This smells of some BS to me. That's just first thought on it. I can't say with any sort of authority on the matter, of course, as to whether she is lying or not. It would seem that the woman is only trying to make money off the fact that the pictures have surfaced. I don't know how the whole mental and trauma stuff works on a person. I'd have to leave that to far more intelligent, trained, and skill people when it comes to that particular topic.
It just seems like a money grab, and nothing more to me from the outside looking in.
Now that said I don't feel bad for Jerry, or anyone for that matter, who gets themselves into these situations. When you do things like he does, and you let yourself be photographed doing these things, you're bound to get yourself into some sort of trouble at some point. Especially when you're a rich and famous person. You have to be way more careful and way smarter with how you conduct yourself.
He has no one to blame but himself for even being able to be put into this lawsuit and this position.