Jerry Jones accused of sexual assault

You went all around my question but ok.

Blame doesn't attach to Jerry Jones...the wrong was by another party group. Some people out there are just bad drunks, and some are not morale or ethical. That doesn't transfer to a victim. I don't care if that is Jerry Jones or a ballad is being cut for high profit on a CD.

I don't change my value for public matter how many in the press have to change pants from anticipation.
Blame doesn't attach to Jerry Jones...the wrong was by another party group. Some people out there are just bad drunks, and some are not morale or ethical. That doesn't transfer to a victim. I don't care if that is Jerry Jones or a ballad is being cut for high profit on a CD.

I don't change my value for public matter how many in the press have to change pants from anticipation.

How do you know that? Read my previous message. You are saying without any proof the women is a liar. I can see a wait and see attitude but you have the Jerry sainted just about. It's laughable
Blame doesn't attach to Jerry Jones...the wrong was by another party group. Some people out there are just bad drunks, and some are not morale or ethical. That doesn't transfer to a victim. I don't care if that is Jerry Jones or a ballad is being cut for high profit on a CD.

I don't change my value for public matter how many in the press have to change pants from anticipation.

I know we both type in English but I rarely understand what you are saying.
I won't ever blame the victim on actions by someone without morales and ethics both.

She said she's the victim.

And what morals does Jerry actually possess? He is the man in those pics. The one with the blonde he is groping her chest. The one with the brunette kneeling...well who knows?

He was in his mid 60's when those were taken. A married granddad.

So about those morals again?
She said she's the victim.

And what morals does Jerry actually possess? He is the man in those pics. The one with the blonde he is groping her chest. The one with the brunette kneeling...well who knows?

He was in his mid 60's when those were taken. A married granddad.

So about those morals again?

I'll just comment that I wouldn't trust a dancer at a Men's Club as far as I could toss her.

And the select pictures were chosen for a warped view from the start. Where are the other pictures? That starts out suspect...and maybe's don't change a person's right to a view of innocence in such matters...from the start. I also brought into conversation that the lawyer representing Jerry has contacted law enforcement upon the issues involved. It already is in a criminal venue to start.

No, the situation warrants a hands off as to accusation and stereotyping, at least to this fan. Until merit has been weighed by the courts.
She said she's the victim.

And what morals does Jerry actually possess? He is the man in those pics. The one with the blonde he is groping her chest. The one with the brunette kneeling...well who knows?

He was in his mid 60's when those were taken. A married granddad.

So about those morals again?

He's a train wreck. An embarrassment to the organization. I can't wait for the day when he is no longer associated with the Dallas Cowboys.
I'm not so mad or annoyed that the owner of my favorite team puts himself in these kinds of positions, and is an abject embarrassment. I am however, annoyed and upset that the GM of my favorite team is abject embarrassment. This team won't win a thing until Jerry's gone. I can't stop rooting for the Cowboys, but I'm under no illusions.
Another interesting angle to this case is the statute of limitations issues. A statute of limitations is a specified period of time after which a claim can no longer be validly filed. The statute of limitations on the plaintiff's cause of action is two years.

However, the Complaint alleges that the statute of limitations was "tolled" by Jerry Jones' absence from the State. Tolling means that the statute of limitations has been legally suspended -- in other words, the clock stops running for a certain period of time (in this case during Jones' absence from the state). A related issue here is whether his periods of absence can be "stacked" to create a tolling period sufficient to defeat the statute of limitations defense.

There are lots of other interesting issues to which I don't haven answers. How can the Cowboys not be dismissed when they are never absent from the state and presumably at all times have a statutory agent to receive service of process? Are there fact issues concerning the statute of limitations issue sufficient to survive a motion to dismiss?

If Jerry's attorneys believe they have a simple statute of limitations defense (as appears to be the case) that would explain why they decided to let her file the case instead of paying her "hush" money. They can get it dismissed on procedural grounds (i.e., limitations) and then claim in public that it was dismissed because it was meritless.
Another interesting angle to this case is the statute of limitations issues. A statute of limitations is a specified period of time after which a claim can no longer be validly filed. The statute of limitations on the plaintiff's cause of action is two years.

However, the Complaint alleges that the statute of limitations was "tolled" by Jerry Jones' absence from the State. Tolling means that the statute of limitations has been legally suspended -- in other words, the clock stops running for a certain period of time (in this case during Jones' absence from the state). A related issue here is whether his periods of absence can be "stacked" to create a tolling period sufficient to defeat the statute of limitations defense.

There are lots of other interesting issues to which I don't haven answers. How can the Cowboys not be dismissed when they are never absent from the state and presumably at all times have a statutory agent to receive service of process? Are there fact issues concerning the statute of limitations issue sufficient to survive a motion to dismiss?

If Jerry's attorneys believe they have a simple statute of limitations defense (as appears to be the case) that would explain why they decided to let her file the case instead of paying her "hush" money. They can get it dismissed on procedural grounds (i.e., limitations) and then claim in public that it was dismissed because it was meritless.

Unless she is legally told not to I wonder if this gal will do the rounds of tabloid shows.

Tiger's harem sure did.
I'm not so mad or annoyed that the owner of my favorite team puts himself in these kinds of positions, and is an abject embarrassment. I am however, annoyed and upset that the GM of my favorite team is abject embarrassment. This team won't win a thing until Jerry's gone. I can't stop rooting for the Cowboys, but I'm under no illusions.

I cannot separate the two roles. Mainly because for decades he hasn't. Jerry is the face of this team.
I cannot separate the two roles. Mainly because for decades he hasn't. Jerry is the face of this team.

Yeah, that was my point.
There's a difference between immorality and criminal conduct. Criminal conduct can be immoral but immoral doesn't necessarily mean criminal conduct.
so it's taken 5 years for her to need medication to cope with the trauma and decide to file the lawsuit and the accusation huh?

what a joke

I'm not a fan of Jerry, but I'm not a fan of lying 'exotic dancers' that try and extort people for money, based off blatant lies.
Don't know the legitimacy, but I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous it is we're talking about about a 70 year old man doing these things. Just a downright nasty man.

I haven't read it.. Was it that kinky?
This smells of some BS to me. That's just first thought on it. I can't say with any sort of authority on the matter, of course, as to whether she is lying or not. It would seem that the woman is only trying to make money off the fact that the pictures have surfaced. I don't know how the whole mental and trauma stuff works on a person. I'd have to leave that to far more intelligent, trained, and skill people when it comes to that particular topic.

It just seems like a money grab, and nothing more to me from the outside looking in.

Now that said I don't feel bad for Jerry, or anyone for that matter, who gets themselves into these situations. When you do things like he does, and you let yourself be photographed doing these things, you're bound to get yourself into some sort of trouble at some point. Especially when you're a rich and famous person. You have to be way more careful and way smarter with how you conduct yourself.

He has no one to blame but himself for even being able to be put into this lawsuit and this position.

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