Jerry in questionable photos with women

I'm not one of them I'm a fan of the Cowboys so I do care about this franchises image.

I get that Jerry isn't your cup of tea and many on this message board feel likewise.
I myself could care less. I know people that know Jerry feel his a great guy.
does he keep his shlong in his pants I dont think so, but I dont care and it's none of my business.
Jerry does a lot of good in the community and he has lots of flaws like I do and probably you
and the rest of us. Jerry has screwed up a lot and it didnt help when he fired Landry.
Landry needed to go.
Jerry would be great in the geriatric version of "Fifty Shades of Grey."

Uh,hmm, well, uh my name is Christian Grey. Uh, well, uh can I tie you up?
Far be it from me to point out other people's moral short-comings, but this is hurtful to the fans. I think it's magnified by the fact that Jerry isn't just "a" negative aspect of the franchise, he is "the" negative aspect overshadowing the franchise. If the Cowboys were kicking *** and taking names it would be easier to overlook this stuff.
Far be it from me to point out other people's moral short-comings, but this is hurtful to the fans. I think it's magnified by the fact that Jerry isn't just "a" negative aspect of the franchise, he is "the" negative aspect overshadowing the franchise. If the Cowboys were kicking *** and taking names it would be easier to overlook this stuff.

I don't think it's hurtful... I think it's just another symptom of the circus atmosphere that surrounds this man. In that vein, it's just further corroboration of what his real priorities are.

Disregard females acquire currency.
Zimmy Lives said:
I agree with you that Jerruh and most of his kin are pigs but it does not reflect on the Cowboys. The Dallas Cowboys have been, are, and will continue to be greater than any one person or sideshow.

His family dichotomy is another matter. The Jones family are not pigs.Jones does tremendous good for the community
The family isn't prefect or you and your family. Any of us?

Pigs provide bacon so they do tremendous good for the community. As for my family: We do it right.
So it's your contention that this once proudest of all NFL franchises is not a national joke both on and off the field?

The Dallas Cowboys have been envied as long as I can remember. They are a joke only to fans of other NFL teams. As a fan, I do not think they are a joke nor do I care what fans of other teams think.
I do ....... because this man has fined players and coaches before for embarrassing the Cowboys organization.

He is a member of that organization ...... he and his family should face the same consequences as an employee (not as an owner)

Only in a perfect world, Zrink. Only in a perfect world.
it's just further corroboration of what his real priorities are.

,,, and I find that hurtful, further proof that he is not a serious GM, just a self-aggrandizing rich old man that loves being a rock star. "Hope" just took another kick to the groin.
I do ....... because this man has fined players and coaches before for embarrassing the Cowboys organization.

He is a member of that organization ...... he and his family should face the same consequences as an employee (not as an owner)

Did the fined players/coaches merely embarrass the organization - or did they violate some fed/state/local law or NFL or team regulation? Please provide just one example of a player/coach being fined WITHOUT breaking a fed/state/local law or NFL/team regulation. This is not an assault on your post - just a surprised response that players and coaches can be arbitrarily fined for the occasional human vagary that is not in clear violation of some standing law or regulation. Many things that are not illegal COULD BE construed to cause 'embarrassment'... like maybe under-tipping lap dances at the local chi-chi bar (jk).
Media conducting interview with fans following the sex gate episode of the year...

Did the fined players/coaches merely embarrass the organization - or did they violate some fed/state/local law or NFL or team regulation? Please provide just one example of a player/coach being fined WITHOUT breaking a fed/state/local law or NFL/team regulation.

He fined Marty B for cursing in a youtube video rap song about cereal.

Thats just off the top of my head.
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