Twitter: Jerry calls out Special Teams Cowboys coaching


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Again. I want Garret gone as much as anyone. But firing him Mid season is pointless. It just is. It won’t help the team win anymore games this season.

I don't know.

Firing Garrett midseason signals to prospective coaches to consider the Cowboys opening first. Why grab onto the Dolphins or Browns or whatever when the Cowboys are offering?

There's no way he extends Garrett after yet another middling season. The writing is already on the wall. Firing him now makes the position officially open


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If we beat the Eagles we probably lose to the Deadskins. It would be a Garrett thing to do.
i like your reasoning....makes sense....i feel good we make playoffs ...but can we build necessary momentum to really do something?...we need Cooper to be healthy and our O line and get our defense humming was our 2 turnovers that Pats turned into 10 popints that lost the game....we could have won 9-3


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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It’s Jerry fault for keeping a HC like Garrett.

I’m not sure everyone accepts Jerry’s ways sucks and why we have Puppets.

We get it..... what I (we) don't understand is why you keep wanting to give Garrett a pass because of Jerry being the way he is. Sure, Jerry is to blame for hiring Garrett, and should have recognized early on that hiring him was a terrible decision. So please explain why Garrett deserves a pass? You're accepting of Garrett being inept due to your deep hatred of Jerry, and that just isn't right. They're both to blame, not just one or the other.


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Yet, they brought back Rich Bisaccia even though special teams were a disaster last season as well.

Could easily argue that they cost them this game and the Jets game.

Can't even get lined up correctly to punt the ball away or return a kickoff in the wind.

Bissachia is in Oakland.

He was terrible too but 1000% better than what we have today.


The Labeled One
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At least for special teams.

Why should he be shocked? We have been screaming for a new kicker for 3 months around here. :popcorn:

Well...the good news to come of this...We know the wrath of Jerry taking it out on the media.... Last week Broddus got it....maybe Spagnola finally gets the axe.

Being a@dallascowboys fan is like having an abusive boyfriend. You complain about being emotionally and physically abused, yet we don’t leave. #FireGarrett


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"I think we beat the Bears" is what you said. Doesn't sound the least bit like you said Dallas only has a chance. What you said was quite clear.

I think Dallas loses this game because Dak only seems to perform well against the lesser defenses. Chicago has one of the better ones.
Why don’t you give me the final results for the last 5 weeks of the season and we will split the winnings.


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We get it..... what I (we) don't understand is why you keep wanting to give Garrett a pass because of Jerry being the way he is. Sure, Jerry is to blame for hiring Garrett, and should have recognized early on that hiring him was a terrible decision. So please explain why Garrett deserves a pass? You're accepting of Garrett being inept due to your deep hatred of Jerry, and that just isn't right.
I’m not giving him a pass. I’ve called out his flaws and weaknesses. I’ve called for his firing in a heartbeat if Jerry intended in bringing in a legit coaching staff.

I just don’t have the next puppet Jerry brings in will make a difference. I’m not sure why anyone has any hope after a generation of puppets?

And any fan who doesn’t have a deep hatred of Jerry is giving him a pass. He’s the culprit for this ** situation.


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Hey Mr. Jones. This guy is available


PA Cowboy Fan

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I’m not giving him a pass. I’ve called out his flaws and weaknesses. I’ve called for his firing in a heartbeat if Jerry intended in bringing in a legit coaching staff.

I just don’t have hope the next puppet Jerry brings in will make a difference. I’m not sure why anyone has any hope after a generation of puppets?
There probably is no hope but it at least will be different. I'm tired of looking at Garrett.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Why don’t you give me the final results for the last 5 weeks of the season and we will split the winnings.

Hell, if could make those kind of predictions I would never have to work again. I would certainly throw you a little. You ok with 10%?


The Labeled One
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Well Jerry you should have made mass changes during the bye week. At least the top clapper change.

I actually think it's not too late to put Kellen in charge and just roll. I mean what does Garrett do on game day that Kellen couldn't? The defense runs itself. By making this move...@ least then we would know if it's Garrett keeping the clamps on the offense or if the seat is too big for Kellen. I'm putting money on Kellen that you would see the offense you saw the first 3 weeks.