Jerry Jones accused of sexual assault

An Exotic Dancer is suing for sexual assault....
seems no one can do their job right these days.....

Last reader comment after the story:

Five years later she is in counseling and on medication because of the trauma of the incident, and yet she didn't say anything about it until now?
If a billionaire fondled me and it traumatized me so badly that five years later I was still in therapy over the incident, you would have heard from my lawyers before now.
If you put a raccoon on an idiot's head and call him Davy Crockett, it doesn't make him Davy Crockett, it just makes him an idiot with a raccoon on his head.

I totally believe the former exotic dancer. Strippers have been nothing but beacons of truth and high society in my experiences.

Amen brother! Wicked, wicked Jerry Jones. How dare he traumatize a poor little ole stripper with sexual suggestions.
5 years later....BS.

Yeah 5 years later a stripper is NOW accusing him of sexual assault. lol If she was assaulted by him it wouldn't have taken 5 years when a picture she took finally surfaced.
Amen brother! Wicked, wicked Jerry Jones. How dare he traumatize a poor little ole stripper with sexual suggestions.

Eh, shell get go away money and Jerry will hide for a week or so. Not a bad trade off.
The full story is not in on this, but you've got at least 'walking like a duck', and 'talking like a duck'.....

As I recall, Irvin got hit with a false accusation of rape as part of a shakedown.

That's just another reason why it's probably a good idea to avoid these sorts of situations. But for high rollers, there's lots less fun unless you're high rollin'.
File a motion to dismiss...

Looks like there are some fact issues (i.e., "Consent") that would preclude the grant of such a motion. The article states: "Bowers [the plaintiff's attorney] would not say how Jones forced Weckerly to submit to the alleged assault." That said, I have no idea what theory should could possibly use against a 71 year old man.

Under the statute, there are a variety of theories available:

§ 22.011. SEXUAL ASSAULT. (a) A person commits an
offense if the person:
(1) intentionally or knowingly:
(A) causes the penetration of the anus or sexual
organ of another person by any means, without that person's
(B) causes the penetration of the mouth of
another person by the sexual organ of the actor, without that
person's consent; or
(C) causes the sexual organ of another person,
without that person's consent, to contact or penetrate the mouth,
anus, or sexual organ of another person, including the actor; or
(b) A sexual assault under Subsection (a)(1) is without the
consent of the other person if:
(1) the actor compels the other person to submit or
participate by the use of physical force or violence;
(2) the actor compels the other person to submit or
participate by threatening to use force or violence against the
other person, and the other person believes that the actor has the
present ability to execute the threat;
(3) the other person has not consented and the actor
knows the other person is unconscious or physically unable to
(4) the actor knows that as a result of mental disease
or defect the other person is at the time of the sexual assault
incapable either of appraising the nature of the act or of resisting
(5) the other person has not consented and the actor
knows the other person is unaware that the sexual assault is
(6) the actor has intentionally impaired the other
person's power to appraise or control the other person's conduct by
administering any substance without the other person's knowledge;
(7) the actor compels the other person to submit or
participate by threatening to use force or violence against any
person, and the other person believes that the actor has the ability
to execute the threat;
(8) the actor is a public servant who coerces the other
person to submit or participate;
(9) the actor is a mental health services provider or a
health care services provider who causes the other person, who is a
patient or former patient of the actor, to submit or participate by
exploiting the other person's emotional dependency on the actor;
(10) the actor is a clergyman who causes the other
person to submit or participate by exploiting the other person's
emotional dependency on the clergyman in the clergyman's
professional character as spiritual adviser; or
(11) the actor is an employee of a facility where the
other person is a resident, unless the employee and resident are
formally or informally married to each other under Chapter 2,
Family Code.

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