Jerry Jones accused of sexual assault

It would look the same if she wanted to do all those things, we just wouldn't know.

Edit: Oops, quoted the wrong post.
She will get a lot of money to make this go away probably & I'm sure Jerry is very pissed but the fact is he puts himself in these situations.

Taking pics with young girls. Drunk in public at clubs. He can do whatever he wants but he makes it super easy.

I'm sure he has a lot to do. Maybe he should spend his free time at his own house with his grandkids. Maybe?

He'll never live this down. This will go down as one of those Jerry drunk stories like 500 coaches could coach his team.

well many guys wish they could still pull in girls like that at his age
She will get a lot of money to make this go away probably.

I imagine that if she were going to get a payoff it would have been prior to it reaching any media.

That time is likely gone now. Jerry probably passed on any opportunity to give her hush money and decided she didn't have enough of a case to make anything stick.

JMO, of course.
Jerry's going to feel this with all of the Ray Rice stuff going on.

Short of Jerry coming up with video proof that she is lying or can prove she has a history of making this kind of stuff up, this one is gonna sting.
Is this the extortion case that's been dragging on for some time now? I would tell her to pound sand and see you in court with that week *** story. She's just a gold digger looking for quick money and I don't believe a word she says. Those pics are old at this point and don't prove anything.
The allegations against the Cowboys are quite disturbing.

From the Complaint:

a. Supervising, assigning, and retaining JERRY JONES;
b. Failing to provide adequate monitoring of JERRY JONES;
c. Failing to institute and implement policies for the protection of females;
d. Failing to investigate allegations of inappropriate conduct;
e. Failing to report crimes against Plaintiff and others to law enforcement;
f. Tampering with criminal evidence;
g. Threatening victims and witnesses to deter criminal complaints;
h. Making decisions which reflected that the reputation of JERRY JONES and COWBOYS and the desire to avoid scandal were vastly superior and more important to the COWBOYS than the welfare of the Plaintiff and other victims who had been sexually abused by JERRY JONES;
i. Fostering an environment and culture where abuse of females could flourish and in which it was clearly understood that there was no accountability for such criminal acts toward females.
j. Failing to warn Plaintiff or the public of the dangerous sexual propensities of JERRY JONES toward females;
k. Retaining JERRY JONES in a position of trust, confidence and authority as president in direct contact with females when it knew or should have known of his dangerous sexual propensities.

The Jones Boys did not help matters with their party bus antics that were captured by TMZ. Perhaps exhibit 1 to the "fostering" claim.
The allegations against the Cowboys are quite disturbing.

From the Complaint:

a. Supervising, assigning, and retaining JERRY JONES;
b. Failing to provide adequate monitoring of JERRY JONES;
c. Failing to institute and implement policies for the protection of females;
d. Failing to investigate allegations of inappropriate conduct;
e. Failing to report crimes against Plaintiff and others to law enforcement;
f. Tampering with criminal evidence;
g. Threatening victims and witnesses to deter criminal complaints;
h. Making decisions which reflected that the reputation of JERRY JONES and COWBOYS and the desire to avoid scandal were vastly superior and more important to the COWBOYS than the welfare of the Plaintiff and other victims who had been sexually abused by JERRY JONES;
i. Fostering an environment and culture where abuse of females could flourish and in which it was clearly understood that there was no accountability for such criminal acts toward females.
j. Failing to warn Plaintiff or the public of the dangerous sexual propensities of JERRY JONES toward females;
k. Retaining JERRY JONES in a position of trust, confidence and authority as president in direct contact with females when it knew or should have known of his dangerous sexual propensities.

The Jones Boys did not help matters with their party bus antics that were captured by TMZ. Perhaps exhibit 1 to the "fostering" claim.

Those sound like an attorney with a lot of time on their hands.
Yeah 5 years later a stripper is NOW accusing him of sexual assault. lol If she was assaulted by him it wouldn't have taken 5 years when a picture she took finally surfaced.

She was waiting to see how the new stadium worked out before coming up with a settlement number.
Coming from NFL films


Is there anyway at all Jerry can be forces to sell the team over this? Anyway at all?
Is there anyway at all Jerry can be forces to sell the team over this? Anyway at all?

I wouldn't get your hopes up... but you just never know.

Maybe Gooddell nuts up and does something big about it.
well if this sticks...I'm gonna file suit on Jerry too. He didn't sexually assult me but I've been taking medication and in therapy for almost 20 years watching him screw up my team. Maybe we can get a class action lawsuit going LOL!

Right, everybody has been bent over to a degree.

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