Jerry claims there will be accountability


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I just threw up all over my new Macbook Air 8gig/256 SSD...LOL. I am guessing our assistant to the assisant of the Director of Water Coolers will be the first to go


Taco Engineer
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I'm sure that there are some coaches who were culprits as well.


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jerry chucked after he said that. he said those losers will be back next season wearing their "here we choke" hoodies buying tickets, looking at the draft, and clamoring to see the team in preseason like every year. he said he could take a crap in your food and you guys wouldn't say crap.

I love me some Jerry....


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That sounds about right lol. I'm really surprised Jerry is not getting FLAMED on The Ticket this morning. I'm listening to it now and they really aren't saying much other than MM is coming back. Aikman was even soft on bringing MM back. this is frustrating.
When it comes to Jerry the criticism is never harsh. The whole Dallas media goes to sleep. It’s like here in Iowa with Kirk ferentz. People talk a tough game than as soon as the presser starts. Crickets


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If you are an assistant coach on this team, I'd be pooping my pants right now.

The HC/OC got a pass. Per Werder, the DC is also going to get a pass and they would welcome him back if he doesn't get a new gig. The QB is likely going to get extended. The GM sure as hell isn't going to get fired.

You know who's left? That's right, the assistants. Jerry is gonna scapegoat the heck out of some of those guys (granted, some need to be changed like the OL coach).
Exactly right. Get a good O-Line coach and shore up the OG. Work on DT and stopping the run. After the Defense imploded I doubt Quinn gets a HC job. Dak will be extended. Maybe we get a different playcaller. Other than that looks to be the same crew.


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If you are an assistant coach on this team, I'd be pooping my pants right now.

The HC/OC got a pass. Per Werder, the DC is also going to get a pass and they would welcome him back if he doesn't get a new gig. The QB is likely going to get extended. The GM sure as hell isn't going to get fired.

You know who's left? That's right, the assistants. Jerry is gonna scapegoat the heck out of some of those guys (granted, some need to be changed like the OL coach).
So if Solari is deserving of being fired and is fired, that's a scapegoat and being held accountable?

I'm very confused as to what is what after reading your post.


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So if Solari is deserving of being fired and is fired, that's a scapegoat and being held accountable?

I'm very confused as to what is what after reading your post.
It's not hard.

Those who should be held accountable are all getting passes. They'll cull the underlings and try to sell that as accountability. Some may deserve to go but the motivation behind that is to protect/provide cover for the ones that got a pass.

And then we go out and repeat in 2024 what we've seen the previous 25+ years.

It's all quite predictable if you've followed the Cowboys over the years.


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Like I said, some janitor is getting shitcanned or executed this week.
That's accountability.


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If you are an assistant coach on this team, I'd be pooping my pants right now.

The HC/OC got a pass. Per Werder, the DC is also going to get a pass and they would welcome him back if he doesn't get a new gig. The QB is likely going to get extended. The GM sure as hell isn't going to get fired.

You know who's left? That's right, the assistants. Jerry is gonna scapegoat the heck out of some of those guys (granted, some need to be changed like the OL coach).
Going to be hard to find improvements if the head coach isn't getting a contract extension. No assistant with options or skins on the wall is coming to work with a lame duck coach.


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This should be good. He'll do something moronic right before the Super Bowl for some press lol.


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Jerry doesn't know what the term accountability means. His answer to the players was "we are the Dallas Cowboys, we must be better." Boy, Jerry sure told them! Thanks Jerry. Thats Jerry, in his brain, telling the guys to be accountable. This is the mind of a guy that is so out of touch with the fans, how football works, and the team, that he feels his words are motivating. He literally just said this. Jerry thinks teams will fear us because we are Dallas. Its smug, arrogance.


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It's not hard.

Those who should be held accountable are all getting passes. They'll cull the underlings and try to sell that as accountability. Some may deserve to go but the motivation behind that is to protect/provide cover for the ones that got a pass.

And then we go out and repeat in 2024 what we've seen the previous 25+ years.

It's all quite predictable if you've followed the Cowboys over the years.
So, reading this, the motivation of firing someone who by your own words deserves to be fired does what.... If motivation is wrong it's not accountability but scapegoating?

Who is the arbiter of "motivation"?

Really makes zero sense at all.

By this logic even firing HC could have same comments made.

I think people need to take a few months from the Cowboys it's clearly messing with ability to think clearly.


Well-Known Member
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If you are an assistant coach on this team, I'd be pooping my pants right now.

The HC/OC got a pass. Per Werder, the DC is also going to get a pass and they would welcome him back if he doesn't get a new gig. The QB is likely going to get extended. The GM sure as hell isn't going to get fired.

You know who's left? That's right, the assistants. Jerry is gonna scapegoat the heck out of some of those guys (granted, some need to be changed like the OL coach).
Big schmuck move to scapegoat the assistants.
And doing anything but promoting Harris would be the height of imbecility.


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So, reading this, the motivation of firing someone who by your own words deserves to be fired does what.... If motivation is wrong it's not accountability but scapegoating?

Who is the arbiter of "motivation"?

Really makes zero sense at all.

By this logic even firing HC could have same comments made.

I think people need to take a few months from the Cowboys it's clearly messing with ability to think clearly.
People need to take a few months from the Cowboys because you won't be missing anything. Nothing is changing.


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People need to take a few months from the Cowboys because you won't be missing anything. Nothing is changing.

Can't wait for all the "we are gonna do this and that in FA", "Jerry knows this is the last hurrah, he's going to be active this time, I feel it!"

And then we find out Jerry's Yacht is in the Bay of Bengal and they just signed Zach Cunningham at LB because Fred Warner laughed at their 2 year, $3MM contract offer.
While I agree, I want them to be more active in filling holes in FA this really doesn't explain why no one can define this accountability they are demanding.

I tend to think rather than emote, and on this board I will always remain the outlier.

So, here I'll change for y'all.

FJJ Let's go Brandon

Anything short of firing every soul and cutting every soul selling the team, then influencing the new owner to sell and then the new owner to sell and so in until team has been bought and sold 7 times to remove the stench of Jerry Jones, 5 new stadiums built and destroyed to remove any possible part of DNA from Jerry and a complete name change voted in by the next generation would be sufficient accountability.

How'd I do?