Jerry Jones landed his helicopter on the field in middle of Cowboys practice

But think how cool everyone will think Jerry is now. This is how you build a team!
And you know what everyone would think Jerry was cool if he brought us an elite pass rusher that he just signed in that helicopter.
If he delivered him right to practice like that that would be how you could build the team and show them that you were all in.

Unfortunately that's wishful thinking and Jerry just wanted to show off his toy.

Swell Jerry if you got it flaunt it
Let's be honest. Who wouldn't fly to work in their helicopter if they had one.

On another note, maybe we can convince Jerry that the coolest owners are parachuting in. Then we can fight over who gets to pack his chute.
Let's be honest. Who wouldn't fly to work in their helicopter if they had one.

On another note, maybe we can convince Jerry that the coolest owners are parachuting in. Then we can fight over who gets to pack his chute.
At some point you have to get old enough and mature enough to realize how silly it is to do vain and unnecessary stuff like this. Even as an old man, Jerry can't get over himself. He still has the mind of a 17 year old boy showing off his car.
Let's be honest. Who wouldn't fly to work in their helicopter if they had one.

On another note, maybe we can convince Jerry that the coolest owners are parachuting in. Then we can fight over who gets to pack his chute.
The message is the team and “practicing” isn’t important. Only Jerry is.
There's a lot of jealous people here that like to talk about a lot of things he didn't land it in the middle of the field did you not watch the video it hovered in slowly and under control and landed it where I believe it's been landed before it was not on the practice field at all too big outlines behind the field goal that's not the middle of the field that's not really in the middle of practice I'm sure that everyone knew this was happening they don't just fly helicopters without flight plans and not telling anybody that they're probably gonna land a helicopter around that time literally take it out of reports and like everything else because they're jealous of his yachts and the fact that he can avoid sitting in rush hour on 635 in the area all over north Dallas is horrible absolutely if I have a helicopter I'd do the same thing.. I take my helicopter and land it on the Dollar Tree just avoid the traffic in our area seriously all the disdain is all jealousy he did not land the helicopter in the middle of practice or in the middle of the practice field it literally looks like a spot that they landed before....

But I like how you all don't have any information you know like flight plans and logs and you're not letting on the fact that they probably made calls and said that they were on their way and to be expecting them but everyone wants to make this about Jerry Jones and his ego no I would fly a helicopter if I had one because it's efficient just like using Uber for people with less money or having a limo at your service all the time or you never drive but if you have a helicopter and you have the ability to use it can you use it...
Cant wait for Jerry defenders to say this is no big deal.
I can see why fans would have a problem, but context. How many times has this happened especially during practice? It would not surprise me if he does this all the time but never during practice or the field is always empty. Just me, but I think this was an exception to the rule.....legit reason we are aware.

Besides ........ If you were worth over $15B, would you care what people think? I wouldn't ..........

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