Twitter: Jerry Jones on opposing fans at AT&T Stadium


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Yes. We all have priorities. As warped as some of them may be. By your description, sounds like you could really use that ticket money for some needed upgrades in the real world.
well, reality is I could afford to buy a new truck and still go to the games... but, why the hell would I want to get a new truck? My truck runs great. My suburban has a 5.3l v8 with all leather seats and is a great vehicle. Why would I want to buy a new car? For the sake of buying a new car? nah. Thats a waste.
My motorcycle still runs like new and looks amazing. Go buy a new 20k motorcycle? again, dumb.
I pretty much buy anything I want. My priorities are just fine.


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You really need to pick up a local paper or flick on a broadcast . You shouldn’t judge his popularity by a few thousand fans at a game or venue against the millions of residents.

The fact you even deny or reject what’s been widely known and broadcast locally shows your detachment or resentment to the local vibe.

All kinds of celebrities are cheered for at their own gatherings but are still hated by the masses.
you ever think that your warped views on Jerry have your numbers skewed as well? Maybe he is hated by the "Masses," in your mind.


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Obviously you didn’t read my entire post cause I said the reason so many opposing fans are at the game because of the influx of people moving to DFW area and Texas bringing their fandom with them and provides them an opportunity to see their team.

Most of those 20-30,000 opposing fans at our games aren’t flying in. They’re already here.
I think you are sadly mistaken. BY reading your posts over the years, im assuming you arent getting out much. Not spending so much time in the airports lately, Id assume. Trust me, you have the majority of fans from opposing fans flying into the games, not driving from their house in the surrounding Dallas area. How do I know? I see it everytime I fly to a game. MY flight is always filled with half the people on the plane attending the game... thats only my 1 flight. Now imagine the hundreds/thousands of flights flying into that area all weekend and how many fans are on those planes. They are all certainly not just flying with me on my flight.


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Not buying it.

Jerry knows full well that a great number of tickets go out to corporate entities and the "owners' are not headquartered in Cowboys country. Therefore, there is always the possibility for the tickets to go to fans of other teams.

Not only that, but the stadium was specifically designed to attract people from all over the country and world. it is a tourist attraction with no thought whatsoever of contributing to a homefield advantage.
and no other stadiums in the nfl get a ton of opposing fans? bahahahahhahah, cmon, get real.


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But opposing fans have been invading the new place since forever. What has the baseline customer base been able to effect? Nothing. For every grandstanding "you won't get my money anymore" fan there is another ready to take their spot. And because grandstanding is what it is, that fan will be back later anyways because if you can't beat 'em, join 'em (again). Dream all you want but Dallas ain't never gonna be a Seattle or KC atmosphere. Those kinds of fans allow you to put some controls against opposing fans and will cooperate. Dallas fans won't. And they're within their rights not to either. Can't all be superfans.
have you been to Seattle when the Cowboys play? I have , twice and tons of Cowboys fans were at those games.

They wont show it on TV ina few weeks, but there will be a boatload of Cowboys fans in KC. How is that possible, with all those "Super fans?"


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and no other stadiums in the nfl get a ton of opposing fans? bahahahahhahah, cmon, get real.
They do..

I can't dispute your comment to the point that I can claim the Cowboys stadium gets a higher proportion. I simply don't know that as a fact, so good point. I would like to know just out of curiosity.


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I think you are sadly mistaken. BY reading your posts over the years, im assuming you arent getting out much. Not spending so much time in the airports lately, Id assume. Trust me, you have the majority of fans from opposing fans flying into the games, not driving from their house in the surrounding Dallas area. How do I know? I see it everytime I fly to a game. MY flight is always filled with half the people on the plane attending the game... thats only my 1 flight. Now imagine the hundreds/thousands of flights flying into that area all weekend and how many fans are on those planes. They are all certainly not just flying with me on my flight.
That’s certainly not what is being reported here . That most of these opposing fans are people who have moved to Texas for economic reasons since the recession in 2007.


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you ever think that your warped views on Jerry have your numbers skewed as well? Maybe he is hated by the "Masses," in your mind.
Again, that’s what is being reported here. I’m only aligning with those.

I’m not able to link the Dallas paper but it’s an easy google. And in other National publications he makes the top10 in most hated sports figures.

Yes, there a sizable group of Cowboy fans who support and cheer our owner on with his celebrity status but the bulk of residents hate his ways of ownership and representation of our franchise despite still loving and supporting the team.

Here’s a link from 2019stating Jethro is most hated amongst Dallas Cowboy fans. There are many other links out there.
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The info is out there and it’s been reported for years . Texas has had record migration from 500,000- 750,000 a year from other states since recession of 2007 for economic reasons. And they brought their fandom with them.

