Twitter: Jaylon needs to be cut


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As usual let’s dump on Jaylon. The defensive tackles get pushed back. LVE gets washed and no safety support. You wonder why Jaylon looks clueless, he covers for the bad safety play and the linebacker beside him.
Poe gets washed but literally everyone else does their job besides Jaylon....if Jaylon just covers his gap it’s a tackle for 2 years. He has one job and can’t do it


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When I saw the OP my two reactions were that if Cavenaugh said it was a broken assignment it was probably the right read. Also that despite what half this forum thinks, no NFL player runs the opposite direction of a play unless its their assignment. I'll wait to see if the coaches comment, #79 is Justin Hamilton BTW, a journeyman who was out of the league last year.
Everyone who studies film is saying that’s Jaylon assignment.....they aren’t making stuff up. Dude is lost


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The interior of the line is so bad that I think it’s making the linebackers look worse than they really are. The interior of the line is a lynch pin for most defensive schemes. If that falls apart the domino effect can make other players look really bad. Idk, Jaylon has made some mistakes this year and his effort does appear lackluster at times but these are all cherry picked plays and this can lead to an unfair piling on when the root cause of it all might be the interior of the defensive line.
It’s not cherry picked. You can go watch every snap Jaylon has played this year, this is routine for him. He is bad and shouldn’t be on the field


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Jaylon needs to be cut! This crap team doesn't have anyone better, but cut him to make me feel good.

Jaylon is the least of this team's problems. Cut Jerry, that would actually make a difference.

he's definitely not the least of the team's problems. I'd put him @ 5th or so.


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what a weak *** excuse

was rod marinelli the gm? no then blame the people that deserve it sheep

Excuse and sheep? Buddy who are you?

You're trying to say Rod Marinelli did not want Jaylon Smith? I'll give you 1 thing our GM does stink and so does Will McClay.

Here's right out of Rod's mouth internet tough guy.

You're blocked cause you talk with no details behind it as far as I'm concerned and you're just a big mouth. It definitely wasn't Nolan's pick sheep.


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Good play call by washington. Also shows the lack of confidence the cowboys players have right now. No confidence = poor reads. These are reacting too much, not playing with natural instincts.

Washington gashes the cowboys on the same look earlier in the game where they ran an h back across the formation off play action, and he went uncovered. The cowboys got beat both times.

Look is one thing.

But just watch the OL. Nobody is blocking in the direction Jaylon runs. Where do you think the play will go ?

And we already have 3 defenders on our left side.


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When I saw the OP my two reactions were that if Cavenaugh said it was a broken assignment it was probably the right read. Also that despite what half this forum thinks, no NFL player runs the opposite direction of a play unless its their assignment. I'll wait to see if the coaches comment, #79 is Justin Hamilton BTW, a journeyman who was out of the league last year.

This is what your simple-mind doesn’t understand.

No defense tells a linebacker to follow his key mindlessly and completely ignore the developing play. You have pre-snap reads but have to diagnose and adjust after...get this...the ball is snapped and the play goes away from you.

It’s absolutely clear you’re just a guy that made a braindead premature congratulatory post a few weeks back thinking “Jaylon’s back!!!”

Now you’re in the laughable position of trying to defend every obvious gaffe he does on the field.
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So I like to get into the individual details of assignments and what not on defense. I played high school football but I am by no means a football guru. I am just a fan but I truly appreciate the strategic details of the game being broken down by people more knowledgeable than me. I found these tweets amongst the replies to the tweets the OP posted. Thoughts?

The tweets from this guy JPeezy are on half-truths that Jaylon’s remaining supporters are glomming onto to try and explain Jaylon’s poor play.

Every defender on the field outside of corners playing straight-up man on occasion have keys. So yes, Jaylon has a key and has to make a read. However, NO DEFENSE (especially at linebacker) will have players follow their keys like autonotoms and not read/diagnose the actual play. Jaylon lost sight of the ball because he was so focused on the h-back.

Even the original tweeter (JPeezy) admitted “maybe he was slow on the rebound” which is a severe understatement.


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It’s not cherry picked. You can go watch every snap Jaylon has played this year, this is routine for him. He is bad and shouldn’t be on the field

Exactly, what’s cherry-picked in this context?

It’s a single play showing yet another gaffe from Jaylon.

So, when people show a highlight play from Jaylon is that “cherry-picked” too?
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