Jerry claims there will be accountability

Blast From The Past

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This is Jerry when he is angry. LOL. Fire the OL coach. Who needs to be gone to be fair but man. Firing Schottenheimer would make a lot of sense. Bring in someone young like a Johnson.
Handing the ball straight to a back over and over has no imagination and very little thought. Dust off any playbook from any earlier era and just run that as it makes no difference as regards to how Shotsy designs our running attack. We need someone who can scheme not just this week but every week that we compete. Thinking outside of the box can pay divadends and play design is so important in the modern game. Solari is wasteful as our oline coach his vast talents would be better served in pop warner ball or something.


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If you are an assistant coach on this team, I'd be pooping my pants right now.

The HC/OC got a pass. Per Werder, the DC is also going to get a pass and they would welcome him back if he doesn't get a new gig. The QB is likely going to get extended. The GM sure as hell isn't going to get fired.

You know who's left? That's right, the assistants. Jerry is gonna scapegoat the heck out of some of those guys (granted, some need to be changed like the OL coach).
Fire the towel guy. That’ll show everyone you mean business, Jerry.



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While I agree, I want them to be more active in filling holes in FA this really doesn't explain why no one can define this accountability they are demanding.

I tend to think rather than emote, and on this board I will always remain the outlier.

So, here I'll change for y'all.

FJJ Let's go Brandon

Anything short of firing every soul and cutting every soul selling the team, then influencing the new owner to sell and then the new owner to sell and so in until team has been bought and sold 7 times to remove the stench of Jerry Jones, 5 new stadiums built and destroyed to remove any possible part of DNA from Jerry and a complete name change voted in by the next generation would be sufficient accountability.

How'd I do?
Because given what we have seen, the issues of this team weren't tied to a random assistant, even one that may or may not have done a good job. Take the offense. Did the team do everything great but just have the OL coach suck? Nope. The bigger issue was the OC wasn't all that great at times. But that guy is getting a pass.

Defense? If our DTs sucked because the DL coach sucked, great. But was that really our defensive issue? Or was it the fact that our DC and scheme had issues with certain types of offenses. Was is the DB coach who decided that we should play a ton of zone against GB when they weren't as good against man (and we are actually good in man)? That DC is also apparently getting a pass.

Firings of underlings is just faux accountability. It's Jerry doing what Jerry does. Make it look like you are doing something without actually doing something that fixes your problems because for all his bullspitting, he doesn't like change. It's not emotional ranting, it's actually paying attention to what Jerry Jones has done for years. He did it with Garrett. Garrett was the issue (and Jerry basically admitted it after the fact) but when criticism was high in an offseason, Jerry would toss out a few coaching changes here or there to make it look like they are trying to fix the issue. But it wasn't about fixing the issue, it was about providing cover for his decision to keep Garrett.

He's likely going to repeat it again with McCarthy.

Frankly, yes, if Jerry was dead serious about shaking up this franchise and getting off this circular ride where we just keep doing the same things with the same results, he should have taken a flame thrower to this coaching staff. The entire staff.


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The Clown show continues. Idiot boy and his son getting drunk on their yacht large and in charge.


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While I agree, I want them to be more active in filling holes in FA this really doesn't explain why no one can define this accountability they are demanding.

I tend to think rather than emote, and on this board I will always remain the outlier.

So, here I'll change for y'all.

FJJ Let's go Brandon

Anything short of firing every soul and cutting every soul selling the team, then influencing the new owner to sell and then the new owner to sell and so in until team has been bought and sold 7 times to remove the stench of Jerry Jones, 5 new stadiums built and destroyed to remove any possible part of DNA from Jerry and a complete name change voted in by the next generation would be sufficient accountability.

How'd I do?


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I’m pretty sure I hate Jerry Jones at this point. I don’t hate him like I hate the UN. But I definitely hate him.


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Because given what we have seen, the issues of this team weren't tied to a random assistant, even one that may or may not have done a good job. Take the offense. Did the team do everything great but just have the OL coach suck? Nope. The bigger issue was the OC wasn't all that great at times. But that guy is getting a pass.

Defense? If our DTs sucked because the DL coach sucked, great. But was that really our defensive issue? Or was it the fact that our DC and scheme had issues with certain types of offenses. Was is the DB coach who decided that we should play a ton of zone against GB when they weren't as good against man (and we are actually good in man)? That DC is also apparently getting a pass.

Firings of underlings is just faux accountability. It's Jerry doing what Jerry does. Make it look like you are doing something without actually doing something that fixes your problems because for all his bullspitting, he doesn't like change. It's not emotional ranting, it's actually paying attention to what Jerry Jones has done for years. He did it with Garrett. Garrett was the issue (and Jerry basically admitted it after the fact) but when criticism was high in an offseason, Jerry would toss out a few coaching changes here or there to make it look like they are trying to fix the issue. But it wasn't about fixing the issue, it was about providing cover for his decision to keep Garrett.