Here’s an interview in Jethro’s own words describing how fans from Calif have relocated to North Texas bringing their fandom with them.

“Owner Jerry Jones was on the radio on Tuesday, and he had a chance to explain why there were so many 49ers fans. It reads to me like a lot of excuses, but it's amusing nonetheless. Jones talked about how 49ers fans are affluent and can travel. He also talked about how a lot of people from California have relocated to North Texas because of economic opportunity. “
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They do..

I can't dispute your comment to the point that I can claim the Cowboys stadium gets a higher proportion. I simply don't know that as a fact, so good point. I would like to know just out of curiosity.
Unless the Cowboys are in town , most of these other venues are not being infiltrated by opposing fans like we are here in Arlington on a regular basis.


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I don't get it. Are there stadiums that don't allow the opposing fans?
That’s not it at all. The difference here in DFW and Texas is that since 2007 we’ve had record numbers of migration to Texas from other states for economic reasons. And they’ve brought their fandom with them.

I’m sure other NFL cities broker out their tickets but they simply don’t have the number of opposing fans who have moved there from other states.

Couple that with the highest PSL cost in the league for seats and such a high demand from these new Texas residents for a ticket it’s created an opportunity to recoup some of the season ticket holders expense.
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you ever think that your warped views on Jerry have your numbers skewed as well? Maybe he is hated by the "Masses," in your mind.

Truth is most the time you see Jerry arriving or leaving the stadium fans are yelling Jerry and appear excited to see him. Most of the hate comes from hard core fans, which are only a small percentage of the fan base.


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have you been to Seattle when the Cowboys play? I have , twice and tons of Cowboys fans were at those games.

They wont show it on TV ina few weeks, but there will be a boatload of Cowboys fans in KC. How is that possible, with all those "Super fans?"

Yeah, I'll do you one better .... I lived in Seattle for a time and make a trip or two there every single year. So I know of what I speak. And yes, I've been there for several Cowboys games. It's easy for Cowboys fans to show up when they are the most popular team in the league. Many fans already live in these cities. My point in replying to the other poster is you need a rabid fan base to be able to effect the kinds of controls he was speaking of and the Seahawks did this for playoff games at the height of their power (only allow Washington State zip codes to purchase tickets) because they know their fans will follow through. Of course some snatch up tix to sell for profit but when Seattle had epic battles with SF (I even attended one at Candlestick), you never had Niner takeovers like what they did to us back in 2014. This was freakin' opening day to the season in Dallas. I cued up a few shots of the crowd and look at the sea of red there. Seattle is closer and you don't get that up there because their base is super loyal, from casual to intense.

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Truth is most the time you see Jerry arriving or leaving the stadium fans are yelling Jerry and appear excited to see him. Most of the hate comes from hard core fans, which are only a small percentage of the fan base.
I’m not really sure how we’d measure the percentage of hard core or diehard as I’ve described them versus the more casual fans which we have ample of here locally as well. No doubt the casual fan is more tolerant and even somewhat entertained by his antics. He is all the younger fans know.

I can’t speak for the rest of the country but locally it’s overwhelmingly more hate than love regardless your fan status. But remember most of these Diehard or hardcore fans aren’t attending games anymore.

Many of them disgusted , disgruntled and with apathetic attitudes along with a segment who have abandoned their fandom at least in appearance all because of Jethro’s ways.

Their hatred stems from Landry and Jimmy’s handling and overall way Jethro operates football operations.
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Chargers, Minny, and even NE had so many Cowboy fans it was unreal.
Yes, Cowboy fans everywhere. And millions of opposing fans in Texas.

But where else besides when Cowboys come to town or at home do we see opposing fans infiltrating stadiums in these numbers ?


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They do..

I can't dispute your comment to the point that I can claim the Cowboys stadium gets a higher proportion. I simply don't know that as a fact, so good point. I would like to know just out of curiosity.
I live in Ca and Ive been traveling all over the country for Cowboys games for about 8 years now. Ive gone to anywhere from 3-9 games in a season. I would guess, AT&T does get a fairly high percentage a visiting teams fans to their games, more than others... because opposing fans HATE the Cowboys and they watch that stadium on TV all the time. So it draws opposing fans more than other stadiums. So when the schedule comes out, and the Titans are traveling to Dallas... Titan fans circle that game and say yep, thats gonna be our trip this year, e are going to AT&T.
So I would guess you are correct that we get more opposing fans consistently.


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That’s certainly not what is being reported here . That most of these opposing fans are people who have moved to Texas for economic reasons since the recession in 2007.
Im not denying lots of people have moved to Texas, but trust me, a ton of fans travel with their team every weekend.