Twitter: Jerry’s continued insanity about the sun at AT&T

The difference is

8-9 games out if 17 for Dallas means the sun impacts 50% of all their games


1 game out of 17 at ATT for 8-9 of 31 teams is 1.6% of all other teams’ games.

Dementia (Senility)

Cognitive changes

  • Memory loss, which is usually noticed by someone else
  • Difficulty communicating or finding words
  • Difficulty with visual and spatial abilities, such as getting lost while driving
  • Difficulty reasoning or problem-solving
  • Difficulty handling complex tasks
  • Difficulty with planning and organizing
  • Difficulty with coordination and motor functions
  • Confusion and disorientation
Narcissistic personality disorder


  • Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
  • Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want.
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
  • Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.


On one hand, Jerry Jones remembers what the issue is. Scratch memory loss. He has zero problems stating his disagreement. Scratch difficulty communicating. He comprehends what the issue is. Scratch difficulty reasoning. Oh heck. Scratch everything else he has not displayed in public such as difficulty with visual and spatial abilities, reasoning and problem-solving, handling complex tasks. planning and organizing, coordination and motor functions (when he's sober) and confusion and disorientation.

On the other hand, Jerry Jones feels he should not address the issue since he owns absolute authority over stadium operations. He expects others to accept his reasoning about the issue without question. He takes advantage of both his players and other teams' players, who must always contend with the issue. Likewise, he demonstrates apathy for any player dealing with the issue. He is cavalier (i.e. arrogant) about the issue (e.g. "defers" to coaches). He exhibits all of the above while wanting the best events appear in the stadium, like college bowl games, etc.--while proactively addressing the issue for those non-Dallas Cowboys events.


Some will still say he is going senile or is senile. Others do not think he senile but can only believe
it's just "ego."

Too funny.


Dementia (Senility)

Cognitive changes

  • Memory loss, which is usually noticed by someone else
  • Difficulty communicating or finding words
  • Difficulty with visual and spatial abilities, such as getting lost while driving
  • Difficulty reasoning or problem-solving
  • Difficulty handling complex tasks
  • Difficulty with planning and organizing
  • Difficulty with coordination and motor functions
  • Confusion and disorientation
Narcissistic personality disorder


  • Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
  • Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want.
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
    • Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
    • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.


On one hand, Jerry Jones remembers what the issue is. Scratch memory loss. He has zero problems stating his disagreement. Scratch difficulty communicating. He comprehends what the issue is. Scratch difficulty reasoning. Oh heck. Scratch everything else he has not displayed in public such as difficulty with visual and spatial abilities, reasoning and problem-solving, handling complex tasks. planning and organizing, coordination and motor functions (when he's sober) and confusion and disorientation.

On the other hand, Jerry Jones feels he should not address the issue since he owns absolute authority over stadium operations. He expects others to accept his reasoning about the issue without question. He takes advantage of both his players and other teams' players, who must always contend with the issue. Likewise, he demonstrates apathy for any player dealing with the issue. He is cavalier (i.e. arrogant) about the issue (e.g. "defers" to coaches). He exhibits all of the above while wanting the best events appear in the stadium, like college bowl games, etc.--while proactively addressing the issue for those non-Dallas Cowboys events.


Some will still say he is going senile or is senile. Others do not think he senile but can only believe
it's just "ego."

Too funny.

I just love it when we all serious break it down mode!
In this case it is not on Jerry.

