Adult Language Jerry Jones uncut: Nobody can get this done better than me

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HIs family falls right in line with him, so...
They are in the cult and prop up his delusions. The family is (almost) always in on it too with these narcissists.

Although I don't think Stephen is in the cult. He openly said he's more like his mother...for whatever it's worth.

Jerry's the blind squirrel that found a nut and encourages everyone else to put on blindfolds so they can find nuts.
I wish. He still a vibrant, lucid NARCISSIST. No question. He's not a level 10 narcissist...with zero complete self-awareness...but I'd rate him about an 8. A healthy narcissist with an unhealthy ego.

"no one"?
Exactly. Some observers excuse the narcissism as dementia. He is not senile. Not yet at least. And that distinction is what has made the franchise's GM situation that much worse for three decades.
He’s right honestly. Who else can take a legacy franchise and turn them into a joke like he has? Bravo Jerry :bow:
He has 3 Super Bowl Championships next to his name. More than they were able to win in all the years before him.
They are in the cult and prop up his delusions. The family is (almost) always in on it too with these narcissists.

Although I don't think Stephen is in the cult. He openly said he's more like his mother...for whatever it's worth.

Jerry's the blind squirrel that found a nut and encourages everyone else to put on blindfolds so they can find nuts.
Why shouldn’t they be. Daddy has made them all Billionaire’s. We’d be lined up as well with our pockets full.
This is exactly why I say that Jerry doesn't love the Cowboys, because if he did then he would get the hell out of the way. He flat out knows he is the biggest problem, and yet won't step away because that would mean the fans win. He can't take that kind of blow to his ego.
Narcissism twists the definition of an individual's sense of love.
He has 3 Super Bowl Championships next to his name. More than they were able to win in all the years before him.
Yes ...... thanks to Jimmy Johnson and the team he built.

Jerry and Jimmy have both stated that Jerry spent the first 5 years concentration on getting the Cowboys business profitable again ....... after he achieved that, he wanted to be involved in the football part and that is when the problems started.
That's because they only love themselves.
Narcissism has its degrees according to any particular individual. Jones has demonstrated he is capable of loving others. His particular narcissism heightens his sense of self-centeredness to an extreme though. That has been and will remain his number one issue.
Yes ...... thanks to Jimmy Johnson and the team he built.

Jerry and Jimmy have both stated that Jerry spent the first 5 years concentration on getting the Cowboys business profitable again ....... after he achieved that, he wanted to be involved in the football part and that is when the problems started.
ONLY smart thing Jerry ever did was hire Jimmy to run the football stuff. Pretty sure Jerry would have exactly ZERO Super Bowls had he not had Jimmy to build that team. The 3rd Super Bowl they won allowed Jerry to believe he could do it without someone like Jimmy.
Yes ...... thanks to Jimmy Johnson and the team he built.

Jerry and Jimmy have both stated that Jerry spent the first 5 years concentration on getting the Cowboys business profitable again ....... after he achieved that, he wanted to be involved in the football part and that is when the problems started.
Someone had to hire and pay Jimmy. It's not like he just volunteered for the job and then worked for free.
Exactly. Some observers excuse the narcissism as dementia. He is not senile. Not yet at least. And that distinction is what has made the franchise's GM situation that much worse for three decades.
As if everyone with dementia has delusions of grandeur. They have delusions...but not like this. This is solipsism run unabated.
Narcissism has its degrees according to any particular individual. Jones has demonstrated he is capable of loving others. His particular narcissism heightens his sense of self-centeredness to an extreme though. That has been and will remain his number one issue.
Narcissists can be situationally charming, engaging, etc...but it's always in a self-serving effort in the end. When it comes time to throw the ring of power into Mount Doom...they won't. They will think, "I can wear the one won't corrupt me...I'm incorruptible."...or ..."it's my burden. Mine alone."

JRR Tolkien was genius.
He has 3 Super Bowl Championships next to his name. More than they were able to win in all the years before him.
That was Jimmy. Jerry just singed checks in those days because Jimmy was the GM as per his contract.

And also, how many decades of failure does past glory allow for? Give me a number, or are the JonesBoys forever excused from producing a champion as general managers?

Where do YOU draw the line?
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