He's likely going to repeat it again with McCarthy.

Frankly, yes, if Jerry was dead serious about shaking up this franchise and getting off this circular ride where we just keep doing the same things with the same results, he should have taken a flame thrower to this coaching staff. The entire staff.
On offense I'd say the OL was the biggest issue. Inability to run the ball is 1a.

Was it scheme? Was it coaching? Was it wrong players to fit scheme? Was it as simple as it was a new system with aging and hurting vets?

My guess it was all of the above. And yes, if an assistant or position coach is not performing up to snuff, firing them IS accountability whether you agree or not.

Here is a thought experiment

You own a McDonald's. You have a General Manager of the store a few assistants and some shift managers along with the crew.

Let's say Pat is a shift manager and is left to run a short 4 hour shift by himself. During that 4 hours everything that can go wrong does.

He failed to lead the crew and allowed them to be slack and restaurant was left in a shambles. Nothing clean outside trash everywhere bathrooms a dump.

You stop by the store and see this. You hear people say as they leave I'll never come back here again.

Who is disciplined or fired in this case?

You the owner do you fire the entire management staff in the spot. This is what your calling for in Dallas.

Or do you fire the shift manager for failing to do his job? Which is firing a position coach for doing a poor job.

On D you ask why did DB coach decide to run zone.

Are you suggesting that a position coach runs a game plan completely separate and different than the DC game plan? If so, you may need to fire yourself, yanno for accountability.

Lack of size in LB and DT was our biggest issue all year. I don't think that's the actual philosophy of the DC he brought in Hankins and Mazi (speaking strictly if size with him)

The game plan was due to injury to a starting CB, were were already down in starting CB this put DC in a bad spot. Did he choose wrong? I believe so, I think you run with next man up and keep doing what you do best. I think that's the safer option than playing something you as a team are not good at with a severely hampered starter.

This was a bad decision. Absolutely. Would much rather we played Nashon and took chances.

And yes DC has trouble against the very offensive system he had in place when he was a HC. This likely will follow him rest of his career. But every DC everywhere has weaknesses that follow them.

We've yet to see what is the fallout there. Jerry isn't forced into doing anything until all hc jobs are filled and Quinn is left without one. Then we can discuss whether or not accountability was had on D.

We've yet to see if they are going to adapt to drafting philosophy and draft with an eye to bugger DT bigger LBs improvement on OL. We will see soon enough on who they visit with and what type of players they are targeting. Can't show anything has changed there yet.


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Well where'd I fall shirt? Coach me, if I fail then expect to be held accountable, which I'm learning can only be done if you and everyone you've ever done in contact with is fired in the spot.


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Unless Jerruh hires a GM and realizes a young football man needs to take over the draft and player personnel...then "accountability" just means pinning all the blame on some positional coaches while giving his idiot son Freso a raise and MORE power.

The defensive and offensive coaches didn't draft a big fat sloopy 3rd round at best DT in the 1st round, and didn't draft a 6th round TE in the 2nd.

That's him.'s NEVER him.


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On offense I'd say the OL was the biggest issue. Inability to run the ball is 1a.

Was it scheme? Was it coaching? Was it wrong players to fit scheme? Was it as simple as it was a new system with aging and hurting vets?

My guess it was all of the above. And yes, if an assistant or position coach is not performing up to snuff, firing them IS accountability whether you agree or not.

Here is a thought experiment

You own a McDonald's. You have a General Manager of the store a few assistants and some shift managers along with the crew.

Let's say Pat is a shift manager and is left to run a short 4 hour shift by himself. During that 4 hours everything that can go wrong does.

He failed to lead the crew and allowed them to be slack and restaurant was left in a shambles. Nothing clean outside trash everywhere bathrooms a dump.

You stop by the store and see this. You hear people say as they leave I'll never come back here again.

Who is disciplined or fired in this case?

You the owner do you fire the entire management staff in the spot. This is what your calling for in Dallas.

Or do you fire the shift manager for failing to do his job? Which is firing a position coach for doing a poor job.

On D you ask why did DB coach decide to run zone.

Are you suggesting that a position coach runs a game plan completely separate and different than the DC game plan? If so, you may need to fire yourself, yanno for accountability.

Lack of size in LB and DT was our biggest issue all year. I don't think that's the actual philosophy of the DC he brought in Hankins and Mazi (speaking strictly if size with him)

The game plan was due to injury to a starting CB, were were already down in starting CB this put DC in a bad spot. Did he choose wrong? I believe so, I think you run with next man up and keep doing what you do best. I think that's the safer option than playing something you as a team are not good at with a severely hampered starter.

