i understand and respect not agreeing - it just gets crazy when one side tries to prove right or wrong by the end of it. : )
i don't think NFL snaps are meaningless. i don't think letting a player play is meaningless to find out what they can do over the long haul, or at least get a better idea during "real" time, not just practice. i used to watch practices - it's like slow motion on shrooms - and i also feel people can play differently in a "game" vs a practice as well.
so i also disagree it's pointless.
as for other players suffering while the business gathers info for the business, they can console themselves in their nice car and home - it is a business, right? shouldn't these players be on board with long term moves if it's designed to make it better for all? this is trying to please everyone (this line of thinking) and as a business you can't do that. besides, i've never seen a player mad that the coach/owner used a meaningless game as talent evaluation. if it's there, link me. : )