Adult Language Jerry Jones uncut: Nobody can get this done better than me

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Ok ....... Jerry paid Jimmy ....... now tell me how that makes Jerry a good GM when he fired Jimmy 30 years ago to appease his own ego?
Jimmy has said multiple times he was leaving anyway. So Jerry basically did him a favor.
Someone had to hire and pay Jimmy. It's not like he just volunteered for the job and then worked for free.
Yes, he gets credit for Jimmy and the success they had. And he gets the blame for everything since.

But no one gets a pass for life including Landry, Belichick and all of the greatest.
That was Jimmy. Jerry just singed checks in those days because Jimmy was the GM as per his contract.

And also, how many decades of failure does past glory allow for? Give me a number, or are the JonesBoys forever excused from producing a champion as general managers?

Where do YOU draw the line?
Based off the fact there are multiple franchises that have never been to, let alone win, a single super bowl as opposed to three I think that buys a fair bit of slack.
Can you imagine if against all the odds he lives for another 10-15 years and refuses to relinquish control?
Based off the fact there are multiple franchises that have never been to, let alone win, a single super bowl as opposed to three I think that buys a fair bit of slack.
Answer the question. Give me a number. Where do YOU draw the line? How many more decades?

Also, whataboutism is no excuse for your own failure. Do you excuse being a liar because other people lie more? No.
He has 3 Super Bowl Championships next to his name. More than they were able to win in all the years before him.
Well that’s nice for the people who were fortunate enough to experience that but there are borderline two generations of fans who don’t know anything except failure so that does nothing for me
Members may not have viewed my video on Jerry Jones as GM a month ago. Admittedly, nine minutes is a good chunk of anyone's time, lol.

Let's try this instead since Jones exposes his thoughts on money in the thread article. I cropped how Jones sees money to only 100 seconds in the clip below. It is important because really LISTENING to a person can make an observer aware of how that individual thinks. Please note. This interview Q&A took place OVER A DECADE AGO and still holds true to this day:

Members may not have viewed my video on Jerry Jones as GM a month ago. Admittedly, nine minutes is a good chunk of anyone's time, lol.

Let's try this instead since Jones exposes his thoughts on money in the thread article. I cropped how Jones sees money to only 100 seconds in the clip below. It is important because really LISTENING to a person can make an observer aware of how that individual thinks. Please note. This interview Q&A took place OVER A DECADE AGO and still holds true to this day:

How anyone can still defend this guy is beyond me.
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