This was a bad decision. Absolutely. Would much rather we played Nashon and took chances.

And yes DC has trouble against the very offensive system he had in place when he was a HC. This likely will follow him rest of his career. But every DC everywhere has weaknesses that follow them.

We've yet to see what is the fallout there. Jerry isn't forced into doing anything until all hc jobs are filled and Quinn is left without one. Then we can discuss whether or not accountability was had on D.

We've yet to see if they are going to adapt to drafting philosophy and draft with an eye to bugger DT bigger LBs improvement on OL. We will see soon enough on who they visit with and what type of players they are targeting. Can't show anything has changed there yet.
Your example isn't apples to apples. Try it this way. Mike is the GM. Pat is a shift manager. So is Sam. So is Johnny. Over the course of a few months, it's not just Pat's one shift that goes awry, it's multiple shifts, randomly. Sometimes, Sam's shift runs smoothly, sometimes it's a **** show. Johnny's shift is usually OK but there are still some issues. Pat's shift is almost always a mess. Mike, the GM, also manages some shifts when need be and he also sometimes has some issues.

So who gets fired there? Pat only because he's the one with the worst shifts? All the shift managers? Or should it also be the GM that has all this go on under his watch?

I give you credit for holding out hope that there is more fallout to come. I've seen enough of Jerry and his son to know, they aren't changing much. So I am not holding out any hope that the FA strategy changes, for example. And per Werder, if Quinn can't get a HC gig, the Cowboys want him back.


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If you are an assistant coach on this team, I'd be pooping my pants right now.

The HC/OC got a pass. Per Werder, the DC is also going to get a pass and they would welcome him back if he doesn't get a new gig. The QB is likely going to get extended. The GM sure as hell isn't going to get fired.

You know who's left? That's right, the assistants. Jerry is gonna scapegoat the heck out of some of those guys (granted, some need to be changed like the OL coach).
These reboots are getting less original each year.


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Your example isn't apples to apples. Try it this way. Mike is the GM. Pat is a shift manager. So is Sam. So is Johnny. Over the course of a few months, it's not just Pat's one shift that goes awry, it's multiple shifts, randomly. Sometimes, Sam's shift runs smoothly, sometimes it's a **** show. Johnny's shift is usually OK but there are still some issues. Pat's shift is almost always a mess. Mike, the GM, also manages some shifts when need be and he also sometimes has some issues.

So who gets fired there? Pat only because he's the one with the worst shifts? All the shift managers? Or should it also be the GM that has all this go on under his watch?

I give you credit for holding out hope that there is more fallout to come. I've seen enough of Jerry and his son to know, they aren't changing much. So I am not holding out any hope that the FA strategy changes, for example. And per Werder, if Quinn can't get a HC gig, the Cowboys want him back.
No the FA approach won't change. Even that is multifaceted, but has nothing to do with the coach. I suspect it's a Stephen thing more than a Jerry one.

So what to do about it? Accept it or stop being a fan. I begrudgingly accept it because it's not an end all be all deal breaker for me as a fan.

This allows me muchore peace in my life.

You're counter scenario seems to point to all individual losses by the coaching staff and not just the playoffs.

And let's try to keep this narrowed to current Coaching regime. I don't think if this staff has multiple 8-8 seasons they will be retained 10 years, as you've already stated Jerry admitted to keeping Garrett too long.

Narrowing the focus to this regime this game in playoffs is an outlier.

Previous playoff losses prior to this year under McCarthy were 6 and 7 points losses where the D gave up 23 or less points.

A blow out especially if this epic proportions is not the norm.

This alone should give any owner pause in restarting everything. Look at Eagles and their epic fall from 10-1. Yet they kept their staff in place at least HC. I'm confident they will replace coordinators.

You keep saying the OC here has had bad games. Yes, name me one who hasn't. You can't.

Do I think we should move in from McCarthy, well that depends on if we keep Dak. If we do,then I think the evidence is there those 2 together put together one heck of a season.

Personally I wish we'd move off of Dak let him leave designated post June 1st cut. And that has to do with salary cap. I also advocate for trading of 2/3 of Bland Micah CeeDee IF we keep Dak.

We have to be able to field a team and those 4 salaries will be prohibitive.

But the team won't do that. So I'm left with 2 choices accept it or quit being a fan.

I've made my choice will continue to have hopium that things fall in place and we win one soon because that is more peaceful for me than the alternative.

I hope you can find peace with your choice.


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Should we start taking bets on the new wide receivers coach, or is too much excitement for one offseason?