Jean-Jacques Taylor: Henson Project Could Be Sacked

JackMagist said:
So Parcells makes one statement, "I would have liked to see just a little bit more." And now every mediot in the world is jumping to the same conclusion. There is certainly a possibility that they are right and that it does spell the end for Henson but I still see it as far from a definite condemnation by BP.

It is conveniently ignored that Parcells also said that Henson was well ahead of where he was this time last year, or that he said that the NFLE work was good for Henson, or that Henson is improved. Those statements don't carry near the weight of "I would have liked to see just a little bit more."

We all know that Parcells will almost never give praise to a QB; in fact I have never heard him praise a QB. There is always some negative that he throws in to qualify anything that he ways about any QB including his guys like Bledsoe or Testaverde.

I'm not going to really believe any of this until I see the results in training camp. Will Henson be on the team this year? I don't know, but then again neither do any of these mediots who are writing this crap. In fact this story is getting so old that I think I will just slip it into the same pigeon hole where I keep the TO and Ellis stories.


This is a brilliant, insightful post, Jack.

While I do subscribe to the theory that Tuna does have something personal against Henson, your post certainly puts his comments into very sharp perspective.

lspain1 said:
Alexander, I don't know if Henson is an NFL caliber QB or not, but your comment above is just silly. Hitting a major league curve ball has NOTHING to do with handling pressure. There have been a lot of folks through the years who could not make it in major league baseball because they could not hit the curve. Henson tried to do it for a number of years and could not get it done.

Hitting the curve ball may be the single hardest thing to do in all of sports. If he had success and screwed it up from immature decisions or something like that your point would be valid but he did not do that. You can fault Henson on not having QB skills but the baseball comment is simply incorrect.

What does hitting a curve ball have to do with it? Baseball is also a mental game and any athlete in any professional competitive sport has to be mentally tough. And I don't think it's out of bounds to assume he got frustrated because he wasn't doing well and fell back into football.

I just suspect that he might be weaker in that regard than anyone thought. He looked fragile in his rookie year and while he showed good leadership skills in NFLE, is that enough?

I know it's still early to jump on him because the word is out he is slipping, and that's not really my intent. But it's getting harder each day to keep faith in him when everything you hear (and not just the mediots) indicates he is clearly the third horse, is floundering in comparison to his competition and shows no signs of moving upward.

This is his third year. He has to make a move soon or he will end up just like Hutchinson, who is another player I thought struggled with the mental, not physical portion.
Alexander said:
What does hitting a curve ball have to do with it? Baseball is also a mental game and any athlete in any professional competitive sport has to be mentally tough. And I don't think it's out of bounds to assume he got frustrated because he wasn't doing well and fell back into football.

I just suspect that he might be weaker in that regard than anyone thought. He looked fragile in his rookie year and while he showed good leadership skills in NFLE, is that enough?

I know it's still early to jump on him because the word is out he is slipping, and that's not really my intent. But it's getting harder each day to keep faith in him when everything you hear (and not just the mediots) indicates he is clearly the third horse, is floundering in comparison to his competition and shows no signs of moving upward.

This is his third year. He has to make a move soon or he will end up just like Hutchinson, who is another player I thought struggled with the mental, not physical portion.

My point was that Henson left baseball because he could not hit the curve ball. He wasn't wilting under pressure. He did not have success and felt that he was not performing to the level necessary to succeed. He left a lot of money on the table when he left. I don't know about you but IMO, leaving that money and making the decision to start over in football strikes me as mature and mentally tough.

You were making a point that he left baseball because he could not handle pressure. I believe that point was incorrect.
lspain1 said:
My point was that Henson left baseball because he could not hit the curve ball. He wasn't wilting under pressure. He did not have success and felt that he was not performing to the level necessary to succeed. He left a lot of money on the table when he left. I don't know about you but IMO, leaving that money and making the decision to start over in football strikes me as mature and mentally tough.

You were making a point that he left baseball because he could not handle pressure. I believe that point was incorrect.

I agree. Many guys who try to make it in MLB struggle with off speed pitches and wicked breaking pitches. This has nothing to do with wilting under pressure
It was that statement that leads me to believe that his comments at minicamp were psychological motivation aimed at Henson...

Silver Bear I have always liked your rationale and most of your posts, but if we all think about it, why would Parcells feel the need to "psychologically motivate" Henson if he felt he had seen enough? I am not disagreeing with your point of view, yours just happens to be the most recent post I have seen with this theory. I am not saying I do not subscribe to that theory myself, but what I am saying is if Parcells truly was satisfied with Henson why would he feel the need to play mind games with him to get even more out of him? I realize Bill is stingy with the compliments, and he would not want Henson to think he had "arrived" if Bill had showered him with praise, but I can't help but feel deep down he isn't playing mind games he is just stating what he truly thinks. And I am not happy about it believe me. I have pulled for Henson since we made the trade, but the writing may be on the wall.
acheman said:
It was that statement that leads me to believe that his comments at minicamp were psychological motivation aimed at Henson...

Silver Bear I have always liked your rationale and most of your posts, but if we all think about it, why would Parcells feel the need to "psychologically motivate" Henson if he felt he had seen enough?

The fact that he couldn't even pinpoint exactly what he wanted to see "more of." Kind of vague, don't you think?
acheman said:
It was that statement that leads me to believe that his comments at minicamp were psychological motivation aimed at Henson...

