I don't blame you for dissembling. Shall we do a google search for 'hope and change?' Surprise surprise it was a bunch of political cartoons hammering Obama.
I invite anyone who questions whether 2Deep is being honest to do the same google search and see for themselves.
Once again you assume. It initially came from Obama himself in his 2008 stump speeches. I co-opted it and gave it another meaning in describing those who toss out name calling against those who question aspects of this team. My little inside joke with me. Not anything you assume it is.
You live in a glass house.
You inject yourself in others debates, slandering those who don't seem to agree with you. You use this emotional dishonesty, and dishonesty in general as a label of others when you don't truly understand or know for a fact their position. Then have the gumption to suggest you weren't speaking to me when I illustrated a point you made to Booze.
You hold yourself up as some intellectual super hero that has to defend the lowly slow thinkers on this board who seem to vocalize their discontent with anyone who actually has the temerity to question a decision by this team.
I've seen you do this for more than a decade.
The only value I find in your posts is when you use the all-22 and dissect what you see in games and offer a journeyman opinion on what has transpired. I do appreciate those, although your football speak, which has infected this site with buzz terms like 5 technique and such is a bit presumptuous.
As far me, I am not a coach, and therefore don't need the trappings to appear like one.
But I do read them every time you post them. And enjoy them.