Hey coaches. Let's throw the ball to the only spot on the field that has the sun blinding the players eyes -

That's just a great play call right there!
Maybe the defense is smart enough to only have man coverage on the sun side and double the other side.
While I think it’s absolutely stupid not to close the curtains or tint the windows, I’m guessing there are no options with outdoor stadiums.
The sun works both ways. I don't see how it puts us at a competitive disadvantage. You would think the home team would be smart enough to adapt.
i wish they would run plays to the other side.
its not like they don't know its there.
stop running plays into the sun light.
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While I think it’s absolutely stupid not to close the curtains or tint the windows, I’m guessing there are no options with outdoor stadiums.
But again…outdoor stadiums don’t have this problem because those fields are built North-South so the Sun in not in their eyes During late afternoon games.
A play is designed to go any number of places, sometimes the defensive alignment takes away some of your options. Leaving you with a choice to throw into a tight and crowded zone or to the man to man side.
Yep, but go shorter staying out of the sun. There's plenty of options and ways to get creative on that side of the field.
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i wish they would run plays to the other side.
its not like they don't know its there.
stop running plays into the sun light.

Yes. Situational football. It seems they don't stay in the ears of players enough.
Those stadiums’ fields are built North-South as prescribed by any architect when building a stadium. Those players in Buffalo, KC, Chicago, etc don’t have to stare into direct sunlight because the fields don’t run East-West. It’s a problem we could’ve avoided during construction.
Where do you see that these stadiums were all built N/S? Do you have a link for that?
Gallup had pretty good coverage on him AND the sun was directly in his eyes……the RB was open by 10 yards and the sun WASNT in his eyes. The quarterback has to read and recognize this situation.

we left 4 easy points on the board
That’s as normal a coverage as you’ll get on a fade, where the defender is positioned all you have to do is throw the ball to the back pylon and it’s an east pitch and catch. That route to Gallup is a staple of the redzone offense. Yes it’s generally a more covered route but where the defender was qualifies as open on that route.

Was the back more open? Sure. But the QB’s eyes won’t get to that read if the fade is available as it’s the primary read. In the NFL, that’s open on a fade. No sun interference and this wouldn’t even be a discussion.
The coaches didn't choose to throw the ball there. Dak did.

Dak threw it to the read he thought had the best chance.

Maybe don't call a play that puts the wr and qb in that position?

Watching our players (like Michael Gallup last Sat or Cedric Wilson last Jan in the playoffs) get blinded by the sun trying to catch a football when there are curtains available is just insane. I’ve watched several college and HS games at AT&T where those curtains ARE used so the sun is not a factor in games.

I’m hard pressed to think of another sports owner or executive with this kind of stubborn stupidity, who literally cares more about visual aesthetics than winning. It’s maddening.

AND…the multi-million dollar upgrades JJ is paying for aren’t designed to fix this.

like the wind, sun, snow, and rain etc etc at other teams' stadiums don't factor into games?? how many games has it truly effected i mean i can only remember 10 times since 2009 it effected a play butnot much impact on a game's outcome, why is it such a big deal..

i know about 60 bad calls or non calls by refs that truly cost us game..
The sun works both ways. I don't see how it puts us at a competitive disadvantage. You would think the home team would be smart enough to adapt. all for fixing it BUT..

how many games has it truly effected i mean i can only remember 10 times since 2009 it effected a play but not much impact on a game's outcome, why is it such a big deal..
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Watching our players (like Michael Gallup last Sat or Cedric Wilson last Jan in the playoffs) get blinded by the sun trying to catch a football when there are curtains available is just insane. I’ve watched several college and HS games at AT&T where those curtains ARE used so the sun is not a factor in games.

I’m hard pressed to think of another sports owner or executive with this kind of stubborn stupidity, who literally cares more about visual aesthetics than winning. It’s maddening.

AND…the multi-million dollar upgrades JJ is paying for aren’t designed to fix this.

You are correct this is stupid of Jerry, but it is our home field. Our coaches should know every angle of the sun during every part of the day during every day of the year. Coaches should not be calling plays where the receiver is looking into the sun.

How come I never hear about other teams complaining about the sun, just ours? all for fixing it BUT..

how many games has it truly effected i mean i can only remember 10 times since 2009 it effected a play but not much impact on a game's outcome, why is it such a big deal..
We need to coach smarter so it is not an issue!

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