Yes, I would know what to do and told you what I'd do.
Nor will you have to read complete nonsense from fans desperately trying to excuse the cancer that killed this team.
The kettle calling the pot black.
All you do is stalk Jerry threads and moan and groan. Get over it, he's not going anywhere. I know it pains you to see him actually take steps to improve the o-line because it just gives one less big thing to complain about.
Now all you can say is "he ruined this team".
Stop pretending that you or any fan could just wake up and run the cowboys. Madden messed up your head, I know you probably been watching the cowboys for years, yes you love the game. Just stop fooling yourself into thinking you could do a better job. If that's the case, go run a team right now. Lets see how you do. Stop running your mouth 24/7 on the internet about a billionaire, who does not know you.
I know you will say "isn't this what this site is for?" Yeah cast your opinion, but all you do is stalk anything jerry related. You can't help yourself, you see a jerry thread, its almost a given risen will make his guest appearance.
You say I defend him, I comment on him once in a blue moon. You stalk him, every thread.