Jean-Jacques Taylor: Henson Project Could Be Sacked

iceberg said:
i think we could have found out in those 3 games what type of a player henson could be - even romo if you wanted to play him. but NOT playing these qb's WHEN you have an opportunity and hiding behind "best chance to win" when there's nothing left to win is just nuts.

so here we sit 2 years later with 0 on romo and 1/2 a game on henson and NFLE henson asked to go to and we're still mired in stupid 3rd string qb debates.

I wonder if BP has a 3 year old car he's never driven because he doesn't know how it will handle ?
iceberg said:
i watched almost every game of NFLE - if not live, tivo'd.

i call bullshyte on this new found "stares down receivers" comment that seems to be coming in out of the blue.

Yeah, I know, I just give up on that statement or argue about it, since its way too subjective, unless Camera shows QB's eyes before he throws or when he is scanning the field. But as far as I watched, he sure doesn't stare at the reciever he is throwing, if not he would have had more Ints than he has had for sure. His helmet might be pointing towards where he is throwing, but doesn't mean, there weren't 2-3 options in that direction. And there were, when I watched or managed to watch him only go in one direction.
Jarv said:
I wonder if BP has a 3 year old car he's never driven because he doesn't know how it will handle ?

What if he got one off the scrapheap and was hesistant to take it for a spin on a busy highway before he got it tuned up?
Alexander said:
What if he got one off the scrapheap and was hesistant to take it for a spin on a busy highway before he got it tuned up?

Whats a scrapheap ?
Jarv said:
Whats a scrapheap ?

A place where you would find a junked out car and try and restore it. Let's just say Henson is a reclamation project. Because honestly, he is after that type of layoff and his inexperience.
Alexander said:
A place where you would find a junked out car and try and restore it. Let's just say Henson is a reclamation project. Because honestly, he is after that type of layoff and his inexperience.

Aw...gotcha...Junk yards up here in the NE.

Junkers are like the Div II college kids drive while Guys making millions at the Yankees bought new cars...

Alexander said:
What if he got one off the scrapheap and was hesistant to take it for a spin on a busy highway before he got it tuned up?

I wouldn't call technically a 3rd round pick as taken off the scrap heap.
SultanOfSix said:
I wouldn't call technically a 3rd round pick as taken off the scrap heap.

it's ok for some people ot hate, it seems. : ) yet someone else does it to *their own* chosen one it's quite the party foul.
SultanOfSix said:
I wouldn't call technically a 3rd round pick as taken off the scrap heap.

Its not what you paid for the car that matters, its how much rust is on it.
wileedog said:
Its not what you paid for the car that matters, its how much rust is on it.

On the other hand, there's an old saying, "You get what you pay for."
wileedog said:
Its not what you paid for the car that matters, its how much rust is on it.

i'm gonna go ahead and nominate this as the stupidest analogy of the year so far.

if the car has "rust" then don't buy it.
if it's on the "scrapheap" don't pay millions for it
if you don't wanna drive it, don't buy it

good god the offseason forces some strange stuff out.
wileedog said:
Its not what you paid for the car that matters, its how much rust is on it.

Well, this car is looking like it needs a serious realignnment, oil change, new tires, a good tune-up, a paint job, and new brakes...!

I think it's one of them "flooded cars" that came from New Orleans! :eek:

iceberg said:
3 of those 4 games were with vinnie t and we pretty much knew he'd not be back the next year if bledsoe came around. what were we losing then?

nothing except valid observation experience.

actually in that circumstance i agree with you.

first Vinnie was not going to lead us anywhere, second the overall team was not near good enough to compete with the good teams that year.

so, as far as why parcells did not pull the trigger there, i dont have any answer or defense, if we asked him directly i bet he would say it wasnt in henson's best intrest to throw him to the wolves and that it might hurt his development down the line.

but i think it would have been a good spot to see what the kid has, though maybe parcells saw enough of him in practice to already make the judgement and did not need to see him in a game to find out what he already beleived, that henson wasnt ready. i cant answer for that, i did think it starnge that he didnt play him at that time though.
iceberg said:
i'm gonna go ahead and nominate this as the stupidest analogy of the year so far.

if the car has "rust" then don't buy it.
if it's on the "scrapheap" don't pay millions for it
if you don't wanna drive it, don't buy it

good god the offseason forces some strange stuff out.

- Rust can be removed.

- Millions is a relative term. It costs many more millions to draft a QB in the first round than pick up Henson on the cheap. That's why Jerry was shopping in the junk yard in the first place.

- I don't want to drive it until I'm sure the brakes work, the engine performs properly, etc. If it needs more work, I'm certainly not going to take it on the road and crash it into a tree when the brakes fail.

This criticism over Henson not playing a couple of games in 2004 is beyond ludicrous. What exactly would you know about him now? Do you really evaluate a guy 3 years out of the game based on a couple of meaningless quarters to end the season?

Oh yea, this is the internet. That's exactly what everyone does.
Hoov said:
abut i think it would have been a good spot to see what the kid has, though maybe parcells saw enough of him in practice to already make the judgement and did not need to see him in a game to find out what he already beleived, that henson wasnt ready. i cant answer for that, i did think it starnge that he didnt play him at that time though.

I think you answered your own question.
wileedog said:
- Rust can be removed.

- Millions is a relative term. It costs many more millions to draft a QB in the first round than pick up Henson on the cheap. That's why Jerry was shopping in the junk yard in the first place.

- I don't want to drive it until I'm sure the brakes work, the engine performs properly, etc. If it needs more work, I'm certainly not going to take it on the road and crash it into a tree when the brakes fail.

This criticism over Henson not playing a couple of games in 2004 is beyond ludicrous. What exactly would you know about him now? Do you really evaluate a guy 3 years out of the game based on a couple of meaningless quarters to end the season?

Oh yea, this is the internet. That's exactly what everyone does.

The Iceberg poster does not like the Boyz Oline...he says it stinks and is the weak link, nothing was done to fix it...

And, he wants Henson to play behind it...:eek:

wileedog said:
- Rust can be removed.

- Millions is a relative term. It costs many more millions to draft a QB in the first round than pick up Henson on the cheap. That's why Jerry was shopping in the junk yard in the first place.

- I don't want to drive it until I'm sure the brakes work, the engine performs properly, etc. If it needs more work, I'm certainly not going to take it on the road and crash it into a tree when the brakes fail.

This criticism over Henson not playing a couple of games in 2004 is beyond ludicrous. What exactly would you know about him now? Do you really evaluate a guy 3 years out of the game based on a couple of meaningless quarters to end the season?

Oh yea, this is the internet. That's exactly what everyone does.

good to see you're refraiing from the babble.

hoov - fair enough. i have no answer either and can point to those games when parcells and i were just on two different ends and i've not cared for him ever since. romo or henson shoulda got some time - parcells hung by "his" boys and that's guided my opinion of him, fair or not, ever since.
5Stars said:
The Iceberg poster does not like the Boyz Oline...he says it stinks and is the weak link, nothing was done to fix it...

And, he wants Henson to play behind it...:eek:


he played behind worse in NFLE and showed some mobility.

that aside - just keep in mind *I* didn't make the OL complaint this time. : )

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