Jerry Jones landed his helicopter on the field in middle of Cowboys practice

It's his field..........I don't see the problem :laugh:

If he wants to be an obnoxious Hey Look At MeMeMeMe because he saw Ari do this on an Entourage episode and wanted to be cool like him even though it's a totally lame ham sandwich thing to do....then just do it!

The guy is a wrinkled old liver spotted urine soaked geezer anyway....he probably thought he was riding in a car and getting dropped off at a Massage parlor.

Don't be so hard on Jerry.
Where's a bazooka when you need one?
Remember Commando?
We used to be able to go to the regular armaments store to nab us one of these...

Now I would like to know the proximity of the regularly used helipad to the facility--just to evaluate the validity of any 'urgency required this landing at the facility' overrode standard FAA safety precautions and concerns.

I understand the Sheik of Arabi had his C-130 Hercules parked on the usual helipad. Seems he was loading up on merch to sell in his homeland.

Not only is Dallas America's Team, but also exercising the possibility of being the Middle East team. Virgin territory for expansion.

They say it's all about the Benjamins. In this case it may be about the Arabian Riyals.
There was a time when Jerry terrified players, and they feared for their jobs if they didnt deliver. Those days are long, long gone. Now it's all for show, for publicity.
I just hope one day THIS moron retires or dies and we get a legit gm

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