took the play off because I didn't expect to get the football. Tony definitely played favoritism. What else did they call Jason Witten BFF. I swear that's why Patrick Crayton drop the football . he was never looking for it. That's what I like about Prescott every receiver on every single play they don't take plays off they all expect the football


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He has nothing to gain or lose. I never said it wasn't ripping, you said he was looking for attention. Which is false.

So now you're a mind reader? You know exactly what was in hatcher's mind when he decided to rip Romo. Can you levitate too?