Twitter: Jaylon: We are the light of the World


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Nice guy (supposedly) but he’s not 100% there mentally.


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He’s trolling. He knows fans are upset after losing. If it was Christianity based, he would’ve added some context to it or put a verse in there or he would’ve quoted something from the Bible. He knew he’d get a reaction out of this. It’s all a joke to him and the players. He’ll show our reaction to the locker and they’ll all laugh. What a joke.

agree 100%. They don’t care as much as fans and they’ve talked about that. Champions care and don’t do stuff like this. Losers like Cowboys and Leprechauns do.


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Its an advertisement for the energy company Reliant, he tweeted out to switch to Reliant so the "we are the light of the world" is play on Reliant because its an energy company, get it, energy powers lightbulbs which lights up the world. They are probably paying him to do it.

Its a hustle fellas, he is out peddling his crap like his sunglass and stuff. Did you guys not hear him at his press conference when he got paid and he said he viewed himself as a corporation? The dude is all about the $$$$$$ now.

I dont really care what he tweets out, but I kinda find it funny that the day after some scrub off Philly's practice squad abused him sooo bad an arrest warrant should be issued, he is on twitter peddling his crap. :laugh:


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My thought is why would u care what he or they tweet??
And if you dont know , they dont care about us peon fans lol. And they obviously dont care they lost so many games this season.
They get paid either way, and they are still stars, and most are millionaires, they live in another world.


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Its an advertisement for the energy company Reliant, he tweeted out to switch to Reliant so the "we are the light of the world" is play on Reliant because its an energy company, get it, energy powers lightbulbs which lights up the world. They are probably paying him to do it.

Its a hustle fellas, he is out peddling his crap like his sunglass and stuff. Did you guys not hear him at his press conference when he got paid and he said he viewed himself as a corporation? The dude is all about the $$$$$$ now.

I dont really care what he tweets out, but I kinda find it funny that the day after some scrub off Philly's practice squad abused him sooo bad an arrest warrant should be issued, he is on twitter peddling his crap. :laugh:


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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He got a nice contract this off-season so I would be cheerful as well.
Enuff to start the "five-four power&light co." it's a mobile utilities outfit/ cuttin' edge& ahead of curve:starspin:



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I can't remember a player on any team going from beloved to hated as quickly as Jaylon Smith has this season. Fans' image of him has taken a 180 turn in the last 4 months. Every time he tweets there are hundreds of comments from fans telling him to go screw himself. Jaylon the mogul has to realize this is not good for business right?


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I can't remember a player on any team going from beloved to hated as quickly as Jaylon Smith has this season. Fans' image of him has taken a 180 turn in the last 4 months. Every time he tweets there are hundreds of comments from fans telling him to go screw himself. Jaylon the mogul has to realize this is not good for business right?

As my dad says, he went from sugar to ****.

I know bro. Everything but talking about the game or his play or anything football related

Do we really need another medium for their excuses and empty promises week to week?


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This dude right here. He can’t be this stupid, he must be trolling the fans. If he’s trolling fans than he’s trash for doing that. Fans support the team!

Maybe he's talking about his religion, man. There's simply no way to tell with that tweet.


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Performance has took a step back but I respect his personal side. Let's all remember it's a sport.


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I think JS has a lot of talent, but like many of our players we are going to need a better head coach to see any of it develop to a championship level. Jaylon seems aimless and all over the field. Now this "we are the light" thing. Get your a55 off social media Jaylon. Zeke could care less but he actually does care (know what I mean?) but sadly I think we'll never see it again unless we get a certain kind of head coach. Zeke is now a tap out specialist. D-Law and his metro sexual hot boyz scooters? .. right. Lee looking stressed like he has seen the reaper? right. Dak throwing passes like a pee wee QB because they played him even though he is hurt yet he is still not that good? right. Backups, never developed properly to come in when starters can't play well or are hurt? right. Cooper recently and somehow suddenly lost interest because he can see we don't want to win? right. Garrett calling stupid plays (Moore now uses the Garrett playbook) right. Garrett then throws Moore under the bus for calling his own stupid plays? right.

This man needs to be gone - time for a change

Get a new head coach. Send all and every assistant packing. let the head coach pick EVERYONE on his staff. Jerry sits there, he will get credit for picking a great coach. Yay. We get to the superbowl again. All of these players mentioned above will play at a top level again
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It's his Christian faith, not about football.