Silver Bear I have always liked your rationale and most of your posts, but if we all think about it, why would Parcells feel the need to "psychologically motivate" Henson if he felt he had seen enough? I am not disagreeing with your point of view, yours just happens to be the most recent post I have seen with this theory. I am not saying I do not subscribe to that theory myself, but what I am saying is if Parcells truly was satisfied with Henson why would he feel the need to play mind games with him to get even more out of him? I realize Bill is stingy with the compliments, and he would not want Henson to think he had "arrived" if Bill had showered him with praise, but I can't help but feel deep down he isn't playing mind games he is just stating what he truly thinks. And I am not happy about it believe me. I have pulled for Henson since we made the trade, but the writing may be on the wall.
Did you ever hear Phil Simms talk about Parcells? He tells a story about coming off of what he felt was one of the best games of his career and feeling really good about how things were going only to have Parcells tear him down. It is just how Parcells works; expecially with QBs.
SultanOfSix said:
The fact that he couldn't even pinpoint exactly what he wanted to see "more of." Kind of vague, don't you think?

I agree. It was the whole lack of specificity in the criticism that lead me to believe Parcells was putting pressure on Henson. It left me with a 'mind game' impression.

I also have to agree with the question..."Why would he do that?" If anything, I would expect Parcells to be putting pressure on Romo if he believes he is the better candidate. Clearly Romo was better last season, so mind games don't make a lot of sense to me...but I'm not Bill Parcells.
JackMagist said:
Did you ever hear Phil Simms talk about Parcells? He tells a story about coming off of what he felt was one of the best games of his career and feeling really good about how things were going only to have Parcells tear him down. It is just how Parcells works; expecially with QBs.

I have heard Simms say that many times. It is hard to know what Bill really thinks and I have yet to see any one predict what Bill will do with any real accuracy. All Henson can do is to continue to work and make the most of any opportunities that come his way.
lspain1 said:
I agree. It was the whole lack of specificity in the criticism that lead me to believe Parcells was putting pressure on Henson. It left me with a 'mind game' impression.

I also have to agree with the question..."Why would he do that?" If anything, I would expect Parcells to be putting pressure on Romo if he believes he is the better candidate. Clearly Romo was better last season, so mind games don't make a lot of sense to me...but I'm not Bill Parcells.
Parcells did make a comment about Romo needing to prove something in TC this year. HE said that he needed to prove that he can be counted on if called to play in the regular season. There is some inherent pressure in that statement alone. Plus we have no idea what Parcells is saying to either of these guys privately or on the practice field or in the locker room. Just because we do hear it in public doesn't mean he isn't playing mind games with both of them...and maybe Bledsoe too.
Bill is giving Drew a real test here. Why? Because Bill is a ******* with QBs. Henson though has Bledsoe and Palmer to help interpret. Too bad JJT doesn't have the same luxury.
Drew Henson makes plays but stares down his receiver too much to be a starting QB.

I don't know a thing about Tony Romo.
ravidubey said:
Drew Henson makes plays but stares down his receiver too much to be a starting QB.

I don't know a thing about Tony Romo.

He got Moxie :D
ravidubey said:
Drew Henson makes plays but stares down his receiver too much to be a starting QB.

I think that you could say that about most inexperienced backups in the league though
Hoov said:
well i guess that all depends on how you feel about bledsoe. i think bledsoe is a good QB, and quite frankly right now i dont think there are that many good QB's in the nfl. so why would you bench a good QB to see if one of the unproven guys on your team can some day turn into a good QB ? that makes no sense to me.

But if you think bledose sucks, and then you think gee not only does he suck but he is old too, then i could see a push to start a young guy. i just think bledose is a good QB.

But people want to see a franchise QB, someone good, young and with tons of potential who will lead the team for years.....but how many of those types come out of college every year 1 maybe 2, and there are 32 teams all wanting that. i think more and more we are going to see the journeyman type of QB like bledsoe, a guy that has experience and can play if he can fit into the right system.

Also, i watched carson palmer play 1 presseason game last yaer and said WOW, this kid has poise, he is a natural back there, he has something. Henson hasnt shown that in preseason so why do we think he will just all of a sudden find it by throwing him into the starters role ?

3 of those 4 games were with vinnie t and we pretty much knew he'd not be back the next year if bledsoe came around. what were we losing then?

nothing except valid observation experience.
ravidubey said:
Drew Henson makes plays but stares down his receiver too much to be a starting QB.

I don't know a thing about Tony Romo.

i watched almost every game of NFLE - if not live, tivo'd.

i call bullshyte on this new found "stares down receivers" comment that seems to be coming in out of the blue.
iceberg said:
3 of those 4 games were with vinnie t and we pretty much knew he'd not be back the next year if bledsoe came around. what were we losing then?

nothing except valid observation experience.

I agree 100% Ice, one of his worst decision I have ever seen.
Jarv said:
I agree 100% Ice, one of his worst decision I have ever seen.

i think we could have found out in those 3 games what type of a player henson could be - even romo if you wanted to play him. but NOT playing these qb's WHEN you have an opportunity and hiding behind "best chance to win" when there's nothing left to win is just nuts.

so here we sit 2 years later with 0 on romo and 1/2 a game on henson and NFLE henson asked to go to and we're still mired in stupid 3rd string qb debates.
iceberg said:
i think we could have found out in those 3 games what type of a player henson could be - even romo if you wanted to play him. but NOT playing these qb's WHEN you have an opportunity and hiding behind "best chance to win" when there's nothing left to win is just nuts.

All we would have learned is how well either one of them takes a hit.

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